Ali looks horrible

I don't think anyone can say that Tyson hit harder than Foreman. They all said that Foreman had the heaviest punch.

There are still some boxing experts who swear that Joe Louis would have beat Ali, in both their primes.

Foreman knocked Frazier down 6 times in 2 rounds in 1973.

Ali couldn't knock Frazier down in 3 fights.

No question the Foreman of 1973 would have knocked out Tyson in his prime.

A much longer reach, and "heavy punch."

Tyson is rightup Formans alley.

In fact - when Foreman wasmakinghis comeback in the lat e 1980s -he was calling for a fight with Tyson.
I think Ali would take Tyson, if they were both in their prime. Ali had the best ring presence of anyone. He could change strategies in a heartbeat if he saw a better way to beat someone.

Ali's punches were also quick as lightning. Foreman was one of the hardest punchers in boxing, but he wore himself out when Ali went with the rope-a-dope. That is what would happen to Tyson.
I think Ali would take Tyson, if they were both in their prime. Ali had the best ring presence of anyone. He could change strategies in a heartbeat if he saw a better way to beat someone.

Ali's punches were also quick as lightning. Foreman was one of the hardest punchers in boxing, but he wore himself out when Ali went with the rope-a-dope. That is what would happen to Tyson.

That was Ali's typical tactic when he came back from suspension. Foreman played right into it.

Ali was basically washed up after he got suspended for not going into the draft - which I was on his side in theissue btw.

Never really a hard puncher.

(Floyd Patterson should have called him by his name and stopped reffering to him as "Clay." )
Clay/Ali never ever had a kncokooutpunch -even in his prime

was a joke................
watching mos tof his fights with his rope-adope tactics was Chinese WaterTorture

NEVER HAD A KNOCKOUT PUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not only could he punch, he could take a punch. He kept fighting Ken Norton in spite of the fact Norton had broken his jaw.
Clay/Ali never ever had a kncokooutpunch -even in his prime

was a joke................

Took Sonny Liston out with one punch

Watchedthepunch on slo-mo replay - still couldnt see it...............................

I saw it, a jab to the temple while he was backing away

Ali never would have made it as a heavyweight if he did not have a punch that was respected. Otherwise your opponent will just walk through your punches

Ali also proved he could take a punch beating sluggers like Liston, Frazier, Shavers, Forman
must have been in super slo mo - I neversaw it

Nobody disputes Alis ringmangship and ability to take a punch - but he simply never had a punch ...........
That was so sad, very hard to watch. I'm torn though ... if he had the full mental capacity to consent and wanted to do this, then I'm glad he was given the chance. He shouldn't be kept away from public appearances just because it makes us uncomfortable to see him in that state.
That was so sad, very hard to watch. I'm torn though ... if he had the full mental capacity to consent and wanted to do this, then I'm glad he was given the chance. He shouldn't be kept away from public appearances just because it makes us uncomfortable to see him in that state.

I think trotting Ali out there was exploitation of a great athlete. Instead of cheering, the crowd let out a collective gasp when they saw him. It was sad to watch

Ali has no connection to Miami or the Marlins. It must have been a big paycheck and I'm not sure of Alis finances
That was so sad, very hard to watch. I'm torn though ... if he had the full mental capacity to consent and wanted to do this, then I'm glad he was given the chance. He shouldn't be kept away from public appearances just because it makes us uncomfortable to see him in that state.

I think trotting Ali out there was exploitation of a great athlete. Instead of cheering, the crowd let out a collective gasp when they saw him. It was sad to watch

Ali has no connection to Miami or the Marlins. It must have been a big paycheck and I'm not sure of Alis finances

That's my gut feeling too ... that someone took advantage of him, and I wonder who really got that big paycheck.
He's the greatest champ in history.

I love the guy. Class act all the way.

Tell it to Frazier

not just Frazier, he was an asshole to everyone.

The left loves him because he was a black radical in the 60's and he went to jail instead of fighting for his country.

That's what they mean by "class act".

I agree, he had very poor sportsmanship that went well beyond just hyping the gate. What he did to Frazier was just cruel

In terms of VietNam, I believe he was as sincere as a Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney or Mitt Romney were in getting their deferment. The biggest outcry was because they did not like his particular religion. I also remember very few top athletes, musicians or actors at the time who were forced to give up their careers and fight in Viet Nam

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