Alex Jones is a fucking joke

Anderson Cooper to the left and Alex Jones to the wiggy right: CIA has disinfo covered!

Except for the fact Anderson Cooper really did work for the CIA. And he likely still does. But he's certainly not alone. I'm sure there are many CIA Operatives working in the American MSM.
Anderson Cooper to the left and Alex Jones to the wiggy right: CIA has disinfo covered!

Except for the fact Anderson Cooper really did work for the CIA. And he likely still does. But he's certainly not alone. I'm sure there are many CIA Operatives working in the American MSM.

And among the libertarians. I think there are at least two so-called liberts who are CIA disinfo posters here.
Anderson Cooper to the left and Alex Jones to the wiggy right: CIA has disinfo covered!

Except for the fact Anderson Cooper really did work for the CIA. And he likely still does. But he's certainly not alone. I'm sure there are many CIA Operatives working in the American MSM.

You seem to be certain of many things no normal person is.
Do you have any support for your claim that Cooper is CIA or are you just blowing chunks from your bunghole again?
Can you see how such baseless claims damage your credibility?
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paulitician often blows chunks from his bunghole.

Ask him if the pres is a kenyan or a marxist or a muslim or foreign.
As a college student, I had a number of summer jobs and internships, including working at the CIA. Keep in mind, we are talking about nearly 20 years ago. The Bangles "Walk Like An Egyptian" was on the radio. I was 19 years old, and like many college students was curious about a variety of careers.

There was a flyer for the CIA in my college career counseling office, and I applied for a summer job. I was a political science major and was interested in serving my country.

For a couple months over the course of two summers, I worked at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. There are reporters who've been in the military, others who've interned on Capitol Hill while they were in college. - Anderson Cooper 360° Blog
Quote: Originally Posted by eots
Anderson Cooper CIA - YouTube

Quote: Originally Posted by SAYIT
OK, now it's your turn, Princess. Do you have anything which supports Pauli's claim that Cooper is a CIA agent or are you just blowing chunks from your bunghole?

As a college student, I had a number of summer jobs and internships, including working at the CIA. Keep in mind, we are talking about nearly 20 years ago. The Bangles "Walk Like An Egyptian" was on the radio. I was 19 years old, and like many college students was curious about a variety of careers.

There was a flyer for the CIA in my college career counseling office, and I applied for a summer job. I was a political science major and was interested in serving my country.

For a couple months over the course of two summers, I worked at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. There are reporters who've been in the military, others who've interned on Capitol Hill while they were in college. - Anderson Cooper 360° Blog

Old news about Cooper's summer job 20 years ago. So where is your support for Pauli's claim that Cooper is a CIA agent?
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Ill even go one further, everyone bangs on about the second amendment being stolen, yet they just give up their first amendment. No one thinks for them selves anymore, not even here. A thought can not be expressed without backing it up with the same statement in print from some retard in the media, and Alex Jones is part of that media. He is no better then Shep Smith, Rachel Maddow, or Wolf Blitzer.

Actually he's much, much, much worse. He's only a half step above Breitbart.

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