All blacks are victims of whitey museum opening today.

I haven't been to the new musuem as it wasn't open in April when I visited D.C..

But, I did go to the National Civil Rights Musuem in Memphis, TN. a handful of years ago that is connected to the Lorraine Motel where MLK was assassinated. The boarding house where James Earl Ray shot from across the street is also part of the museum. (They still keep the boarding house window ajar at the same height as when the assassin shot.)
It's a fantastic museum with a true historical setting and the Smithsonian will have to scramble to best this one.........
When you look back on it, shooting MLK seems even more crazy than it did then. What did King want that was so terrible? Was it so bad that he wanted America to live up to its' creed, its' promises, it's pride?
Same with Reagan except he lucked out. Barely.

MLK was shot because he advanced the cause of American blacks
Reagan was shot to impress Jodie Foster
I haven't been to the new musuem as it wasn't open in April when I visited D.C..

But, I did go to the National Civil Rights Musuem in Memphis, TN. a handful of years ago that is connected to the Lorraine Motel where MLK was assassinated. The boarding house where James Earl Ray shot from across the street is also part of the museum. (They still keep the boarding house window ajar at the same height as when the assassin shot.)
It's a fantastic museum with a true historical setting and the Smithsonian will have to scramble to best this one.........
When you look back on it, shooting MLK seems even more crazy than it did then. What did King want that was so terrible? Was it so bad that he wanted America to live up to its' creed, its' promises, it's pride?
Same with Reagan except he lucked out. Barely.

MLK was shot because he advanced the cause of American blacks
Reagan was shot to impress Jodie Foster
All things considered (and the comparison duly noted), pleasing Jodie Foster wasn't such a bad idea.

Where is the word "White" in there? Purposely left out for sure. But we all have to hear the word "black" n
It's not important what "African American" means to you. You're African, first and foremost.
Of course its important what African American means to me. Its not important what you think it means to me though.

I agree that I am African first and foremost.

So, just where is Africa America on the map? Just curious.
According to whites its right below western europe and next to the ME. Why do you ask?

I can't find it? Has it just been added to the world map but not put out yet? Why not ask the question since some people call themselves African American.

This is what ignorance of history will do to you......

What? Either one is an American and will call themselves an American or they are not an American. I don't think I was being ignorant at all. Matter of fact I was trying to make light of the word African American. Just how can any black born and raised in America call themselves African American? Their ancestors may have come from Africa but the black person born and raised in America is not African. All this someone American this or someone American that is a conquer and tactic trick to get people to fight among themselves. Get the drift now, poop?
And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.
There are over 40 million White people who aren't as lucky as you are. Care to meet them? Here is a picture of one . I don't think I would feel too safe in his neighborhood.

This is something the main scream lieberal lying media always likes to point out, and that is that all white people are rich and racist. :bsflag:

Where is the word "White" in there? Purposely left out for sure. But we all have to hear the word "black" n
It's not important what "African American" means to you. You're African, first and foremost.
Of course its important what African American means to me. Its not important what you think it means to me though.

I agree that I am African first and foremost.

So, just where is Africa America on the map? Just curious.
According to whites its right below western europe and next to the ME. Why do you ask?

I can't find it? Has it just been added to the world map but not put out yet? Why not ask the question since some people call themselves African American.
I dont know why you cant find Africa and its not really my issue.

I wouldnt ask questions that prove I am a dunce like you seem to enjoy doing. i was just wondering why.

You call me a dunce? You are the dunce. I only asked the question as to where Africa America was located on the world map. Geez, it was a joke, dunce. :badgrin:
And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

I don't know, does it? Every black and Asian I've ever met would rather live with 'their own kind'. So tell me ..... does the truth hurt you?

And as their kind gets to be a bigger population they will want nothing to do with white people at all. Whites will then become a part of what is known as the third world. No white person in his/her right mind wants to end up living in a third world country. They will surely then find out what real racism is really all about. But I guess there are always liberal minded people like you around who think that multiculturalism is a great thing for old whitey. Ya, tell that to the white South Africans that left SA before they were killed.
For some reason, white people in Appalachia have remained in poverty for over 100 years.
How can you tell? According to FEDUPTAXPAYER every race is flocking to live with the white people because they feel safe living among them for the simple reason that whites are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest. So with all of those 'other races' bursting white communities at the seams, it must be difficult to find a white person ....... Appalachian or otherwise.

Is there something genetically flawed with whites in Appalachia?

Maybe they are just naturally dim witted and lazy

The white people of America are slowly being phased out of America and other white countries. All part of a globalist elite plan to destroy the white race. America 60 years ago was a country made up of approx. 90% white. Today it is down to approx. 60%. So don't try to feed me that bull chit that whitey has nothing to worry about. The dim witted ones like you who think that when old whitey is gone the world will be a better place is wrong. It will become a slum third world cesspool. Just look at the ghettos in some cities in America where blacks live. That is whites have to look forward too when they get swamped with third world immigrants. They will become a minority or worse, dim wit.
What? Either one is an American and will call themselves an American or they are not an American.
Your decision is it? Hear that all of my black-skinned friends? If you don't call yourself 'American', fedumpty is going to strip you of your American citizenship.

Just how can any black born and raised in America call themselves African American? Their ancestors may have come from Africa but the black person born and raised in America is not African.
You just don't get it. You really are a dunce. Calling them African-American is what they want YOU to call them. They know who they are, it's you who needs reminding.

The white people of America are slowly being phased out of America and other white countries.
Oh! Here it comes! Get your rubber boots on everybody, the brown stuff is about to get thick from here on end!
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For some reason, white people in Appalachia have remained in poverty for over 100 years.
How can you tell? According to FEDUPTAXPAYER every race is flocking to live with the white people because they feel safe living among them for the simple reason that whites are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest. So with all of those 'other races' bursting white communities at the seams, it must be difficult to find a white person ....... Appalachian or otherwise.

Is there something genetically flawed with whites in Appalachia?

Maybe they are just naturally dim witted and lazy

The white people of America are slowly being phased out of America and other white countries. All part of a globalist elite plan to destroy the white race. America 60 years ago was a country made up of approx. 90% white. Today it is down to approx. 60%. So don't try to feed me that bull chit that whitey has nothing to worry about. The dim witted ones like you who think that when old whitey is gone the world will be a better place is wrong. It will become a slum third world cesspool. Just look at the ghettos in some cities in America where blacks live. That is whites have to look forward too when they get swamped with third world immigrants. They will become a minority or worse, dim wit.
Save me your Aryan Nation banter

Where is the word "White" in there? Purposely left out for sure. But we all have to hear the word "black" n
Of course its important what African American means to me. Its not important what you think it means to me though.

I agree that I am African first and foremost.

So, just where is Africa America on the map? Just curious.
According to whites its right below western europe and next to the ME. Why do you ask?

I can't find it? Has it just been added to the world map but not put out yet? Why not ask the question since some people call themselves African American.

This is what ignorance of history will do to you......

What? Either one is an American and will call themselves an American or they are not an American. I don't think I was being ignorant at all. Matter of fact I was trying to make light of the word African American. Just how can any black born and raised in America call themselves African American? Their ancestors may have come from Africa but the black person born and raised in America is not African. All this someone American this or someone American that is a conquer and tactic trick to get people to fight among themselves. Get the drift now, poop?

Tell ya what..................go to South Boston, find a Southie, and then tell them that they can't be Irish Americans because they were born here, they are simply American.

See how far that gets you.

Where is the word "White" in there? Purposely left out for sure. But we all have to hear the word "black" n
So, just where is Africa America on the map? Just curious.
According to whites its right below western europe and next to the ME. Why do you ask?

I can't find it? Has it just been added to the world map but not put out yet? Why not ask the question since some people call themselves African American.

This is what ignorance of history will do to you......

What? Either one is an American and will call themselves an American or they are not an American. I don't think I was being ignorant at all. Matter of fact I was trying to make light of the word African American. Just how can any black born and raised in America call themselves African American? Their ancestors may have come from Africa but the black person born and raised in America is not African. All this someone American this or someone American that is a conquer and tactic trick to get people to fight among themselves. Get the drift now, poop?

Tell ya what..................go to South Boston, find a Southie, and then tell them that they can't be Irish Americans because they were born here, they are simply American.

See how far that gets you.

I know exactly where it would get him. would earn him a serious ass whipping.

Maybe they should go tell someone in the Mafia that they aren't Italian American as well.
Race is a social construct, it is not real. There are no such thing as Black people; White people; Asian people; Gay people etc. Therefor it make no sense to have an African American Museum since every human is also an African.
Not quite correct. Two races evolved along very different lines, the Adamic race, (caucasians) and the mud people (everyone else). The mud races evolved from animals and were barely more intelligent than the beasts, something true to this day. The Adamic race was created by God to rule over the feral primate races and bring them under their mastery.

Understand now?

That's some quality Christian racism right there................
Leftists have no sense of humor. That's what makes this SO MUCH FUN! :funnyface:
Race is a social construct, it is not real. There are no such thing as Black people; White people; Asian people; Gay people etc. Therefor it make no sense to have an African American Museum since every human is also an African.
Not quite correct. Two races evolved along very different lines, the Adamic race, (caucasians) and the mud people (everyone else). The mud races evolved from animals and were barely more intelligent than the beasts, something true to this day. The Adamic race was created by God to rule over the feral primate races and bring them under their mastery.

Understand now?
AAAAAAAAAA Yaaaa I understand. Wait a minute which race evolved from animals? BTW, has anyone seen the South Park episode where Mr Garrison has to explain evolution?


Funny stuff!
Every black and Asian I've ever met would rather live with 'their own kind'. So tell me ..... does the truth hurt you?
And as their kind gets to be a bigger population they will want nothing to do with white people at all.
So you've decided to prove my point for me?

Whites will then become a part of what is known as the third world.
You dug this tidbit from well beyond your sphincter.

No white person in his/her right mind wants to end up living in a third world country.
But all 'non-whites' do .... is that your point, you idiot?

They will surely then find out what real racism is really all about.
I'm white and I already know what racism is all about. I'm communicating with one hell of a racists at this very moment.

But I guess there are always liberal minded people like you around who think that multiculturalism is a great thing for old whitey.
You didn't ask me if I think multiculturalism is a great thing or not, but my answer wouldn't matter because:
1). It would confuse you.
2). You really don't know what multiculturalism is, or means anyway, so you'd only make another one of your come-back cliches not knowing what it's all about.

Ya, tell that to the white South Africans that left SA before they were killed.
I have lived in South Africa, you dunce. You know absolutely nothing about it. And I'm sure that you've never heard of Apartheid >>>> you know, one of those things where people "surely find out what real racism is really all about."

Where is the word "White" in there? Purposely left out for sure. But we all have to hear the word "black" n
Of course its important what African American means to me. Its not important what you think it means to me though.

I agree that I am African first and foremost.

So, just where is Africa America on the map? Just curious.
According to whites its right below western europe and next to the ME. Why do you ask?

I can't find it? Has it just been added to the world map but not put out yet? Why not ask the question since some people call themselves African American.
I dont know why you cant find Africa and its not really my issue.

I wouldnt ask questions that prove I am a dunce like you seem to enjoy doing. i was just wondering why.

You call me a dunce? You are the dunce. I only asked the question as to where Africa America was located on the world map. Geez, it was a joke, dunce. :badgrin:
You ask dumb questions I will call you dunce. Dont try to pretend you were joking and dont waste your time trying to convince me you were. You were obviously trying to make a point and I made you realize how stupid you looked.
For some reason, white people in Appalachia have remained in poverty for over 100 years.
How can you tell? According to FEDUPTAXPAYER every race is flocking to live with the white people because they feel safe living among them for the simple reason that whites are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest. So with all of those 'other races' bursting white communities at the seams, it must be difficult to find a white person ....... Appalachian or otherwise.

Is there something genetically flawed with whites in Appalachia?

Maybe they are just naturally dim witted and lazy

The white people of America are slowly being phased out of America and other white countries. All part of a globalist elite plan to destroy the white race. America 60 years ago was a country made up of approx. 90% white. Today it is down to approx. 60%. So don't try to feed me that bull chit that whitey has nothing to worry about. The dim witted ones like you who think that when old whitey is gone the world will be a better place is wrong. It will become a slum third world cesspool. Just look at the ghettos in some cities in America where blacks live. That is whites have to look forward too when they get swamped with third world immigrants. They will become a minority or worse, dim wit.
Sorry dummy. Its not a plan. Its your recessive genes that will bring about your demise as a race. Your only option is to move away to another planet and create the same genetic bottle neck that occurred when whites became more inbred during the ice age. Now that isnt really a good thing for you and would never work anyway because white women would claw your eyes out if you tried to keep them away from Black men.
For some reason, white people in Appalachia have remained in poverty for over 100 years.
How can you tell? According to FEDUPTAXPAYER every race is flocking to live with the white people because they feel safe living among them for the simple reason that whites are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest. So with all of those 'other races' bursting white communities at the seams, it must be difficult to find a white person ....... Appalachian or otherwise.

Is there something genetically flawed with whites in Appalachia?

Maybe they are just naturally dim witted and lazy

The white people of America are slowly being phased out of America and other white countries. All part of a globalist elite plan to destroy the white race. America 60 years ago was a country made up of approx. 90% white. Today it is down to approx. 60%. So don't try to feed me that bull chit that whitey has nothing to worry about. The dim witted ones like you who think that when old whitey is gone the world will be a better place is wrong. It will become a slum third world cesspool. Just look at the ghettos in some cities in America where blacks live. That is whites have to look forward too when they get swamped with third world immigrants. They will become a minority or worse, dim wit.

"Other" white countries? The US has been home to every sort of person since the beginning.
The museum is a good idea. The white man (globally) doesn't display his woes without slandering the people who 'done him wrong'. The Nazis, the Japanese, the Communists, and now the Islamists. I think, finally, the American Indian has been given his fair dues. He didn't ask you to come. Isn't it time for the black man to be given the same? They weren't asked if they wanted to come.

And they sure as hell didn't return to Africa after they were freed, either.
Its hard walking to Africa especially if you were waiting on your past due wages.

They were offered free transportation back, numerous times. The only reason many stay is because many blacks need white people and can't survive without them. That's the case in many parts of Africa even today.

And that much pretty goes for all races. They feel safe living among white people because we are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest, and they know it.

Yes, pretty much. My black neighbors moved here t get away from the hood rat vermin, and have zero problems handling their children in very un-PC fashions, like dressing them down in the front yard in front of the entire neighborhood, and one mother who followed her daughter to school, on foot, right to her first class for two weeks after her daughter skipped school one day and got caught. And no silly-assed gangsta thuggz wardrobes and bling, either.

In any case, this 'museum' was just another piece of pork for somebody, and of no real importance; like I said earlier there are these 'museums' in every city I've been to, even those with hardly any black population. I did not some idiot 'thanked' a post I made a sarcastic reference in about '3000 Chinese building the railroads' and other idiotic racist memes popular in fake 'History' classes in schools now, apparently the moron actually thinks that, and if we're going to build 'museum's for every whining sub-group, then the black one should have been built much later than, say. a Portuguese one.
The point is the whites were not slaves, neither were their children or grandchildren.

A distinction without a difference in many cases, and many were worse off than slaves. The 10's of thousands of skeletons buried in the Mississippi River levees are those of Irish and German laborers, buried where they dropped dead building them, for just one example, as well as having the most dangerous jobs loading and unloading the cotton boats and ships for another, and it didn't get better in northern cities for them either. See Fredrick Law Omstead's trip from New York to Texas for eyewitness accounts of that and many other 'Fun Facts' about the U.S. as it was in his day. He was the designer and builder of Central Park in NYC for those who find the name familiar. Obama was lying as usual when he said' you didn't build this' in his racist commie ranting.

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