Alfie Evans...what happens when the left dehumanizes children

Would the NHS let Steven Hawking survive today?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 6 75.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Btw, before you lbibes that laugh at jokes about aborted babies attempt to hijack th thread, let it be known that Pope Francis granted the child Italian citizenship so the child could be treated outside the UK in retaliation to the UK court rulings that Alfie was their ward and property (no longer belonged to the parents) and was too expensive to maintain for the lack of economic return that Alfie would provide (zero).

In other words, the UK's big left government simply weighs the life of a citizen as a financial asset or liability, and determined that Alfie was a liability of severe negative value with conceivable chance of being productive in the future.

But hey, as liberal comedian Michelle Wolf would jest: If you hillbillies are too stupid to post-abort your child then we'll do it for you!

Pope, others mourn death of British toddler Alfie Evans
Alfie Evans, British toddler at center of legal battle, has died
Alfie Evans’ chaplain recalled from Alder Hey
Terminally-ill British boy becomes rallying point for US conservatives

Erick Erickson, a leading conservative activist and commentator, tweeted: “The British press is not a free press or a moral press. If it were, it’d be making a really big deal about the UK killing Alfie Evans.”

In the United Kingdom, police issued warnings after staffers at the hospital where Evans is being treated have received “unprecedented personal abuse” according its chair, Sir David Henshaw.

Other American conservatives struck even more ardent notes. The former Republican congressman and radio host Joe Walsh tweeted: “Why does an American need an AR-15?’ To make sure what’s happening to #AlfieEvans never happens here. That’s why.”

You know why the UK posted ARMED police around Alfie, because they knew their citizenry was disarmed and would not be able to break through phalanx of armed officers.

Joe Walsh is correct. In any conservative part of the US (most of the US geographically) the hospital would have been stormed by armed citizens and the child would have been transported to the safety of the Vatican for health care.

How long before they apply this ruling all citizens and not just post-birth abortion age classified children?

Oh no the police and elite are scared!
Alfie Evans: police issue warning over online abuse of medical staff
Last edited:
Don't ignore it libbies, embrace your legacy.

When the Khmer Rouge overthrew the government of Cambodia in 1975, and established a Communist “utopia” in its place.


Cuz liberal media:
Had he not had the good manners to die in 1953 before he could institute another purge of Jews and other “enemies of the State,” the numbers of death would have swelled even more. Curiously—and despite all of this—the man was much admired by people who lived outside of Russia during this time, and the always-smiling and benevolent-looking “Uncle Joe” even made it onto the cover of Time magazine no fewer than eleven times.
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Btw, before you lbibes that laugh at jokes about aborted babies attempt to hijack th thread, let it be known that Pope Francis granted the child Italian citizenship so the child could be treated outside the UK in retaliation to the UK court rulings that Alfie was their ward and property (no longer belonged to the parents) and was too expensive to maintain for the lack of economic return that Alfie would provide (zero).

In other words, the UK's big left government simply weighs the life of a citizen as a financial asset or liability, and determined that Alfie was a liability of severe negative value with conceivable chance of being productive in the future.

But hey, as liberal comedian Michelle Wolf would jest: If you hillbillies are too stupid to post-abort your child then we'll do it for you!

Pope, others mourn death of British toddler Alfie Evans
Alfie Evans, British toddler at center of legal battle, has died
Alfie Evans’ chaplain recalled from Alder Hey
Terminally-ill British boy becomes rallying point for US conservatives

Erick Erickson, a leading conservative activist and commentator, tweeted: “The British press is not a free press or a moral press. If it were, it’d be making a really big deal about the UK killing Alfie Evans.”

In the United Kingdom, police issued warnings after staffers at the hospital where Evans is being treated have received “unprecedented personal abuse” according its chair, Sir David Henshaw.

Other American conservatives struck even more ardent notes. The former Republican congressman and radio host Joe Walsh tweeted: “Why does an American need an AR-15?’ To make sure what’s happening to #AlfieEvans never happens here. That’s why.”

You know why the UK posted ARMED police around Alfie, because they knew their citizenry was disarmed and would not be able to break through phalanx of armed officers.

Joe Walsh is correct. In any conservative part of the US (most of the US geographically) the hospital would have been stormed by armed citizens and the child would have been transported to the safety of the Vatican for health care.

How long before they apply this ruling all citizens and not just post-birth abortion age classified children?

Oh no the police and elite are scared!
Alfie Evans: police issue warning over online abuse of medical staff
Was Hawking born with 70% of his brain missing and the rest deteriorating?
Hawking was healthy until his twenties...


How long before the NHS moves onto terminally ill adults? The court precedent has already been set. Being under the NHS makes you a ward of the state and unable to suport your own continued healhcare costs makes you ward of the state, and thus you are the property of the state and if that property is determined to be a permanent financial liability then the owner (the state) has the right to dispose of their property.

Forced euthanasia is now precedent in the UK thanks to the rulings made on this case. The rulings do not distinguish between children and adults.
Last edited:
Don't ignore it libbies, embrace your legacy.

When the Khmer Rouge overthrew the government of Cambodia in 1975, and established a Communist “utopia” in its place.


Cuz liberal media:
Had he not had the good manners to die in 1953 before he could institute another purge of Jews and other “enemies of the State,” the numbers of death would have swelled even more. Curiously—and despite all of this—the man was much admired by people who lived outside of Russia during this time, and the always-smiling and benevolent-looking “Uncle Joe” even made it onto the cover of Time magazine no fewer than eleven times.
Where was your God to save this child?
Don't ignore it libbies, embrace your legacy.

When the Khmer Rouge overthrew the government of Cambodia in 1975, and established a Communist “utopia” in its place.


Cuz liberal media:
Had he not had the good manners to die in 1953 before he could institute another purge of Jews and other “enemies of the State,” the numbers of death would have swelled even more. Curiously—and despite all of this—the man was much admired by people who lived outside of Russia during this time, and the always-smiling and benevolent-looking “Uncle Joe” even made it onto the cover of Time magazine no fewer than eleven times.
Where was your God to save this child?

The Pope attempted to bring him to the Vatican, the courts refused.
Hawking was healthy until his twenties...

Also I'm fully well aware of hawking's good health until his twenties. He was on a row boat team I remember correctly. Not that it matters, The UK courts have made no distinction between adults, children and post-abortion aged infants. It was a general ruling that permits the UK to force euthanasia on anyone deemed a financial liability.
The left only let Hawking live so he could entertain them with stories about how "there is no God", and how we're all made out of "star shit" or some such nonsense.
Btw, before you lbibes that laugh at jokes about aborted babies attempt to hijack th thread, let it be known that Pope Francis granted the child Italian citizenship so the child could be treated outside the UK in retaliation to the UK court rulings that Alfie was their ward and property (no longer belonged to the parents) and was too expensive to maintain for the lack of economic return that Alfie would provide (zero).

In other words, the UK's big left government simply weighs the life of a citizen as a financial asset or liability, and determined that Alfie was a liability of severe negative value with conceivable chance of being productive in the future.

But hey, as liberal comedian Michelle Wolf would jest: If you hillbillies are too stupid to post-abort your child then we'll do it for you!

Pope, others mourn death of British toddler Alfie Evans
Alfie Evans, British toddler at center of legal battle, has died
Alfie Evans’ chaplain recalled from Alder Hey
Terminally-ill British boy becomes rallying point for US conservatives

Erick Erickson, a leading conservative activist and commentator, tweeted: “The British press is not a free press or a moral press. If it were, it’d be making a really big deal about the UK killing Alfie Evans.”

In the United Kingdom, police issued warnings after staffers at the hospital where Evans is being treated have received “unprecedented personal abuse” according its chair, Sir David Henshaw.

Other American conservatives struck even more ardent notes. The former Republican congressman and radio host Joe Walsh tweeted: “Why does an American need an AR-15?’ To make sure what’s happening to #AlfieEvans never happens here. That’s why.”

You know why the UK posted ARMED police around Alfie, because they knew their citizenry was disarmed and would not be able to break through phalanx of armed officers.

Joe Walsh is correct. In any conservative part of the US (most of the US geographically) the hospital would have been stormed by armed citizens and the child would have been transported to the safety of the Vatican for health care.

How long before they apply this ruling all citizens and not just post-birth abortion age classified children?

Oh no the police and elite are scared!
Alfie Evans: police issue warning over online abuse of medical staff

the only ones dehumanizing children are NRA hacks who think there should be AR-15's all over the place and who couldn't give a flying about dead kids.
Btw, before you lbibes that laugh at jokes about aborted babies attempt to hijack th thread, let it be known that Pope Francis granted the child Italian citizenship so the child could be treated outside the UK in retaliation to the UK court rulings that Alfie was their ward and property (no longer belonged to the parents) and was too expensive to maintain for the lack of economic return that Alfie would provide (zero).

In other words, the UK's big left government simply weighs the life of a citizen as a financial asset or liability, and determined that Alfie was a liability of severe negative value with conceivable chance of being productive in the future.

But hey, as liberal comedian Michelle Wolf would jest: If you hillbillies are too stupid to post-abort your child then we'll do it for you!

Pope, others mourn death of British toddler Alfie Evans
Alfie Evans, British toddler at center of legal battle, has died
Alfie Evans’ chaplain recalled from Alder Hey
Terminally-ill British boy becomes rallying point for US conservatives

Erick Erickson, a leading conservative activist and commentator, tweeted: “The British press is not a free press or a moral press. If it were, it’d be making a really big deal about the UK killing Alfie Evans.”

In the United Kingdom, police issued warnings after staffers at the hospital where Evans is being treated have received “unprecedented personal abuse” according its chair, Sir David Henshaw.

Other American conservatives struck even more ardent notes. The former Republican congressman and radio host Joe Walsh tweeted: “Why does an American need an AR-15?’ To make sure what’s happening to #AlfieEvans never happens here. That’s why.”

You know why the UK posted ARMED police around Alfie, because they knew their citizenry was disarmed and would not be able to break through phalanx of armed officers.

Joe Walsh is correct. In any conservative part of the US (most of the US geographically) the hospital would have been stormed by armed citizens and the child would have been transported to the safety of the Vatican for health care.

How long before they apply this ruling all citizens and not just post-birth abortion age classified children?

Oh no the police and elite are scared!
Alfie Evans: police issue warning over online abuse of medical staff

the only ones dehumanizing children are NRA hacks who think there should be AR-15's all over the place and who couldn't give a flying about dead kids.

No, because giving veterans jobs as armed security would be too terrible a solution like our politicans who have armed security to deter gunmen.
The nerve of the treacherous right. Caring nothing for children who are desperately seeking help right now on our southern border. Children who have had family members murdered.

And don't forget that Republicans used millions of sick and disabled children as a bargaining CHIP. Letting funding for seriously ill children lapse just so they could play one upmanship with Democrats. It's difficult to describe the depth of creepiness and nastiness that comes from the GOP.

Btw, before you lbibes that laugh at jokes about aborted babies attempt to hijack th thread, let it be known that Pope Francis granted the child Italian citizenship so the child could be treated outside the UK in retaliation to the UK court rulings that Alfie was their ward and property (no longer belonged to the parents) and was too expensive to maintain for the lack of economic return that Alfie would provide (zero).

In other words, the UK's big left government simply weighs the life of a citizen as a financial asset or liability, and determined that Alfie was a liability of severe negative value with conceivable chance of being productive in the future.

But hey, as liberal comedian Michelle Wolf would jest: If you hillbillies are too stupid to post-abort your child then we'll do it for you!

Pope, others mourn death of British toddler Alfie Evans
Alfie Evans, British toddler at center of legal battle, has died
Alfie Evans’ chaplain recalled from Alder Hey
Terminally-ill British boy becomes rallying point for US conservatives

Erick Erickson, a leading conservative activist and commentator, tweeted: “The British press is not a free press or a moral press. If it were, it’d be making a really big deal about the UK killing Alfie Evans.”

In the United Kingdom, police issued warnings after staffers at the hospital where Evans is being treated have received “unprecedented personal abuse” according its chair, Sir David Henshaw.

Other American conservatives struck even more ardent notes. The former Republican congressman and radio host Joe Walsh tweeted: “Why does an American need an AR-15?’ To make sure what’s happening to #AlfieEvans never happens here. That’s why.”

You know why the UK posted ARMED police around Alfie, because they knew their citizenry was disarmed and would not be able to break through phalanx of armed officers.

Joe Walsh is correct. In any conservative part of the US (most of the US geographically) the hospital would have been stormed by armed citizens and the child would have been transported to the safety of the Vatican for health care.

How long before they apply this ruling all citizens and not just post-birth abortion age classified children?

Oh no the police and elite are scared!
Alfie Evans: police issue warning over online abuse of medical staff

the only ones dehumanizing children are NRA hacks who think there should be AR-15's all over the place and who couldn't give a flying about dead kids.

No, because giving veterans jobs as armed security would be too terrible a solution like our politicans who have armed security to deter gunmen.
Veterans Commit Mass Shootings At An Alarming Rate. Why?
Don't ignore it libbies, embrace your legacy.

When the Khmer Rouge overthrew the government of Cambodia in 1975, and established a Communist “utopia” in its place.


Cuz liberal media:
Had he not had the good manners to die in 1953 before he could institute another purge of Jews and other “enemies of the State,” the numbers of death would have swelled even more. Curiously—and despite all of this—the man was much admired by people who lived outside of Russia during this time, and the always-smiling and benevolent-looking “Uncle Joe” even made it onto the cover of Time magazine no fewer than eleven times.
Where was your God to save this child?

The Pope attempted to bring him to the Vatican, the courts refused.
I thought God was everywhere?
Btw, before you lbibes that laugh at jokes about aborted babies attempt to hijack th thread, let it be known that Pope Francis granted the child Italian citizenship so the child could be treated outside the UK in retaliation to the UK court rulings that Alfie was their ward and property (no longer belonged to the parents) and was too expensive to maintain for the lack of economic return that Alfie would provide (zero).

In other words, the UK's big left government simply weighs the life of a citizen as a financial asset or liability, and determined that Alfie was a liability of severe negative value with conceivable chance of being productive in the future.

But hey, as liberal comedian Michelle Wolf would jest: If you hillbillies are too stupid to post-abort your child then we'll do it for you!

Pope, others mourn death of British toddler Alfie Evans
Alfie Evans, British toddler at center of legal battle, has died
Alfie Evans’ chaplain recalled from Alder Hey
Terminally-ill British boy becomes rallying point for US conservatives

Erick Erickson, a leading conservative activist and commentator, tweeted: “The British press is not a free press or a moral press. If it were, it’d be making a really big deal about the UK killing Alfie Evans.”

In the United Kingdom, police issued warnings after staffers at the hospital where Evans is being treated have received “unprecedented personal abuse” according its chair, Sir David Henshaw.

Other American conservatives struck even more ardent notes. The former Republican congressman and radio host Joe Walsh tweeted: “Why does an American need an AR-15?’ To make sure what’s happening to #AlfieEvans never happens here. That’s why.”

You know why the UK posted ARMED police around Alfie, because they knew their citizenry was disarmed and would not be able to break through phalanx of armed officers.

Joe Walsh is correct. In any conservative part of the US (most of the US geographically) the hospital would have been stormed by armed citizens and the child would have been transported to the safety of the Vatican for health care.

How long before they apply this ruling all citizens and not just post-birth abortion age classified children?

Oh no the police and elite are scared!
Alfie Evans: police issue warning over online abuse of medical staff

the only ones dehumanizing children are NRA hacks who think there should be AR-15's all over the place and who couldn't give a flying about dead kids.

No, because giving veterans jobs as armed security would be too terrible a solution like our politicans who have armed security to deter gunmen.
Veterans Commit Mass Shootings At An Alarming Rate. Why?

They also tend to be 90%+ male and white.

Anything else to say?
Don't ignore it libbies, embrace your legacy.

When the Khmer Rouge overthrew the government of Cambodia in 1975, and established a Communist “utopia” in its place.


Cuz liberal media:
Had he not had the good manners to die in 1953 before he could institute another purge of Jews and other “enemies of the State,” the numbers of death would have swelled even more. Curiously—and despite all of this—the man was much admired by people who lived outside of Russia during this time, and the always-smiling and benevolent-looking “Uncle Joe” even made it onto the cover of Time magazine no fewer than eleven times.
Where was your God to save this child?

The Pope attempted to bring him to the Vatican, the courts refused.
I thought God was everywhere?

The Lord is indeed everywhere.

Look outside and you'll see the signs of life everywhere, from the dandelion seeds blowing in the wind to the newly hatched fowls that hide beneath their mothers wings. To the sun the nurtures life by day and the moon governs the tides to the very beating of your heart, a machine that runs as designed for 80-100 years that self repairs and regenerates itself.
Last edited:
Don't ignore it libbies, embrace your legacy.

When the Khmer Rouge overthrew the government of Cambodia in 1975, and established a Communist “utopia” in its place.


Cuz liberal media:
Had he not had the good manners to die in 1953 before he could institute another purge of Jews and other “enemies of the State,” the numbers of death would have swelled even more. Curiously—and despite all of this—the man was much admired by people who lived outside of Russia during this time, and the always-smiling and benevolent-looking “Uncle Joe” even made it onto the cover of Time magazine no fewer than eleven times.
Where was your God to save this child?

The Pope attempted to bring him to the Vatican, the courts refused.
I thought God was everywhere?

The Lord is indeed everywhere.

Look outside and you'll see the signs of life everywhere, from the dandelion seeds blowing in the wind to the newly hatched fowls that hide beneath their mothers wings.
And I see death's all part of the plan, man...
Btw, before you lbibes that laugh at jokes about aborted babies attempt to hijack th thread, let it be known that Pope Francis granted the child Italian citizenship so the child could be treated outside the UK in retaliation to the UK court rulings that Alfie was their ward and property (no longer belonged to the parents) and was too expensive to maintain for the lack of economic return that Alfie would provide (zero).

In other words, the UK's big left government simply weighs the life of a citizen as a financial asset or liability, and determined that Alfie was a liability of severe negative value with conceivable chance of being productive in the future.

But hey, as liberal comedian Michelle Wolf would jest: If you hillbillies are too stupid to post-abort your child then we'll do it for you!

Pope, others mourn death of British toddler Alfie Evans
Alfie Evans, British toddler at center of legal battle, has died
Alfie Evans’ chaplain recalled from Alder Hey
Terminally-ill British boy becomes rallying point for US conservatives

Erick Erickson, a leading conservative activist and commentator, tweeted: “The British press is not a free press or a moral press. If it were, it’d be making a really big deal about the UK killing Alfie Evans.”

In the United Kingdom, police issued warnings after staffers at the hospital where Evans is being treated have received “unprecedented personal abuse” according its chair, Sir David Henshaw.

Other American conservatives struck even more ardent notes. The former Republican congressman and radio host Joe Walsh tweeted: “Why does an American need an AR-15?’ To make sure what’s happening to #AlfieEvans never happens here. That’s why.”

You know why the UK posted ARMED police around Alfie, because they knew their citizenry was disarmed and would not be able to break through phalanx of armed officers.

Joe Walsh is correct. In any conservative part of the US (most of the US geographically) the hospital would have been stormed by armed citizens and the child would have been transported to the safety of the Vatican for health care.

How long before they apply this ruling all citizens and not just post-birth abortion age classified children?

Oh no the police and elite are scared!
Alfie Evans: police issue warning over online abuse of medical staff

the only ones dehumanizing children are NRA hacks who think there should be AR-15's all over the place and who couldn't give a flying about dead kids.

No, because giving veterans jobs as armed security would be too terrible a solution like our politicans who have armed security to deter gunmen.
Veterans Commit Mass Shootings At An Alarming Rate. Why?

They also tend to be 90%+ male and white.

Anything else to say?
Yes, they don't have school shootings in countries with strong gun control. Mass shootings are rare there too.
Btw, before you lbibes that laugh at jokes about aborted babies attempt to hijack th thread, let it be known that Pope Francis granted the child Italian citizenship so the child could be treated outside the UK in retaliation to the UK court rulings that Alfie was their ward and property (no longer belonged to the parents) and was too expensive to maintain for the lack of economic return that Alfie would provide (zero).

In other words, the UK's big left government simply weighs the life of a citizen as a financial asset or liability, and determined that Alfie was a liability of severe negative value with conceivable chance of being productive in the future.

But hey, as liberal comedian Michelle Wolf would jest: If you hillbillies are too stupid to post-abort your child then we'll do it for you!

Pope, others mourn death of British toddler Alfie Evans
Alfie Evans, British toddler at center of legal battle, has died
Alfie Evans’ chaplain recalled from Alder Hey
Terminally-ill British boy becomes rallying point for US conservatives

You know why the UK posted ARMED police around Alfie, because they knew their citizenry was disarmed and would not be able to break through phalanx of armed officers.

Joe Walsh is correct. In any conservative part of the US (most of the US geographically) the hospital would have been stormed by armed citizens and the child would have been transported to the safety of the Vatican for health care.

How long before they apply this ruling all citizens and not just post-birth abortion age classified children?

Oh no the police and elite are scared!
Alfie Evans: police issue warning over online abuse of medical staff

the only ones dehumanizing children are NRA hacks who think there should be AR-15's all over the place and who couldn't give a flying about dead kids.

No, because giving veterans jobs as armed security would be too terrible a solution like our politicans who have armed security to deter gunmen.
Veterans Commit Mass Shootings At An Alarming Rate. Why?

They also tend to be 90%+ male and white.

Anything else to say?
Yes, they don't have school shootings in countries with strong gun control. Mass shootings are rare there too.

No just bombings, stabbing and vehicular mass assaults.
Don't ignore it libbies, embrace your legacy.


Cuz liberal media:
Where was your God to save this child?

The Pope attempted to bring him to the Vatican, the courts refused.
I thought God was everywhere?

The Lord is indeed everywhere.

Look outside and you'll see the signs of life everywhere, from the dandelion seeds blowing in the wind to the newly hatched fowls that hide beneath their mothers wings.
And I see death's all part of the plan, man...

You're lack of gratitude for creation is showing. Perhaps you should give thanks (thanksgiving) for the self repairing and self replicating machine that used arcane and complicated DNA instructions to assemble itself from scratch to Creator who designed it.

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