
I think that if there are in fact alien life on other planets then they should be something that we look to in the future as far as trying to branch out further into our solar system. No doubt alien life is lurking around our planet and has been for some time now, but at the end of the day you just wonder when is it going to come out. When is alien life going to make the bold statement saying "hey we're here". When are they going to let it be known that they want to have contact with humans? I think that's the most interesting question that faces us right now in our world. We have ventured to many places in our solar system we know a lot about what is out there. Now I think it should be our focus to try and communicate with these people or "beings" that are supposed to be out there living lives just like you and I. I think the government owes it to us to let us know what else is out there and what other planets have intelligent life on them. I think for sure there are things that have been held back that we don't know about and I think that's wrong. I think if we are the ones paying for the exploration of the solar system that we should know when they make an interesting discovery or if they find signs of life on another planet. To me "keeping us in the dark" just goes a long way in tarnishing the relationship that we have with our government. If there is that type of life out there that you see in the movies that type of terror then we should know. I think we do its just a matter of time before they tell us.

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