All Over America, Government Officials Are Cracking Down On Preppers


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
The squeeze continues. The government overreach is rapidly progressing. Pretty soon you won't be able to exhale without breaking a law.



Why would the government want to punish people that are just trying to work hard, become more self-sufficient and take care of their families? There are approximately 3 million preppers in the United States today, and often they appear to be singled out for punishment by bureaucratic control freaks that are horrified at the thought that there are families out there that actually want to try to become less dependent on the system. So if you use alternative methods to heat your home, or if you are not connected to the utility grid, or if you collect rainwater on your property, or if you believe that parents should have the ultimate say when it comes to health decisions for their children, you could become a target for overzealous government enforcers.

Once upon a time, America was the land of the free and the home of the brave, but now we are being transformed into a socialist police state where control freak bureaucrats use millions of laws, rules and regulations to crack down on anyone that dares to think for themselves.

All Over America Government Officials Are Cracking Down On Preppers Zero Hedge
We (the American people) got exactly what we wanted. We elected officials who promised us a nanny state. A state that would make all of our decisions for us. Watch out for us.

If you don't tow the line then you are an enemy.
The squeeze continues. The government overreach is rapidly progressing. Pretty soon you won't be able to exhale without breaking a law.



Why would the government want to punish people that are just trying to work hard, become more self-sufficient and take care of their families? There are approximately 3 million preppers in the United States today, and often they appear to be singled out for punishment by bureaucratic control freaks that are horrified at the thought that there are families out there that actually want to try to become less dependent on the system. So if you use alternative methods to heat your home, or if you are not connected to the utility grid, or if you collect rainwater on your property, or if you believe that parents should have the ultimate say when it comes to health decisions for their children, you could become a target for overzealous government enforcers.

Once upon a time, America was the land of the free and the home of the brave, but now we are being transformed into a socialist police state where control freak bureaucrats use millions of laws, rules and regulations to crack down on anyone that dares to think for themselves.

All Over America Government Officials Are Cracking Down On Preppers Zero Hedge
In reality, we are responsible for what actions the government takes. We have no one to blame except ourselves. The government is only doing what we allow them to do. What do America citizens really expect to happen when we have allowed the government to become an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself? We have surrendered all power and control to the government. Because of being gullible, our passiveness, and our misguided trust, we have created absolute power within government. We have been defeated due to our division. Governments love a divided citizenry. The worst enemy of any government is a united citizenry.

Instead of being Americans for America, we have labeled ourselves Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives, Right Wings, Left Wings, Independents, and anything else except what all of us really are. We are Americans first, and that's the only label we need to wear.

Politicians don't just waltz into Washington and take a seat, we elect them. We swallow hook, line, and sinker, every word spewed from their dishonest corrupt mouths. We never stop to think that their names appear on ballots because the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential put their names there. Professional politicians owe many favors by the time they reach Washington. They are bought and paid for. Professional politicians are all about egos, self-service, power, influence, greed, and climbing the political ladder at all cost. Honesty and politics mix like water and oil.

Voters continue to elect and to re-elect professional politicians to serve in government, then spend the next 2 to 4 years complaining. Voters never stop to realize that they themselves have aided and abetted the anti-America crooks to destroy this once great nation. Each election cycle, voters do the same thing, yet expect a different result. Go figure. We have surrendered this nation to the wolves, and have become sheep exposed and vulnerable.

Until the American voters wake up and smell the coffee, expect more of the same out of Washington politics. Until the voters understand that we have a Lobbyist controlled U.S. Congress, and an oval office bought and paid for, we have nothing positive to look forward to except hope that the consequences of our actions wont be too severe or too socioeconomically painful.
We (the American people) got exactly what we wanted. We elected officials who promised us a nanny state. A state that would make all of our decisions for us. Watch out for us.

If you don't tow the line then you are an enemy.
Still pissed off about having to use those child safety seats or what? Just what is it that makes you people so whiny and paranoid? Perhaps you folks would be happier in a place like Somalia or Rwanda.
We (the American people) got exactly what we wanted. We elected officials who promised us a nanny state. A state that would make all of our decisions for us. Watch out for us.

If you don't tow the line then you are an enemy.
Still pissed off about having to use those child safety seats or what? Just what is it that makes you people so whiny and paranoid? Perhaps you folks would be happier in a place like Somalia or Rwanda.
We'd be happy with a representative government, serving the citizenry with honor and honesty. We'd be happy if our government meted out fair, equal, and just representation for ALL. We'd be happy to get what we pay for, and what is promised to us the few months before election day.
Then they are terrible "preppers". A huge prepper rule is...dont let anyone know you're a prepper. Bc when shit hits the fan...guess whose house the whole community is coming to?

Some people brag about it and think its some cool movement to be a part of.

Nope. Be silent. The best preppers...keep it all silent and hidden.
We (the American people) got exactly what we wanted. We elected officials who promised us a nanny state. A state that would make all of our decisions for us. Watch out for us.

If you don't tow the line then you are an enemy.
Still pissed off about having to use those child safety seats or what? Just what is it that makes you people so whiny and paranoid? Perhaps you folks would be happier in a place like Somalia or Rwanda.
We'd be happy with a representative government, serving the citizenry with honor and honesty. We'd be happy if our government meted out fair, equal, and just representation for ALL. We'd be happy to get what we pay for, and what is promised to us the few months before election day.
An example of this model government you speak of exists where? Which country do you think you could live in and be happy?
We (the American people) got exactly what we wanted. We elected officials who promised us a nanny state. A state that would make all of our decisions for us. Watch out for us.

If you don't tow the line then you are an enemy.
Still pissed off about having to use those child safety seats or what? Just what is it that makes you people so whiny and paranoid? Perhaps you folks would be happier in a place like Somalia or Rwanda.
We'd be happy with a representative government, serving the citizenry with honor and honesty. We'd be happy if our government meted out fair, equal, and just representation for ALL. We'd be happy to get what we pay for, and what is promised to us the few months before election day.
An example of this model government you speak of exists where? Which country do you think you could live in and be happy?
I don't believe there's one anywhere. At least not that I've ever heard of. I'm happy right here in the U.S.A. where I was born and raised. I've never lived anywhere else, and have no desire to leave this country. I have roots here. I have family here. At my age, 67, I doubt that it would benefit me to relocate out of this country. Why do you ask? Just curious.

"I use to be alone...

I'm a Prepper
He's a Prepper
She's a Prepper
We're a Prepper
Wouldn't you like to be a Prepper too?"

We (the American people) got exactly what we wanted. We elected officials who promised us a nanny state. A state that would make all of our decisions for us. Watch out for us.

If you don't tow the line then you are an enemy.
Still pissed off about having to use those child safety seats or what? Just what is it that makes you people so whiny and paranoid? Perhaps you folks would be happier in a place like Somalia or Rwanda.
We'd be happy with a representative government, serving the citizenry with honor and honesty. We'd be happy if our government meted out fair, equal, and just representation for ALL. We'd be happy to get what we pay for, and what is promised to us the few months before election day.
An example of this model government you speak of exists where? Which country do you think you could live in and be happy?
I don't believe there's one anywhere. At least not that I've ever heard of. I'm happy right here in the U.S.A. where I was born and raised. I've never lived anywhere else, and have no desire to leave this country. I have roots here. I have family here. At my age, 67, I doubt that it would benefit me to relocate out of this country. Why do you ask? Just curious.
An example of this model government you speak of exists where? Which country do you think you could live in and be happy?
This one, once we deport the libs.
Move to a trailer park where you can be with your own kind. No libs there to make you feel stupid.
Then they are terrible "preppers". A huge prepper rule is...dont let anyone know you're a prepper. Bc when shit hits the fan...guess whose house the whole community is coming to?

Some people brag about it and think its some cool movement to be a part of.

Nope. Be silent. The best preppers...keep it all silent and hidden.

Don't fool yourself. Everybody knows who the preppers are. They are the ones always in cammo and a floppy hat who are on a constant rant about every conspiracy theory you ever heard. The first mention of the Trilateral Commission might as well be a tattoo on your forehead that says. "ANOTHER CRAZY PREPPER"
An example of this model government you speak of exists where? Which country do you think you could live in and be happy?
This one, once we deport the libs.
And that my friend, is exactly why we spend so much time talking about the government and the ill effects they present. Why do American citizens insist on division? Why can't everyone see that division, especially when we refer to others as Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Right Wings, Left Wings, Independents, and other words associated with a divided citizenry, hurts and destroys this once great nation? As long as we're divided, especially along political party lines, they ( the government ) win, we lose. The worst, most feared enemy of any government is a united citizenry. Why can't we all be Americans for America? Is there some kind of shame being an American for America?

Each time we speak or act as a divided citizenry, we're playing right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Our division is exactly why and how the government got to be an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Where do you think their power comes from? As long as we remain divided, this nation will never be what it was intended to be by its founders. We'll be forever criticizing, brow-beating, second guessing, and disappointed in the government.
An example of this model government you speak of exists where? Which country do you think you could live in and be happy?
This one, once we deport the libs.
And that my friend, is exactly why we spend so much time talking about the government and the ill effects they present. Why do American citizens insist on division? Why can't everyone see that division, especially when we refer to others as Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Right Wings, Left Wings, Independents, and other words associated with a divided citizenry, hurts and destroys this once great nation? As long as we're divided, especially along political party lines, they ( the government ) win, we lose. The worst, most feared enemy of any government is a united citizenry. Why can't we all be Americans for America? Is there some kind of shame being an American for America?

Each time we speak or act as a divided citizenry, we're playing right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Our division is exactly why and how the government got to be an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Where do you think their power comes from? As long as we remain divided, this nation will never be what it was intended to be by its founders. We'll be forever criticizing, brow-beating, second guessing, and disappointed in the government.
This country has always been divided. It would do you some good to read some history books. What is more recent, however, is the rise of the socialist left, changing the country from what it was into their European style socialist democracy. Apparently we can't all be just Americans because the progressives have changed E Pluribus Unum into 'Out of One, Many'.
Don't blame others for your inability to see what's going on in front of your eyes.
An example of this model government you speak of exists where? Which country do you think you could live in and be happy?
This one, once we deport the libs.
And that my friend, is exactly why we spend so much time talking about the government and the ill effects they present. Why do American citizens insist on division? Why can't everyone see that division, especially when we refer to others as Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Right Wings, Left Wings, Independents, and other words associated with a divided citizenry, hurts and destroys this once great nation? As long as we're divided, especially along political party lines, they ( the government ) win, we lose. The worst, most feared enemy of any government is a united citizenry. Why can't we all be Americans for America? Is there some kind of shame being an American for America?

Each time we speak or act as a divided citizenry, we're playing right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Our division is exactly why and how the government got to be an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Where do you think their power comes from? As long as we remain divided, this nation will never be what it was intended to be by its founders. We'll be forever criticizing, brow-beating, second guessing, and disappointed in the government.
This country has always been divided. It would do you some good to read some history books. What is more recent, however, is the rise of the socialist left, changing the country from what it was into their European style socialist democracy. Apparently we can't all be just Americans because the progressives have changed E Pluribus Unum into 'Out of One, Many'.
Don't blame others for your inability to see what's going on in front of your eyes.
And I'm the one confused and out of touch with reality ???? Pleeease. FYI ---- I know enough history to know that what we're seeing and experiencing as a nation wasn't the original intent. I'm not a history scholar, but even an uneducated idiot can walk down any street in America, or read the daily headlines and see what's going on.
An example of this model government you speak of exists where? Which country do you think you could live in and be happy?
This one, once we deport the libs.
And that my friend, is exactly why we spend so much time talking about the government and the ill effects they present. Why do American citizens insist on division? Why can't everyone see that division, especially when we refer to others as Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Right Wings, Left Wings, Independents, and other words associated with a divided citizenry, hurts and destroys this once great nation? As long as we're divided, especially along political party lines, they ( the government ) win, we lose. The worst, most feared enemy of any government is a united citizenry. Why can't we all be Americans for America? Is there some kind of shame being an American for America?

Each time we speak or act as a divided citizenry, we're playing right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Our division is exactly why and how the government got to be an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Where do you think their power comes from? As long as we remain divided, this nation will never be what it was intended to be by its founders. We'll be forever criticizing, brow-beating, second guessing, and disappointed in the government.
This country has always been divided. It would do you some good to read some history books. What is more recent, however, is the rise of the socialist left, changing the country from what it was into their European style socialist democracy. Apparently we can't all be just Americans because the progressives have changed E Pluribus Unum into 'Out of One, Many'.
Don't blame others for your inability to see what's going on in front of your eyes.
And I'm the one confused and out of touch with reality ???? Pleeease. FYI ---- I know enough history to know that what we're seeing and experiencing as a nation wasn't the original intent. I'm not a history scholar, but even an uneducated idiot can walk down any street in America, or read the daily headlines and see what's going on.

WHAT was the original intent?
An example of this model government you speak of exists where? Which country do you think you could live in and be happy?
This one, once we deport the libs.
And that my friend, is exactly why we spend so much time talking about the government and the ill effects they present. Why do American citizens insist on division? Why can't everyone see that division, especially when we refer to others as Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Right Wings, Left Wings, Independents, and other words associated with a divided citizenry, hurts and destroys this once great nation? As long as we're divided, especially along political party lines, they ( the government ) win, we lose. The worst, most feared enemy of any government is a united citizenry. Why can't we all be Americans for America? Is there some kind of shame being an American for America?

Each time we speak or act as a divided citizenry, we're playing right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Our division is exactly why and how the government got to be an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Where do you think their power comes from? As long as we remain divided, this nation will never be what it was intended to be by its founders. We'll be forever criticizing, brow-beating, second guessing, and disappointed in the government.
This country has always been divided. It would do you some good to read some history books. What is more recent, however, is the rise of the socialist left, changing the country from what it was into their European style socialist democracy. Apparently we can't all be just Americans because the progressives have changed E Pluribus Unum into 'Out of One, Many'.
Don't blame others for your inability to see what's going on in front of your eyes.
And I'm the one confused and out of touch with reality ???? Pleeease. FYI ---- I know enough history to know that what we're seeing and experiencing as a nation wasn't the original intent. I'm not a history scholar, but even an uneducated idiot can walk down any street in America, or read the daily headlines and see what's going on.

WHAT was the original intent?
Good question, thanks. The original intent was to have a government by the people, and for the people. It was intended that we have taxation with representation. It was intended that we have an equal, fair, and just judicial system where justice is meted out the same for everyone. It was intended that every voice be heard, represented, and that the government represented those voices equally. It was the intent that the government worked for the people, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of all ( the preamble to the Constitution ). It was the intent that we maintain a sufficient military in order to protect this nation and her citizens. It was the intent that the government respected and upheld our rights outlined in the Constitution ( the bill of rights ). It was the intent of the founders that the power rested with the people, and not with the government. It was the intent of the founders for the citizenry to act as a militia against a treasonous government ( the right to keep and bear arms ). etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
It seems to me they don't even have to answer to themselves anymore. It is a free for all just for them.
An example of this model government you speak of exists where? Which country do you think you could live in and be happy?
This one, once we deport the libs.
And that my friend, is exactly why we spend so much time talking about the government and the ill effects they present. Why do American citizens insist on division? Why can't everyone see that division, especially when we refer to others as Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Right Wings, Left Wings, Independents, and other words associated with a divided citizenry, hurts and destroys this once great nation? As long as we're divided, especially along political party lines, they ( the government ) win, we lose. The worst, most feared enemy of any government is a united citizenry. Why can't we all be Americans for America? Is there some kind of shame being an American for America?

Each time we speak or act as a divided citizenry, we're playing right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Our division is exactly why and how the government got to be an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Where do you think their power comes from? As long as we remain divided, this nation will never be what it was intended to be by its founders. We'll be forever criticizing, brow-beating, second guessing, and disappointed in the government.

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