All but the most incorrigible of Trump Goons are finally turning on him.


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
After inciting his goons to attack the Capitol building, Loser condemned them for doing so, calling it a "heinous attack" as they are now being tracked down and arrested.

Cultists who are not still in denial are acting as if the four year dose of Rohypnol with which he spiked their drinks is suddenly wearing off.

"My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power," Loser proclaimed.

“People were willing to die for this man and he just threw them all under the bus. That’s the only thing that’s shameful about the events of the past 36 hours,” Nick Fuentes, the host of the America First podcast and the unofficial leader of the white nationalist Groyper Army, angrily tweeted, shortly after Trump released a video Thursday night in which he conceded that Biden would be the next president and called for political reconciliation.​
Cassandra Fairbanks, a prominent MAGA activist, tweeted: “[He] tells angry people to march to the capitol [and then] proceeds to throw his supporters under the bus.”
Desperation and denial persists:
QAnon conspiracy theorists, praying for years that Trump would flush Satan-worshipping pedophile elites out of Washington, tore apart any scrap of data from the video to prove that he was playing one final trick. They subjected the time stamps to numerology, thinking that there was a secret message encoded.​
“In no way did Trump say he conceded. He said: transitioning to a new Admin. As in, he gonna clear this one out and bring a new one,” tweeted We The Inevitable, a conspiracy account, getting more than 3,000 retweets within the hour. The account’s followers agreed that this was surely a sign that he was getting rid of Vice President Mike Pence — now cast as a MAGA traitor after participating in the certification of Biden’s win — and that on Jan. 20, retired Gen. Michael Flynn, now a full-fledged QAnon patriot, would replace him in Trump’s second term.​
And there was anger. It was directed at Trump for letting things get this far. Over on Parler, the social media platform beloved by the MAGA community for its lax moderation policies, users erupted in a fury, calling him a number of expletives, a “dildo,” and “100% THE SWAMP.”
Screen Shot 2019-10-26 at 12.19.11 PM.png
"So long, Suckers! You can keep the goofy hats!"
After inciting his goons to attack the Capitol building, Loser condemned them for doing so, calling it a "heinous attack" as they are now being tracked down and arrested.

Cultists who are not still in denial are acting as if the four year dose of Rohypnol with which he spiked their drinks is suddenly wearing off.

"My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power," Loser proclaimed.

“People were willing to die for this man and he just threw them all under the bus. That’s the only thing that’s shameful about the events of the past 36 hours,” Nick Fuentes, the host of the America First podcast and the unofficial leader of the white nationalist Groyper Army, angrily tweeted, shortly after Trump released a video Thursday night in which he conceded that Biden would be the next president and called for political reconciliation.​
Cassandra Fairbanks, a prominent MAGA activist, tweeted: “[He] tells angry people to march to the capitol [and then] proceeds to throw his supporters under the bus.”
Desperation and denial persists:
QAnon conspiracy theorists, praying for years that Trump would flush Satan-worshipping pedophile elites out of Washington, tore apart any scrap of data from the video to prove that he was playing one final trick. They subjected the time stamps to numerology, thinking that there was a secret message encoded.​
“In no way did Trump say he conceded. He said: transitioning to a new Admin. As in, he gonna clear this one out and bring a new one,” tweeted We The Inevitable, a conspiracy account, getting more than 3,000 retweets within the hour. The account’s followers agreed that this was surely a sign that he was getting rid of Vice President Mike Pence — now cast as a MAGA traitor after participating in the certification of Biden’s win — and that on Jan. 20, retired Gen. Michael Flynn, now a full-fledged QAnon patriot, would replace him in Trump’s second term.​
And there was anger. It was directed at Trump for letting things get this far. Over on Parler, the social media platform beloved by the MAGA community for its lax moderation policies, users erupted in a fury, calling him a number of expletives, a “dildo,” and “100% THE SWAMP.”
"So long, Suckers! You can keep the goofy hats!"

He told the American people that he was a snake 4 years ago.
“[He] tells angry people to march to the capitol [and then] proceeds to throw his supporters under the bus.”

A nice way of putting it. He had hillbillies facing down the police and ready to take the Reichstag building, but the leader's direction never came.

Trump was no Fidel or comrad Che!

Revolutions aren't made of fat assed narcissists who only want attention for himself!
He told the American people that he was a snake 4 years ago.
Loser savaging VP "Throttlebottom" Pence after four years of abject self-debasement even as he watched his goons try to overthrow democracy and Pence had been rushed to safety was an especially nice touch. The consummate ingrate.
The Republican politicians know that they will never win another election because of the Democrat corruption with fraudulent votes.

The Democrats know how to do it now and there is no penalty for them doing it so the fix is in.

The RINOs are like rats abandoning a sinking ship. They are willing to bend the knee to their Communist masters in order to get the crumbs.
The RINOs are like rats abandoning a sinking ship.
Republicans hope to recover their Party after the infestation by the RINOs of Trumpery, but they'll have a major fumigation on the agenda.

It's amusing to see uberTrumpers like Nick Fuentes and Cassandra Fairbanks finally waking up to the Fake.
After inciting his goons to attack the Capitol building, Loser condemned them for doing so, calling it a "heinous attack" as they are now being tracked down and arrested.

Cultists who are not still in denial are acting as if the four year dose of Rohypnol with which he spiked their drinks is suddenly wearing off.

"My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power," Loser proclaimed.

“People were willing to die for this man and he just threw them all under the bus. That’s the only thing that’s shameful about the events of the past 36 hours,” Nick Fuentes, the host of the America First podcast and the unofficial leader of the white nationalist Groyper Army, angrily tweeted, shortly after Trump released a video Thursday night in which he conceded that Biden would be the next president and called for political reconciliation.​
Cassandra Fairbanks, a prominent MAGA activist, tweeted: “[He] tells angry people to march to the capitol [and then] proceeds to throw his supporters under the bus.”
Desperation and denial persists:
QAnon conspiracy theorists, praying for years that Trump would flush Satan-worshipping pedophile elites out of Washington, tore apart any scrap of data from the video to prove that he was playing one final trick. They subjected the time stamps to numerology, thinking that there was a secret message encoded.​
“In no way did Trump say he conceded. He said: transitioning to a new Admin. As in, he gonna clear this one out and bring a new one,” tweeted We The Inevitable, a conspiracy account, getting more than 3,000 retweets within the hour. The account’s followers agreed that this was surely a sign that he was getting rid of Vice President Mike Pence — now cast as a MAGA traitor after participating in the certification of Biden’s win — and that on Jan. 20, retired Gen. Michael Flynn, now a full-fledged QAnon patriot, would replace him in Trump’s second term.​
And there was anger. It was directed at Trump for letting things get this far. Over on Parler, the social media platform beloved by the MAGA community for its lax moderation policies, users erupted in a fury, calling him a number of expletives, a “dildo,” and “100% THE SWAMP.”
"So long, Suckers! You can keep the goofy hats!"
The GOP needs the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs to survive as a political party.‭ ‬The party’s Southern Strategy is the tool used by the grifter-in-chief to steal their support from the GOP,‭ ‬and it will be the Southern Strategy that will win them back.

Candidate trump took the hate-filled rhetoric of the Southern Strategy a few notches higher than any candidate before,‭ ‬and throughout his time in the White House the impeached president‭ ‬trump reached‭ ‬deeply‭ ‬into the hearts of his devoted RWNJs and touched their inner Nazi.‭ ‬The elder statesmen of the Republican Party were astounded by the level of‭ ‬fascism he drew out of their voters‭ ‬and the blind loyalty.

As the world saw January‭ ‬6th,‭ ‬with the impeached president trump’s inspiring words ringing in their ears,‭ ‬his devoted RWNJs went full-on fascist in Washington D.C.‭ (‬As predicted in an earlier thread,‭ ‬the more confused devoted RWNJs attacked the Capitol Building and governor’s home in Olympia,‭ ‬the state capital of Washington.‭ ‬The post in that thread‭ ‬warned all of the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs to check Goggle Maps before their trip.‭)

The congressional Republicans,‭ ‬after four years of willingly kissing the grifter-in-chief’s a$$,‭ ‬finally,‭ ‬on January‭ ‬6th,‭ ‬decided,‭ “‬maybe we let him go too far...‭ ‬this time,‭” ‬as the general tone among them was concern for how all of the violence occurring outside would impact their political careers.

However,‭ ‬with all the buzz about the Twenty-fifth Amendment going on around D.C.‭ ‬since then,‭ ‬the impeached president could be out of the White House sooner than he,‭ ‬or anyone else,‭ ‬expected.

Regardless of what happens over the next few days,‭ ‬the impeached,‭ ‬former president trump‭ ‬will soon be‭ ‬out of the way.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬Republican Party leaders must begin planning how best to‭ ‬convince the devoted RWNJs‭ ‬to return‭ ‬to the fold.‭ ‬There are after all,‭ ‬over‭ ‬73‭ ‬million of them,‭ ‬and at least half will be searching for more Nazism than the GOP can possibly offer.‭ ‬Those devoted RWNJs had a taste of authoritarian fascism,‭ ‬and they loved it.

But‭ ‬Party leaders worries could be unwarranted.‭ ‬As the trump name fades from the headlines,‭ ‬FOX Noise,‭ ‬One America News,‭ ‬Sinclair,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬will lose interest.‭ ‬The only‭ “‬trump‭” ‬related news will be state-level prosecutions.‭ (‬The feds will be looking forward,‭ ‬not back,‭ ‬as always.‭)

Gradually,‭ ‬with nowhere to find news of their tangerine-tinged messiah,‭ ‬the devoted RWNJs will again be getting all of their misinformation from FOX Noise.‭ ‬One America News,‭ ‬Sinclair,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬they’ll remain popular,‭ ‬but nothing pleases American conservatives and right-leaning centrists more than eight to ten hours of FOX Noise each day.

With the Republican propaganda heard on FOX Noise and the others,‭ ‬the entire‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million devoted RWNJs will again be content with the basic Southern Strategy style racism,‭ ‬bigotry,‭ ‬misogyny,‭ ‬xenophobia,‭ ‬homophobia,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬Its rhetoric‭ ‬is‭ ‬what first attracted them to,‭ ‬and kept them with,‭ ‬the GOP‭ ‬for all these decades.‭

The‭ ‬GOP’s success retrieving their loyal base‭ ‬will also‭ ‬be‭ ‬a big win for the‭ ‬ruling billionaire class.‭ ‬They will‭ ‬retain the voters they need to keep the power of Reaganomics widening the income gap each year.

As Republican leaders‭ wipe the sweat from their brows., they‭’‬ll‭ ‬realize‭ ‬their‭ ‬many‭ ‬concerns and‭ “‬the sky is falling‭” ‬predictions that trump destroyed the Party will be something laughed about at future Washington cocktail parties.‭
After inciting his goons to attack the Capitol building, Loser condemned them for doing so, calling it a "heinous attack" as they are now being tracked down and arrested.

Cultists who are not still in denial are acting as if the four year dose of Rohypnol with which he spiked their drinks is suddenly wearing off.

"My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power," Loser proclaimed.

“People were willing to die for this man and he just threw them all under the bus. That’s the only thing that’s shameful about the events of the past 36 hours,” Nick Fuentes, the host of the America First podcast and the unofficial leader of the white nationalist Groyper Army, angrily tweeted, shortly after Trump released a video Thursday night in which he conceded that Biden would be the next president and called for political reconciliation.​
Cassandra Fairbanks, a prominent MAGA activist, tweeted: “[He] tells angry people to march to the capitol [and then] proceeds to throw his supporters under the bus.”
Desperation and denial persists:
QAnon conspiracy theorists, praying for years that Trump would flush Satan-worshipping pedophile elites out of Washington, tore apart any scrap of data from the video to prove that he was playing one final trick. They subjected the time stamps to numerology, thinking that there was a secret message encoded.​
“In no way did Trump say he conceded. He said: transitioning to a new Admin. As in, he gonna clear this one out and bring a new one,” tweeted We The Inevitable, a conspiracy account, getting more than 3,000 retweets within the hour. The account’s followers agreed that this was surely a sign that he was getting rid of Vice President Mike Pence — now cast as a MAGA traitor after participating in the certification of Biden’s win — and that on Jan. 20, retired Gen. Michael Flynn, now a full-fledged QAnon patriot, would replace him in Trump’s second term.​
And there was anger. It was directed at Trump for letting things get this far. Over on Parler, the social media platform beloved by the MAGA community for its lax moderation policies, users erupted in a fury, calling him a number of expletives, a “dildo,” and “100% THE SWAMP.”
"So long, Suckers! You can keep the goofy hats!"
Tina Nguyen

After inciting his goons to attack the Capitol building, Loser condemned them for doing so, calling it a "heinous attack" as they are now being tracked down and arrested.

Cultists who are not still in denial are acting as if the four year dose of Rohypnol with which he spiked their drinks is suddenly wearing off.

"My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power," Loser proclaimed.

“People were willing to die for this man and he just threw them all under the bus. That’s the only thing that’s shameful about the events of the past 36 hours,” Nick Fuentes, the host of the America First podcast and the unofficial leader of the white nationalist Groyper Army, angrily tweeted, shortly after Trump released a video Thursday night in which he conceded that Biden would be the next president and called for political reconciliation.​
Cassandra Fairbanks, a prominent MAGA activist, tweeted: “[He] tells angry people to march to the capitol [and then] proceeds to throw his supporters under the bus.”
Desperation and denial persists:
QAnon conspiracy theorists, praying for years that Trump would flush Satan-worshipping pedophile elites out of Washington, tore apart any scrap of data from the video to prove that he was playing one final trick. They subjected the time stamps to numerology, thinking that there was a secret message encoded.​
“In no way did Trump say he conceded. He said: transitioning to a new Admin. As in, he gonna clear this one out and bring a new one,” tweeted We The Inevitable, a conspiracy account, getting more than 3,000 retweets within the hour. The account’s followers agreed that this was surely a sign that he was getting rid of Vice President Mike Pence — now cast as a MAGA traitor after participating in the certification of Biden’s win — and that on Jan. 20, retired Gen. Michael Flynn, now a full-fledged QAnon patriot, would replace him in Trump’s second term.​
And there was anger. It was directed at Trump for letting things get this far. Over on Parler, the social media platform beloved by the MAGA community for its lax moderation policies, users erupted in a fury, calling him a number of expletives, a “dildo,” and “100% THE SWAMP.”
"So long, Suckers! You can keep the goofy hats!"
The GOP needs the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs to survive as a political party.‭ ‬The party’s Southern Strategy is the tool used by the grifter-in-chief to steal their support from the GOP,‭ ‬and it will be the Southern Strategy that will win them back.

Candidate trump took the hate-filled rhetoric of the Southern Strategy a few notches higher than any candidate before,‭ ‬and throughout his time in the White House the impeached president‭ ‬trump reached‭ ‬deeply‭ ‬into the hearts of his devoted RWNJs and touched their inner Nazi.‭ ‬The elder statesmen of the Republican Party were astounded by the level of‭ ‬fascism he drew out of their voters‭ ‬and the blind loyalty.

As the world saw January‭ ‬6th,‭ ‬with the impeached president trump’s inspiring words ringing in their ears,‭ ‬his devoted RWNJs went full-on fascist in Washington D.C.‭ (‬As predicted in an earlier thread,‭ ‬the more confused devoted RWNJs attacked the Capitol Building and governor’s home in Olympia,‭ ‬the state capital of Washington.‭ ‬The post in that thread‭ ‬warned all of the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs to check Goggle Maps before their trip.‭)

The congressional Republicans,‭ ‬after four years of willingly kissing the grifter-in-chief’s a$$,‭ ‬finally,‭ ‬on January‭ ‬6th,‭ ‬decided,‭ “‬maybe we let him go too far...‭ ‬this time,‭” ‬as the general tone among them was concern for how all of the violence occurring outside would impact their political careers.

However,‭ ‬with all the buzz about the Twenty-fifth Amendment going on around D.C.‭ ‬since then,‭ ‬the impeached president could be out of the White House sooner than he,‭ ‬or anyone else,‭ ‬expected.

Regardless of what happens over the next few days,‭ ‬the impeached,‭ ‬former president trump‭ ‬will soon be‭ ‬out of the way.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬Republican Party leaders must begin planning how best to‭ ‬convince the devoted RWNJs‭ ‬to return‭ ‬to the fold.‭ ‬There are after all,‭ ‬over‭ ‬73‭ ‬million of them,‭ ‬and at least half will be searching for more Nazism than the GOP can possibly offer.‭ ‬Those devoted RWNJs had a taste of authoritarian fascism,‭ ‬and they loved it.

But‭ ‬Party leaders worries could be unwarranted.‭ ‬As the trump name fades from the headlines,‭ ‬FOX Noise,‭ ‬One America News,‭ ‬Sinclair,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬will lose interest.‭ ‬The only‭ “‬trump‭” ‬related news will be state-level prosecutions.‭ (‬The feds will be looking forward,‭ ‬not back,‭ ‬as always.‭)

Gradually,‭ ‬with nowhere to find news of their tangerine-tinged messiah,‭ ‬the devoted RWNJs will again be getting all of their misinformation from FOX Noise.‭ ‬One America News,‭ ‬Sinclair,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬they’ll remain popular,‭ ‬but nothing pleases American conservatives and right-leaning centrists more than eight to ten hours of FOX Noise each day.

With the Republican propaganda heard on FOX Noise and the others,‭ ‬the entire‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million devoted RWNJs will again be content with the basic Southern Strategy style racism,‭ ‬bigotry,‭ ‬misogyny,‭ ‬xenophobia,‭ ‬homophobia,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬Its rhetoric‭ ‬is‭ ‬what first attracted them to,‭ ‬and kept them with,‭ ‬the GOP‭ ‬for all these decades.‭

The‭ ‬GOP’s success retrieving their loyal base‭ ‬will also‭ ‬be‭ ‬a big win for the‭ ‬ruling billionaire class.‭ ‬They will‭ ‬retain the voters they need to keep the power of Reaganomics widening the income gap each year.

As Republican leaders‭ wipe the sweat from their brows., they‭’‬ll‭ ‬realize‭ ‬their‭ ‬many‭ ‬concerns and‭ “‬the sky is falling‭” ‬predictions that trump destroyed the Party will be something laughed about at future Washington cocktail parties.‭
Sorry....but I think you're fucking nuts.

After inciting his goons to attack the Capitol building, Loser condemned them for doing so, calling it a "heinous attack" as they are now being tracked down and arrested.

Cultists who are not still in denial are acting as if the four year dose of Rohypnol with which he spiked their drinks is suddenly wearing off.

"My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power," Loser proclaimed.

“People were willing to die for this man and he just threw them all under the bus. That’s the only thing that’s shameful about the events of the past 36 hours,” Nick Fuentes, the host of the America First podcast and the unofficial leader of the white nationalist Groyper Army, angrily tweeted, shortly after Trump released a video Thursday night in which he conceded that Biden would be the next president and called for political reconciliation.​
Cassandra Fairbanks, a prominent MAGA activist, tweeted: “[He] tells angry people to march to the capitol [and then] proceeds to throw his supporters under the bus.”
Desperation and denial persists:
QAnon conspiracy theorists, praying for years that Trump would flush Satan-worshipping pedophile elites out of Washington, tore apart any scrap of data from the video to prove that he was playing one final trick. They subjected the time stamps to numerology, thinking that there was a secret message encoded.​
“In no way did Trump say he conceded. He said: transitioning to a new Admin. As in, he gonna clear this one out and bring a new one,” tweeted We The Inevitable, a conspiracy account, getting more than 3,000 retweets within the hour. The account’s followers agreed that this was surely a sign that he was getting rid of Vice President Mike Pence — now cast as a MAGA traitor after participating in the certification of Biden’s win — and that on Jan. 20, retired Gen. Michael Flynn, now a full-fledged QAnon patriot, would replace him in Trump’s second term.​
And there was anger. It was directed at Trump for letting things get this far. Over on Parler, the social media platform beloved by the MAGA community for its lax moderation policies, users erupted in a fury, calling him a number of expletives, a “dildo,” and “100% THE SWAMP.”
"So long, Suckers! You can keep the goofy hats!"
The GOP needs the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs to survive as a political party.‭ ‬The party’s Southern Strategy is the tool used by the grifter-in-chief to steal their support from the GOP,‭ ‬and it will be the Southern Strategy that will win them back.

Candidate trump took the hate-filled rhetoric of the Southern Strategy a few notches higher than any candidate before,‭ ‬and throughout his time in the White House the impeached president‭ ‬trump reached‭ ‬deeply‭ ‬into the hearts of his devoted RWNJs and touched their inner Nazi.‭ ‬The elder statesmen of the Republican Party were astounded by the level of‭ ‬fascism he drew out of their voters‭ ‬and the blind loyalty.

As the world saw January‭ ‬6th,‭ ‬with the impeached president trump’s inspiring words ringing in their ears,‭ ‬his devoted RWNJs went full-on fascist in Washington D.C.‭ (‬As predicted in an earlier thread,‭ ‬the more confused devoted RWNJs attacked the Capitol Building and governor’s home in Olympia,‭ ‬the state capital of Washington.‭ ‬The post in that thread‭ ‬warned all of the impeached president trump’s devoted RWNJs to check Goggle Maps before their trip.‭)

The congressional Republicans,‭ ‬after four years of willingly kissing the grifter-in-chief’s a$$,‭ ‬finally,‭ ‬on January‭ ‬6th,‭ ‬decided,‭ “‬maybe we let him go too far...‭ ‬this time,‭” ‬as the general tone among them was concern for how all of the violence occurring outside would impact their political careers.

However,‭ ‬with all the buzz about the Twenty-fifth Amendment going on around D.C.‭ ‬since then,‭ ‬the impeached president could be out of the White House sooner than he,‭ ‬or anyone else,‭ ‬expected.

Regardless of what happens over the next few days,‭ ‬the impeached,‭ ‬former president trump‭ ‬will soon be‭ ‬out of the way.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬Republican Party leaders must begin planning how best to‭ ‬convince the devoted RWNJs‭ ‬to return‭ ‬to the fold.‭ ‬There are after all,‭ ‬over‭ ‬73‭ ‬million of them,‭ ‬and at least half will be searching for more Nazism than the GOP can possibly offer.‭ ‬Those devoted RWNJs had a taste of authoritarian fascism,‭ ‬and they loved it.

But‭ ‬Party leaders worries could be unwarranted.‭ ‬As the trump name fades from the headlines,‭ ‬FOX Noise,‭ ‬One America News,‭ ‬Sinclair,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬will lose interest.‭ ‬The only‭ “‬trump‭” ‬related news will be state-level prosecutions.‭ (‬The feds will be looking forward,‭ ‬not back,‭ ‬as always.‭)

Gradually,‭ ‬with nowhere to find news of their tangerine-tinged messiah,‭ ‬the devoted RWNJs will again be getting all of their misinformation from FOX Noise.‭ ‬One America News,‭ ‬Sinclair,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬they’ll remain popular,‭ ‬but nothing pleases American conservatives and right-leaning centrists more than eight to ten hours of FOX Noise each day.

With the Republican propaganda heard on FOX Noise and the others,‭ ‬the entire‭ ‬73+‭ ‬million devoted RWNJs will again be content with the basic Southern Strategy style racism,‭ ‬bigotry,‭ ‬misogyny,‭ ‬xenophobia,‭ ‬homophobia,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬Its rhetoric‭ ‬is‭ ‬what first attracted them to,‭ ‬and kept them with,‭ ‬the GOP‭ ‬for all these decades.‭

The‭ ‬GOP’s success retrieving their loyal base‭ ‬will also‭ ‬be‭ ‬a big win for the‭ ‬ruling billionaire class.‭ ‬They will‭ ‬retain the voters they need to keep the power of Reaganomics widening the income gap each year.

As Republican leaders‭ wipe the sweat from their brows., they‭’‬ll‭ ‬realize‭ ‬their‭ ‬many‭ ‬concerns and‭ “‬the sky is falling‭” ‬predictions that trump destroyed the Party will be something laughed about at future Washington cocktail parties.‭
Sorry....but I think you're fucking nuts.

Having seen the RWNJs in action, your opinion of me has no credibility to anyone other than other RWNJs.

Oh, NOW they're upset.

Freakin' cowards.


Who is more pathetic the johnny come latelys and those waking up realizing they've been had? Or the wingnut idiots of USMB who are going to keep trudging onward? It's all so cringy to watch.
Who is more pathetic the johnny come latelys and those waking up realizing they've been had? Or the wingnut idiots of USMB who are going to keep trudging onward? It's all so cringy to watch.
I guess it depends on your definition of the term "pathetic".

The Trumpsters have been driven into an emotional, paranoid frenzy by their alternate media. On one hand they're a sad example of arrogant ignorance; on the other, in a way, they're victims like cult members.

These creatures in DC, though, they know better. They leverage this madness, they suck up to this buffoon, for their own personal ambition. Cruz is the worst, playing up to Trump after Trump had insulted his wife AND father.
Who is more pathetic the johnny come latelys and those waking up realizing they've been had? Or the wingnut idiots of USMB who are going to keep trudging onward? It's all so cringy to watch.
I guess it depends on your definition of the term "pathetic".

The Trumpsters have been driven into an emotional, paranoid frenzy by their alternate media. On one hand they're a sad example of arrogant ignorance; on the other, in a way, they're victims like cult members.

These creatures in DC, though, they know better. They leverage this madness, they suck up to this buffoon, for their own personal professional agenda. Cruz is the worst, playing up to Trump after Trump had insulted his wife AND father.

I do believe that Ted Cruz ruined his political career. Sure, he'll run for president but damn, he showed us his bloomers the last 4 years and I think it was kind of obvious how craven he was already.
Oh, NOW they're upset.

Freakin' cowards.


trump's chaotic regime has been the distraction the professional politicians in D.C. have waited generations to see.

More underhanded, unethical legislation was passed than ever before, and all was crafted to serve the financial interests of Big Business and the billionaires.

Congress became so bold using the distraction of trump chaos, the COVID-19 stimulus bills were in-your-face, multi-billion dollar gifts to the fat cats, while giving only token amounts to the Americans who really needed the help.

So, any "regrets" claimed by either Party, are bullsh!t.


After inciting his goons to attack the Capitol building, Loser condemned them for doing so, calling it a "heinous attack" as they are now being tracked down and arrested.

Cultists who are not still in denial are acting as if the four year dose of Rohypnol with which he spiked their drinks is suddenly wearing off.

"My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power," Loser proclaimed.

“People were willing to die for this man and he just threw them all under the bus. That’s the only thing that’s shameful about the events of the past 36 hours,” Nick Fuentes, the host of the America First podcast and the unofficial leader of the white nationalist Groyper Army, angrily tweeted, shortly after Trump released a video Thursday night in which he conceded that Biden would be the next president and called for political reconciliation.​
Cassandra Fairbanks, a prominent MAGA activist, tweeted: “[He] tells angry people to march to the capitol [and then] proceeds to throw his supporters under the bus.”
Desperation and denial persists:
QAnon conspiracy theorists, praying for years that Trump would flush Satan-worshipping pedophile elites out of Washington, tore apart any scrap of data from the video to prove that he was playing one final trick. They subjected the time stamps to numerology, thinking that there was a secret message encoded.​
“In no way did Trump say he conceded. He said: transitioning to a new Admin. As in, he gonna clear this one out and bring a new one,” tweeted We The Inevitable, a conspiracy account, getting more than 3,000 retweets within the hour. The account’s followers agreed that this was surely a sign that he was getting rid of Vice President Mike Pence — now cast as a MAGA traitor after participating in the certification of Biden’s win — and that on Jan. 20, retired Gen. Michael Flynn, now a full-fledged QAnon patriot, would replace him in Trump’s second term.​
And there was anger. It was directed at Trump for letting things get this far. Over on Parler, the social media platform beloved by the MAGA community for its lax moderation policies, users erupted in a fury, calling him a number of expletives, a “dildo,” and “100% THE SWAMP.”
"So long, Suckers! You can keep the goofy hats!"

It's interesting you have so much scorn for these protesters, who attacked your wealthy white leaders. But you fully supported the BLM/Antifa crowd, who looted and burned minority neighborhoods, destroyed mostly minority-owned businesses, and killed nearly 30 people, most of whom were black. Very telling...
This week in Trumponomics: Deplorable

Rick Newman
Rick Newman

·Senior Columnist
Fri, January 8, 2021, 1:31 PM EST

President Trump is boldly ending his presidency with new depravities.
As the whole world knows, Trump goaded thousands of supporters into ransacking the U.S. Capitol this week, disrupting the formal certification of Joe Biden’s presidential victory. Five people died. Rioters killed a Capitol police officer. Police shot and killed one of Trump’s rioting supporters. Three other Trump rioters died of medical trauma while marauding through the Capitol. Congress certified Biden’s win anyway.
The Trump riots didn’t directly affect the U.S. economy, which is doing poorly enough on its own. But the bloody culmination of Trump’s pathetic effort to overturn the U.S. election reflects his complete neglect of everything that matters since he lost on Nov. 3.
The data confirms Trump’s awful performance. The jobs recovery has ended, with the economy losing 140,000 jobs in December. This could be the double-dip recession economists have been worried about. After the huge loss of jobs in March and April, the job market began to recover, with job gains every month from May through November. But the pace of job growth slowed sharply in the fall, and it has now reversed. Lost jobs since February still total more than 9.8 million.
There’s no secret why. The coronavirus pandemic is more disruptive than ever, with more than 4,000 deaths per day. The pandemic has now killed 375,000 Americans, and the death toll will likely exceed half a million by March. The Trump administration has given up on any effort to control the disease, instead touting the initial rollout of two vaccines. But the vaccination effort is already going much slower than hoped, and the service sector—especially restaurants and travel—is simply getting crushed as people stay home.
It’s difficult to overstate what a disaster the Trump presidency has become. The best we can do is create a new category on the Trump-o-meter: DEPLORABLE. The worst rating used to be SAD, but that’s not bad enough to characterize Trump on his way out.
Sane Americans will be holding their breath until Jan. 20, wary of what other bombs Trump may set off before he leaves. Trump may be chastened by the prospect of criminal charges for his role inciting violence that led to deaths. The House of Representatives might impeach Trump again, though conviction in the Senate seems unlikely unless Trump goes bananas. Trump, meanwhile, thinks he can pardon himself and he has a remarkable record of evading justice. So far.
Financial markets represent a lone dose of optimism. Stocks rose after Democrats won two Senate races in Georgia on Jan. 5, taking control of the Senate—despite predictions of a stock-market correction if Democrats captured the Senate. Investors think Biden and his fellow Democrats will pass a much bigger fifth stimulus bill in 2021 than would have been possible with Republicans in charge of the Senate – perhaps totaling $1 trillion or more, four or five times more than what Republicans might have approved. This would help the economy in the short run. Deutsche Bank this week raised its GDP forecast for 2021 by two points, to growth of 6.3%. Most of that would come in the second half of the year.
Rising stock prices also reflect a belief in the resilience of corporate profits, although some investors warn a bubble has formed and a pullback is coming. If it happens, it surely won’t be the worst news of 2021. But by then Trump should be gone, which will be stabilizing in itself. Maybe the market likes that as well.

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