
Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I'll bet that while in Paris for the Climate Summit, Obama:

i) mentions NOAA's faked "HOTTEST OCTOBER EVAH!!!!" data at least once;
ii) uses NOAA's faked 2015 "HOTTEST YEAR EVER!!!" data to unilaterally make the USA accept some stupid carbon footprint regime; and
iii) neglects to blame his Jihadists brothers for the attacks in Paris
I'll bet that while in Paris for the Climate Summit, Obama:

i) mentions NOAA's faked "HOTTEST OCTOBER EVAH!!!!" data at least once;
ii) uses NOAA's faked 2015 "HOTTEST YEAR EVER!!!" data to unilaterally make the USA accept some stupid carbon footprint regime; and
iii) neglects to blame his Jihadists brothers for the attacks in Paris
iv) does a shout out to the Mona Lisa
v) reminds us that Christians were once really mean too
I'll bet that while in Paris for the Climate Summit, Obama:

i) mentions NOAA's faked "HOTTEST OCTOBER EVAH!!!!" data at least once;
ii) uses NOAA's faked 2015 "HOTTEST YEAR EVER!!!" data to unilaterally make the USA accept some stupid carbon footprint regime; and
iii) neglects to blame his Jihadists brothers for the attacks in Paris

I'll bet that while in Paris for the Climate Summit, Obama:

i) mentions NOAA's faked "HOTTEST OCTOBER EVAH!!!!" data at least once;
ii) uses NOAA's faked 2015 "HOTTEST YEAR EVER!!!" data to unilaterally make the USA accept some stupid carbon footprint regime; and
iii) neglects to blame his Jihadists brothers for the attacks in Paris
iv) does a shout out to the Mona Lisa
v) reminds us that Christians were once really mean too

LOL, could NOT have said it any better myself. Kudos to both of you!!!!!!
Obama is a fool and a liar so it goes without saying he will lie out his ass and attempt to surrender us to his socialist pals..

This is a 100% certainty.. its not a bet its a foregone conclusion based on facts.
I'll bet that while in Paris for the Climate Summit, Obama:

i) mentions NOAA's faked "HOTTEST OCTOBER EVAH!!!!" data at least once;
ii) uses NOAA's faked 2015 "HOTTEST YEAR EVER!!!" data to unilaterally make the USA accept some stupid carbon footprint regime; and
iii) neglects to blame his Jihadists brothers for the attacks in Paris

I'll bet that whenever you post here, Frank, you will continue to make unsubstantiated assertions and demonstrably false statements that do nothing but demonstrate your abysmal ignorance regarding science, the climate, logic, mathematics, statistics. politics, international affairs, foreign policy, economics or just generally how the fucking world works.
I'll bet that while in Paris for the Climate Summit, Obama:

i) mentions NOAA's faked "HOTTEST OCTOBER EVAH!!!!" data at least once;
ii) uses NOAA's faked 2015 "HOTTEST YEAR EVER!!!" data to unilaterally make the USA accept some stupid carbon footprint regime; and
iii) neglects to blame his Jihadists brothers for the attacks in Paris

I'll bet that whenever you post here, Frank, you will continue to make unsubstantiated assertions and demonstrably false statements that do nothing but demonstrate your abysmal ignorance regarding science, the climate, logic, mathematics, statistics. politics, international affairs, foreign policy, economics or just generally how the fucking world works.

Bet me one month off USMB.

If Obama mentions "Hottest month/year evah!!!!" and therefore we must whatever stupid idea he proposes you're off here for 1 month.

If he goes the whole summit without referring to "Hottest month/year evah!!!!" and therefore we must whatever stupid idea he proposes: I'm off for a month
So Frank is saying Obama should _not_ talk about the actual science? Wow, that's stupid and pathetic, even for Frank.

But what else can conspiracy cultists do, except whine about how all the grownups are ignoring their dying cult? Frank and pals don't want people talking about the real world. They want everyone to be like themselves, open soiling themselves over the scary mooslems. Stinky britches are now required apparel for the most hardcore of the deniers.
So Frank is saying Obama should _not_ talk about the actual science? Wow, that's stupid and pathetic, even for Frank.

But what else can conspiracy cultists do, except whine about how all the grownups are ignoring their dying cult? Frank and pals don't want people talking about the real world. They want everyone to be like themselves, open soiling themselves over the scary mooslems. Stinky britches are now required apparel for the most hardcore of the deniers.

Yes, the Piltdown Man and Peppered Moth agree: suddenly adding in "excess heat" trapped by the ocean to make up for a 2 decade hiatus is real science

AR1 - AR4, no mention of excess heat trapped by the oceans. AR5 when it's embarrassing that there's almost 2 decades with no warming, magically adds in a brand new data set to get "HOTTEST OCTOBER EVAH!!!!" in the middle of the "HOTTEST YEAR EVAH!!!"

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