ALL 11 Alternate (Fake) Electors, Including GOP Chair Kelli Ward, Indicted In Arizona!

Not my problem you don't understand it doesn't matter if they could be used or not. If I print my own counterfeit $100 bills and go to spend one, it's a crime whether I successfully buy something with it or if it wouldn't fool a cashier.

It's their intent that matters, not if they were too stupid to pull off their stunt. They clearly thought it could work otherwise they wouldn't have signed it. Trump and his lawyers thought it could work otherwise they wouldn't have come up with such a lame brain idea.

Their intent was to use uncertified electors during the congressional vote count, or to use them to create some kind of a constitutional emergency. Yeah, okay. :auiqs.jpg:
Plan A was just to have Pence count the fake electors and declare Trump the President. Plan B was for him to refuse to certify the electors, and then to send the elector slates back to the State legislatures.

Trump bought all the way in on this crackpot idea. When Trump saw that Mike's one little bang of the gavel was more powerful than his own, entire empire, he knew the con was over. The rats started jumping ship and destroying evidence.

Bang Bang Mike's Wooden Hammer:

Pence was going to count uncertified electors in front of Congress? What you people are led to believe is truly amazing, it's a testimony to how the human mind can be corrupted by very badly wanting something to be so that isn't. Fools.
They send an unauthorized, uncertified certificate of ascertainment for the losing candidate to Congress as though the losing candidate really won the state with the intent of eliminating the real winning candidate's slate of duly elected electors.

Yeah, and nobody was going to notice or catch that!! :laughing0301:
A grand jury sits as members of an investigation, not a trial. That's the part you don't get.

Oh, we know exactly what they are... only one side presents their 'evidence'. You have a long way to go.

The point is to intimidate those who were indicted, make them settle for a lessor plea to make it all 'go away' so they come off looking guilty and the left has their headlines. And you cheer on the bastardization and corruption of our legal system to harass people, smear them, cause a financial burden, all why screaming 'DEOMCRASY'! We know exactly what and who you are.
Their intent was to use uncertified electors during the congressional vote count, or to use them to create some kind of a constitutional emergency. Yeah, okay. :auiqs.jpg:

Eastman memorialized their plan. And a bunch of Republicans carried it out. It doesn't matter if it succeeded or not. It doesn't matter if it was feasible or not. Their intent was to flip the election Trump lost, thus disenfranchising 81 million voters who voted for the real winner of the election. No presidential candidate has ever tried pulling a stunt like that. That was not defending the Constitution, it was Trump wiping his ass with it.
Pence was going to count uncertified electors in front of Congress? What you people are led to believe is truly amazing, it's a testimony to how the human mind can be corrupted by very badly wanting something to be so that isn't. Fools.

That's what they wanted to happen. What's so farfetched about that?
Yeah, and nobody was going to notice or catch that!! :laughing0301:

I still you're still fighting that strawman as if all that matters is the end result while completely ignoring their intent.

Back to the bank robbery analogy -- according to you, it's not a crime to enter a bank to rob it. Get caught by security in a bank. Police find your hand written plans for how to rob it. But your defense is it's not a crime because the bank was so secure, one could never have gotten away with it.

I still you're still fighting that strawman as if all that matters is the end result while completely ignoring their intent.

Back to the bank robbery analogy -- according to you, it's not a crime to enter a bank to rob it. Get caught by security in a bank. Police find your hand written plans for how to rob it. But your defense is it's not a crime because the bank was so secure, one could never have gotten away with it.


You clearly don't understand at all what I am saying. There is no point in continually repeating it. You have to believe what you do in order for any of your 'logic' to make sense. Not much more to be said, enjoy your fantasy.
Correct. In discussing Grand Jury, there can be a suspect or a subject of Grand Jury investigation, but since it is not overseen by the court and no jeopardy on the line, there is no defendant until it is over, and sometime not even then if not enough evidence for a true bill. I am not sure why you struggle with this.
it is a biased process for the state. Always!!!!!!! it is illegal to remove the ability of a citizen their right to challenge evidence.
it is a biased process for the state.
If you truly believe that, we no longer have a liberal Republic that is a bastion of individual freedom where the good and industrious law abiding citizens can be protected from harm by criminals. That’s what the MAGA criminal sympathetic mass mind has done to inflict pain on this great country of ours.

Conservatives within MAGA have become sellouts against individual liberty for strongman leadership who comes messiah/like with false promises that he is the only one alive who can give the tearful losers security.
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If you truly believe that, we no longer have a free Republic bastion of individual freedom where the good and industrious law abiding citizens can be protected from harm by criminals. That’s what the MAGA criminal sympathetic mass mind has done to inflict pain on this great country of ours.

Conservatives within MAGA have become sellouts against individual liberty for strongman leadership who comes messiah/like with false promises that he is the only one alive who can give the tearful losers security.
Did it hurt much when that irony 2x4 hit you in the forehead?

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