All the GOP policies are incredibly unpopular. How can they get elected?

The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
The obvious answer to the question posed in your OP is that the Regressive Left has put so much effort into making the Democrats so repulsive and annoying to so many Americans with your constant PC, Identity Politics, anti-freedom of expression antics and personal insults of anyone who dares to disagree with you.

Your habitual use of the word "dupe", for example.

Turns out many people won't vote for people they just dislike on a personal level. Who knew.

And amazingly, after all this pushback, you folks still refuse to see it. Must be because you're just smarter than everyone else, too.

You may be overestimating the value and meaning of the last election. Even if you disagree with the popular vote significance, the fact is that the country is still pretty much divided 50/50 when it comes to national elections. There are reasons that the power shifts from party to party every few cycles and swings back and forth like a pendulum.

You are correct, but also wrong-) You see----->the population centers (which is where your 50% resides) is a much WEAKER 50%, then all of the fly over country that will exert control on congress.

Just as an aside, the REAL election in the heartland is in the primary, not the general. Once we get conservatives in place, congress is going to nail you proggy's down, and that will be the end of it, Democratic President or not! And why shouldn't that be true? When the government is controlled throughout the states and feds by close to 3/4s to 1/4, then the 3/4s should be in command.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc

The Republican Party spent decades cultivating the willful ignorance in conservatives. The GOP convinced conservatives education and the knowledge gained made people elitists.

So, the conservatives took their ignorance, wrapped themselves in the flag, and with their Bibles made it their duty to create a nation of poor people ruled by billionaires and corporations. And, here we are.


View attachment 149987 View attachment 149988

Yeah... that's right, slick... keep callin' 'em stupid...

While you're doing that...

Remember who now controls the White House...

And the US Senate...

And the US House of Representatives...

And the Supreme Court of the United States...

And all the Federal Departments...

And a majority of Governorships...

And a majority of State Legislatures...

All because you called them 'deplorable'...

On reflection, perhaps they are not the "stupid" ones, after all, eh?

Silly little LibTard snowflakes...

And what has it gained Conservatives? Winning an election is one thing. Winning on a policy issue is another.
Ask me again in 3 and 1/2 years...
Had nothing to do with policy, just ridiculous GOP promises and bulshit gossip and character assassination...

Lib please you people offered FREE GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS and STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS and you got your ass whooped in an epic blow out loss.
Actually Democrats Democrats wanted to tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share so we could rebuild infrastructure, fix Obamacare cut taxes on the middle class and end illegal immigration with a comprehensive bill with a good Social Security ID card etc etc etc, super dupe.

Actually Democrats Democrats wanted to tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share so we could rebuild infrastructure

Since Reagan left office, taxes on the rich have increased by over 40%.

How much more do you need to raise them?
Why didn't you already fix the infrastructure with the new, much higher rates?
Reagan's tax rate was 50%the whole time he had success he lowered it to 28% as he was leaving. You have no idea what you're talking about.

The people know Democrats are big fat liars. Do you think the 'rich' and corporations just bend over when you increase taxes on them? No they pass the taxes down to the poor and middle class. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Bologna, dupe of the lying thieving GOP mega-rich. See signature paragraph 1.
Let me get this straight, all GOP policies are unpopular yet they won the House, Senate, and White House?? Talk about drinking the liberal koolaid OP get help NOW!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Had nothing to do with policy, just ridiculous GOP promises and bulshit gossip and character assassination...

Lib please you people offered FREE GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS and STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS and you got your ass whooped in an epic blow out loss.
Actually Democrats Democrats wanted to tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share so we could rebuild infrastructure, fix Obamacare cut taxes on the middle class and end illegal immigration with a comprehensive bill with a good Social Security ID card etc etc etc, super dupe.

Right because TAX INCREASES are so popular :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Democrats always say tax increases on the rich tax cuts on the non rich. Try and keep it straight, brainwashed dupe of the greedy idiot lying thieving mega-rich GOP.
Same way they always have. Push as much hate, fear, and blame as possible and hope it sticks.
are you talking about the Republicans or the Democrats?...........
It's not even close. GOP voters believe Hillary was the most corrupt politician in history, even though no charges were ever brought against her nothing. Bill was a pedophile it just never ends pure hate and without any evidence.
franco....your buddies use hate,fear and blame just like the other guys do....they just do it their way....

Same way they always have. Push as much hate, fear, and blame as possible and hope it sticks.
are you talking about the Republicans or the Democrats?...........
It's not even close. GOP voters believe Hillary was the most corrupt politician in history, even though no charges were ever brought against her nothing. Bill was a pedophile it just never ends pure hate and without any evidence.
franco....your buddies use hate,fear and blame just like the other guys do....they just do it their way....
Yep,just without the total bs hate and fear mongering propaganda machine and without the hate and fear LOL
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Perhaps you should consider leaving your bubble

The air is really nice outside baw
Lib please you people offered FREE GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS and STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS and you got your ass whooped in an epic blow out loss.
Actually Democrats Democrats wanted to tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share so we could rebuild infrastructure, fix Obamacare cut taxes on the middle class and end illegal immigration with a comprehensive bill with a good Social Security ID card etc etc etc, super dupe.

Actually Democrats Democrats wanted to tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share so we could rebuild infrastructure

Since Reagan left office, taxes on the rich have increased by over 40%.

How much more do you need to raise them?
Why didn't you already fix the infrastructure with the new, much higher rates?
Reagan's tax rate was 50%the whole time he had success he lowered it to 28% as he was leaving. You have no idea what you're talking about.

The people know Democrats are big fat liars. Do you think the 'rich' and corporations just bend over when you increase taxes on them? No they pass the taxes down to the poor and middle class. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Bologna, dupe of the lying thieving GOP mega-rich. See signature paragraph 1.

Do you think the 'rich' just have to sit there and take being punished by you tax and spend Dem's? Nope they pass the tax increases down to the poor and middle class. OH SNAP!
Let me get this straight, all GOP policies are unpopular yet they won the House, Senate, and White House?? Talk about drinking the liberal koolaid OP get help NOW!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Had nothing to do with policy, just ridiculous GOP promises and bulshit gossip and character assassination...

Lib please you people offered FREE GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS and STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS and you got your ass whooped in an epic blow out loss.
Actually Democrats Democrats wanted to tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share so we could rebuild infrastructure, fix Obamacare cut taxes on the middle class and end illegal immigration with a comprehensive bill with a good Social Security ID card etc etc etc, super dupe.

Right because TAX INCREASES are so popular :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Democrats always say tax increases on the rich tax cuts on the non rich. Try and keep it straight, brainwashed dupe of the greedy idiot lying thieving mega-rich GOP.

Yes but we know Democrats are lying, that ultimately its the poor and middle class who end up paying the tax increases. The tax and spend Democrats tried to pass a tax increase on the 'rich' in Washington state, it went down in flames with over 60% of the people voting no. This after Dem's even promised to take the money from the rich and give it to the poor and middle class. The people don't believe tax and spend Dem's, not one word out of their filthy lying mouths.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Perhaps you should consider leaving your bubble

The air is really nice outside baw
My area is the entire world outside of fox and Rush Limbaugh Etc in the United States only only. The rest of the world doesn't understand how you people can get so stupid but it must be said I don't think you're stupid just totally misinformed.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Perhaps you should consider leaving your bubble

The air is really nice outside baw
My area is the entire world outside of fox and Rush Limbaugh Etc in the United States only only. The rest of the world doesn't understand how you people can get so stupid but it must be said I don't think you're stupid just totally misinformed.

You lost the House, then the Senate, then the White House. Trust me your liberal bubble is small and shrinking with each passing day.
Had nothing to do with policy, just ridiculous GOP promises and bulshit gossip and character assassination...

Lib please you people offered FREE GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS and STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS and you got your ass whooped in an epic blow out loss.
Actually Democrats Democrats wanted to tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share so we could rebuild infrastructure, fix Obamacare cut taxes on the middle class and end illegal immigration with a comprehensive bill with a good Social Security ID card etc etc etc, super dupe.

Right because TAX INCREASES are so popular :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Democrats always say tax increases on the rich tax cuts on the non rich. Try and keep it straight, brainwashed dupe of the greedy idiot lying thieving mega-rich GOP.

Yes but we know Democrats are lying, that ultimately its the poor and middle class who end up paying the tax increases. The tax and spend Democrats tried to pass a tax increase on the 'rich' in Washington state, it went down in flames with over 60% of the people voting no. This after Dem's even promised to take the money from the rich and give it to the poor and middle class. The people don't believe tax and spend Dem's, not one word out of their filthy lying mouths.
The misinformed and brainwashed GOP voters you mean... The ones who believe the rich pay too much in taxes and that Democratic leaders are corrupt without any evidence. Amazing...
Same way they always have. Push as much hate, fear, and blame as possible and hope it sticks.
Quit trying to blame Republicans for Dim political tactics.

Your average brainless liberal can't fathom being rejected by voters. They are convinced most people agree with them no matter how many times they get their ass whooped at the polls, that's why they freak out when they lose.
Lib please you people offered FREE GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS and STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS and you got your ass whooped in an epic blow out loss.
Actually Democrats Democrats wanted to tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share so we could rebuild infrastructure, fix Obamacare cut taxes on the middle class and end illegal immigration with a comprehensive bill with a good Social Security ID card etc etc etc, super dupe.

Right because TAX INCREASES are so popular :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Democrats always say tax increases on the rich tax cuts on the non rich. Try and keep it straight, brainwashed dupe of the greedy idiot lying thieving mega-rich GOP.

Yes but we know Democrats are lying, that ultimately its the poor and middle class who end up paying the tax increases. The tax and spend Democrats tried to pass a tax increase on the 'rich' in Washington state, it went down in flames with over 60% of the people voting no. This after Dem's even promised to take the money from the rich and give it to the poor and middle class. The people don't believe tax and spend Dem's, not one word out of their filthy lying mouths.
The misinformed and brainwashed GOP voters you mean... The ones who believe the rich pay too much in taxes and that Democratic leaders are corrupt without any evidence. Amazing...

Washington is a blue state, yet they voted NO to a Dem tax increase on the rich. Go ahead explain it :laugh:
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Perhaps you should consider leaving your bubble

The air is really nice outside baw
My area is the entire world outside of fox and Rush Limbaugh Etc in the United States only only. The rest of the world doesn't understand how you people can get so stupid but it must be said I don't think you're stupid just totally misinformed.

You lost the House, then the Senate, then the White House. Trust me your liberal bubble is small and shrinking with each passing day.
And you're ridiculous party still can't get anything done. All they care about is low taxes on the rich and deregulation so the rich can rob Us blind again... See signature.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Perhaps you should consider leaving your bubble

The air is really nice outside baw
My area is the entire world outside of fox and Rush Limbaugh Etc in the United States only only. The rest of the world doesn't understand how you people can get so stupid but it must be said I don't think you're stupid just totally misinformed.

You lost the House, then the Senate, then the White House. Trust me your liberal bubble is small and shrinking with each passing day.
And you're ridiculous party still can't get anything done. All they care about is low taxes on the rich and deregulation so the rich can rob Us blind again... See signature.

We booted your asses out of the House, Senate, and White House and stole Obama's SCOTUS nomination :muahaha:
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Perhaps you should consider leaving your bubble

The air is really nice outside baw
My area is the entire world outside of fox and Rush Limbaugh Etc in the United States only only. The rest of the world doesn't understand how you people can get so stupid but it must be said I don't think you're stupid just totally misinformed.

You lost the House, then the Senate, then the White House. Trust me your liberal bubble is small and shrinking with each passing day.
And you're ridiculous party still can't get anything done. All they care about is low taxes on the rich and deregulation so the rich can rob Us blind again... See signature.

We booted your asses out of the House, Senate, and White House and stole Obama's SCOTUS nomination :muahaha:
So are you going to make abortion illegal again? Duped again!
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Perhaps you should consider leaving your bubble

The air is really nice outside baw
My area is the entire world outside of fox and Rush Limbaugh Etc in the United States only only. The rest of the world doesn't understand how you people can get so stupid but it must be said I don't think you're stupid just totally misinformed.

You lost the House, then the Senate, then the White House. Trust me your liberal bubble is small and shrinking with each passing day.
And you're ridiculous party still can't get anything done. All they care about is low taxes on the rich and deregulation so the rich can rob Us blind again... See signature.
I'll take a Gorsuch with that please!

Oh, and at least 8 years without caving to identity and victimhood status

Let me get this straight, all GOP policies are unpopular yet they won the House, Senate, and White House?? Talk about drinking the liberal koolaid OP get help NOW!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Had nothing to do with policy, just ridiculous GOP promises and bulshit gossip and character assassination...

Lib please you people offered FREE GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS and STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS and you got your ass whooped in an epic blow out loss.
Actually Democrats Democrats wanted to tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share so we could rebuild infrastructure, fix Obamacare cut taxes on the middle class and end illegal immigration with a comprehensive bill with a good Social Security ID card etc etc etc, super dupe.

Actually Democrats Democrats wanted to tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share so we could rebuild infrastructure

Since Reagan left office, taxes on the rich have increased by over 40%.

How much more do you need to raise them?
Why didn't you already fix the infrastructure with the new, much higher rates?
Reagan's tax rate was 50%the whole time he had success he lowered it to 28% as he was leaving. You have no idea what you're talking about.

he lowered it to 28% as he was leaving.

Yup. And since then rates on the rich have increased by over 40%.
How much more do you need to raise them?
Why didn't you already fix the infrastructure with the new, much higher rates?
Same way they always have. Push as much hate, fear, and blame as possible and hope it sticks.
are you talking about the Republicans or the Democrats?...........
It's not even close. GOP voters believe Hillary was the most corrupt politician in history, even though no charges were ever brought against her nothing. Bill was a pedophile it just never ends pure hate and without any evidence.

GOP voters believe Hillary was the most corrupt politician in history

Nah, but top 3, easily.

even though no charges were ever brought against her nothing.

Yeah, Comey really dropped the ball.

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