Alec Baldwin gets a Slap on the Wrist again

Baldwin will get his just desserts someday

Yep, he's convinced he's a badass...they all are until they get hit, see the white light, and find themselves getting the shit kicked out them. He needs a DEtroit asskicking.....busted ear drum, jaw, ribs, the whole deal.
You know what's funny? Back in the '90s, in his 30s, Baldwin used to be a very pretty-looking, handsome man. But he took the Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama route; the inner ugliness inside him was so extreme it physically altered his body chemistry so now he's become a hideous, fat, gray, repulsive pig. Like Hillary and Michelle, the human ugliness on his inside finally caught up physically so now he's WEARING it on the outside for all to see.
He’s a pussy, and a douche bag. I like Kim Basinger better. He’ll get his ass handed to him sometime in the future.

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