All About The Muslims: No Treble


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Enough hand-wringing, enough of Hamlet's indecision......the abomination that took place in France this week will catalyze the reaction that has long been missing.
So says the NYSun........

1. "...France had to admit in the mid-1960s more than a million Algerian Muslims, who had been loyal to France in the savage war of independence in that country, as well as a million European Algerians. It has been comparatively indulgent of Muslims since then,...

2. ... this incident, or a few others like it, will motivate France to lead the Western counter-attack against militant Islam that should have been launched by our united civilization many years ago.

3. ... until bourgeois fear of economic loss reasserts itself and reaction takes over; when French possession and enjoyment of their country is threatened, the national faith in liberty, equality, and fraternity will give way to more systematic repression of violent Islamists than would be acceptable in an Anglo-Saxon democracy.

4. When the Islamist threat is no longer theoretical or just a matter of ethnic slurs or offensive caricatures, and that time should have come after the massacre of 10 journalists in a newspaper office and of two policemen guarding it, in France there will be none of the faddish and abusive meddling of human rights commissions such as persecuted Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant in Canada.

5. ... the Moors, the Plantagenet kings of England, and the German Empire and Third Reich, were a great deal more formidable and comparatively numerous than the venomous rag-tag of contemporary Islamist terrorists."

6. .... Christianity is a much greater force in the world than Islam. It has 50% more nominal adherents, hundreds of millions more communicants, 600 years more history, and an infinitely greater intellectual and cultural basis. Although it has been used as a pretext for group violence in recent memory, as in Ireland, no serious Christian authority counsels or condones violence other than in personal or societal self-defense.

7. Islam lifted the monotheistic concept from the Judeo-Christians and even claims that none other than that frequent flyer Gabriel imparted the divine message to the Prophet, Muhammad.

8. Militant Islam had a spirited try at routing Christianity, and when it was repulsed from France and Spain, it returned in strength 800 years later as a largely secular Turkish force under Sulieman the Magnificent. It laid siege to Vienna in 1529, and again in 1683, but was repulsed on both occasions, the latter by Poland’s King Jan Sobieski. Turkey lost its bid for control of the Mediterranean at Lepanto in 1571."
Victory Awaits France In the Pending War Its Long History Suggests - The New York Sun
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And can we stop lying about the Muslim religion in general? I'm tired of hearing "the majority of Muslims are peaceful and deplore what the radicals are doing in the name if their religion.", spoken before anyone criticizes terrorist action. They may be peaceful but their inaction condones the terrorism. We know where the radical Muslim clerics are in this country, we hear from those people all the time. Why aren't there demonstrations constantly outside those mosques?

Because they don't really despise the actions like they tell us they do.

Sorry PC if I went off on a rant in your thread.
Why do we have to continually hear others make excuses for everyone> Can't Americans just once form their own opinions?

And can we stop lying about the Muslim religion in general? I'm tired of hearing "the majority of Muslims are peaceful and deplore what the radicals are doing in the name if their religion.", spoken before anyone criticizes terrorist action. They may be peaceful but their inaction condones the terrorism. We know where the radical Muslim clerics are in this country, we hear from those people all the time. Why aren't there demonstrations constantly outside those mosques?

Because they don't really despise the actions like they tell us they do.

Sorry PC if I went off on a rant in your thread.

Don't be sorry at all!
Yours is the reaction any intelligent person should have.

Reality is defined by actions, not words. As long as that 'silent majority' merely nods their heads, and mutters 'yes, terrible,' they are actually giving aid and comfort to the savages.

Let's see 'em form an "Abraham Lincoln Brigade" to fight the terrorists, as the American communists did about Nazis.
Why do we have to continually hear others make excuses for everyone> Can't Americans just form once from their own opinions?


It is not clear what you mean by this....but in this thread I will post the words of a Canadian and a Brit.

I know- I did a poor job of saying the American people are getting it even though our government is doing all it can to keep the wheels from coming off the 'Muslim wagon'

5. ... the Moors, the Plantagenet kings of England, and the German Empire and Third Reich, were a great deal more formidable and comparatively numerous than the venomous rag-tag of contemporary Islamist terrorists."
The heads of state, even in the German empire were all related, in fact kaiser Wilhelm was Queen Victoria's grandson and the cousin of King George...So the chances of driving out ones cousin(s), to include the cousin of King George, Nicholas II.. Was never going to happen before the WWI...
Why do we have to continually hear others make excuses for everyone> Can't Americans just form once from their own opinions?


It is not clear what you mean by this....but in this thread I will post the words of a Canadian and a Brit.

Why don't you shock us and post some thoughts of your own?

They are my thoughts, you imbecile.

Or did you imagine they were selected at random?

One of many differences between us, is that I give credit to the sources I simply post what the NYTimes, DNC, etc., tell you to.
Why do we have to continually hear others make excuses for everyone> Can't Americans just form once from their own opinions?


It is not clear what you mean by this....but in this thread I will post the words of a Canadian and a Brit.

Why don't you shock us and post some thoughts of your own?

They are my thoughts, you imbecile.

Or did you imagine they were selected at random?

One of many differences between us, is that I give credit to the sources I simply post what the NYTimes, DNC, etc., tell you to.

That's the secular progressive movement tactic. Their playbook keys on the avoidance of being trapped in a debate of facts. They must deflect until exit is achieved

Why do we have to continually hear others make excuses for everyone> Can't Americans just form once from their own opinions?


It is not clear what you mean by this....but in this thread I will post the words of a Canadian and a Brit.

Why don't you shock us and post some thoughts of your own?
We really don't want that,,do we?

I see USMB as 1) a bad habit, and 2) a source of entertainment;

I find it most entertaining when PC attempts to think for herself.
Why do we have to continually hear others make excuses for everyone> Can't Americans just form once from their own opinions?


It is not clear what you mean by this....but in this thread I will post the words of a Canadian and a Brit.

Why don't you shock us and post some thoughts of your own?

They are my thoughts, you imbecile.

Or did you imagine they were selected at random?

One of many differences between us, is that I give credit to the sources I simply post what the NYTimes, DNC, etc., tell you to.

I don't need to source my own opinions.
7. Islam lifted the monotheistic concept from the Judeo-Christians and even claims that none other than that frequent flyer Gabriel imparted the divine message to the Prophet, Muhammad.

O. M. G. lolol

Oh, P. S.,

which of the pre-Christian religions did Christians lift the virgin birth from? There are quite a few to choose from.
Why do we have to continually hear others make excuses for everyone> Can't Americans just form once from their own opinions?


It is not clear what you mean by this....but in this thread I will post the words of a Canadian and a Brit.

Why don't you shock us and post some thoughts of your own?

They are my thoughts, you imbecile.

Or did you imagine they were selected at random?

One of many differences between us, is that I give credit to the sources I simply post what the NYTimes, DNC, etc., tell you to.

I don't need to source my own opinions.

You haven't had an original thought since just before your morning dump.

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