Alarmist site REAL CLIMATE goes dark.....


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Alarmist site REALCLIMATE.ORG goes dark.....

More accurately described as; Real policy based cultural Marxism propaganda, They have either forgotten to pay the bill or this is an extension of the erasing of their failed predictions by Dr. Gavin Schmidt, Dr. Michael Mann, Dr. Stephan Rahmstorf, and others has gone dark this week.

Look for collective amnesia to begin in haste just in time for the Paris Conclave...

Let the fun begin as Paris gets closer.
Maybe their server overheated

A good portion of their failed predictions were contained on that site. Just like the sites that held Dr Viner's "no snow" predictions were scrubbed recently. I believe that they may be doing the same thing now to .

Rather interesting that the Old Data sets on RC which helped prove the data manipulations, fabrications and falsifications were also on that site.

I had to make sure those data sets were on my servers and backed up this AM. I am betting on this being a scrub to remove inconvenient data and predictions.
Maybe their server overheated

A good portion of their failed predictions were contained on that site. Just like the sites that held Dr Viner's "no snow" predictions were scrubbed recently. I believe that they may be doing the same thing now to .

Rather interesting that the Old Data sets on RC which helped prove the data manipulations, fabrications and falsifications were also on that site.

I had to make sure those data sets were on my servers and backed up this AM. I am betting on this being a scrub to remove inconvenient data and predictions.

Damn taking a page book from Louis and Hillary.
It's some paperwork problems with the domain renewal at RealCllimate.

Remember, Billy also declared the Paris terrorist attacks were being used as an excuse to cancel the climate talks. He's a loon, and only other loons take him seriously.
Maybe their server overheated

A good portion of their failed predictions were contained on that site. Just like the sites that held Dr Viner's "no snow" predictions were scrubbed recently. I believe that they may be doing the same thing now to .

Rather interesting that the Old Data sets on RC which helped prove the data manipulations, fabrications and falsifications were also on that site.

I had to make sure those data sets were on my servers and backed up this AM. I am betting on this being a scrub to remove inconvenient data and predictions.
Those fraudsters likely put out more fake data than real data. And bragged about it.

They are felons and traitors who deserve the maximum punishment.
Muhd, you don't have the knowledge to tell which is which. And even if that site went dark for good, it would not change the fact that the globe is warming, and that there will be consequences from that warming.
In 2015, a HUGE majority of the pubic has determined that climate science is a huge yawn. Why? Couple of reasons.......they've seen all the stories of the rigged data. They saw Climategate!! ( please save us the absurd "legitimate investigation" responses.......I do investigations for a living ). But mostly and by far..........people see other people freezing their balls off all over the world during winter. The k00ks can talk about their science 'til the cows come they have been for 20 years.......nobody is caring. When t hey dtop freezing their balls off all winter, they might start to pay attention.

Realville 101 s0ns..........but keep trying to change the political landscape with the science obsessions!!!!

Good Luck and God Bless!!!

Muhd, you don't have the knowledge to tell which is which. And even if that site went dark for good, it would not change the fact that the globe is warming, and that there will be consequences from that warming.
real climate........ok frances.
Muhd, you don't have the knowledge to tell which is which. And even if that site went dark for good, it would not change the fact that the globe is warming, and that there will be consequences from that warming.
So what OTHER Alarmist site should we watch?
Why it has a website detailing all that right here!:
IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
It's Huge but Very Small! (I like that!)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is a huge and yet very small organization. Thousands of scientists from all over the world contribute to the work of the IPCC on a voluntary basis as authors, contributors and reviewers. None of them is paid by the IPCC. The work of the IPCC is guided by a set of principles and procedures.
What ARE those Principles and Procedures?

Crick? You know what they are? Oh you MUST be familiar right? :biggrin:
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I'm guessing our friend Crick is reading all that for the very first time!
From the IPCC's own website:
3. IPCC MATERIAL There are three main classes of IPCC material, each of which is defined in Section 2. A. IPCC Reports (which include Assessment, Synthesis and Special Reports and their Summaries for Policymakers and Methodology Reports) B. Technical Papers C. Supporting Material

Definitions from Section 2:
“Reports” refer to the main IPCC materials (including Assessment, Synthesis, Methodology and Special Reports and their Summaries for Policymakers and Overview Chapters). (Material they've ALREADY approved)
“Technical Papers” are based on the material already in the Assessment Reports and Special Reports and are prepared on topics for which an objective international scientific/technical perspective is deemed essential. (Material INSIDE what they've ALREADY approved)
“Supporting Material” consists of three categories: (1) Workshop proceedings and material from Expert Meetings which are either commissioned or supported by the IPCC, (2) software or databases to facilitate the use of the IPCC Methodology Reports, and (3) guidance material (guidance notes and guidance documents) to guide and assist in the preparation of comprehensive and scientifically sound IPCC Reports and Technical Papers. (Material SUPPORTING what they've ALREADY approved)
"Principles Governing IPCC Work":
ROLE 2. The role of the IPCC is to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. IPCC reports should be neutral with respect to policy, although they may need to deal objectively with scientific, technical and socio-economic factors relevant to the application of particular policies.
"Human Induced" means no other means will be considered.

That means The Sun CANNOT be considered a driver of Climate Change or "Global Warming". EVER!

"But excuse Mr IPCC Man. The Sun makes the Earth warm up. Also, as it rotates, the previously cool side warms up and the perviousl;y warm side cools down. Pretty neat huh? It's almost like someone set it up to be like that!"

No no no! The earths Rotation is NOT within our Principles of Governing! Besides, we can't accept that a 'Sky God" put everything in place, that would be 'Un- Scientific and lead to defunding of our phoney baloney jobs!"
If your job depends on the existence of Global Warming then what Financial Incentive is there to find it doesn't exist?

There is none.

"Ok, Global Warming isn't happening. Guess we need to look for new jobs."
If your job depends on the existence of Global Warming then what Financial Incentive is there to find it doesn't exist?

There is none.

"Ok, Global Warming isn't happening. Guess we need to look for new jobs."

Too Funny; You put up the facts that the IPCC is a POLITICAL ACTIVIST ORGANIZATION with a singular agenda, which Crick refuses to acknowledge.. and he runs away...

If your job depends on the existence of Global Warming then what Financial Incentive is there to find it doesn't exist?

There is none.

"Ok, Global Warming isn't happening. Guess we need to look for new jobs."

Too Funny; You put up the facts that the IPCC is a POLITICAL ACTIVIST ORGANIZATION with a singular agenda, which Crick refuses to acknowledge.. and he runs away...


What are you babbling about?

Tell you what dickwad, let's go through the sum of AR5's references and let's see how much political material we find.

If you'd like to discuss running away, however, why haven't you pulled up some of the data I noted from AR5 to show us that it's model output? What's the hold up? Could it be that you don't want to admit that every speck of it is empirical, that not one iota is from a model, to show what a stupid twat you've been? Yah. Thought so.
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