Al-Qaeda Chief Calls For Attacks On US

It is Al Qaeda's agenda to paint the war on terrorism as a war on Muslims and Islam and you are buying right into and supporting their preferred discourse. You sound like a terrorist.

You need to stop throwing that label around so loosely. There are no terrorists here.

And yet he is supporting and promoting terrorist propaganda. I don't honestly think that he is a terrorist, but the promotion of such ideologies is pretty damaging to our national security and to the fight against terrorism.
Putting our heads in the sand in denial and waiting for the next Islamic Jihadist atrocity to happen isn't going to help either. Looking at the enemy in the eye and calling it what it is, is a good first step.

In other words, step up the electronic monitoring and surveillance, keep tabs on immigrants and visitors from Muslim countries. I'm sure it's being done already by the FBI and Homeland security. They need to try flush out the individuals that are already inside the US plotting to commit mass murder like the Boston Bombers did, or worse.

There is o question in my mind that there are a few cells at this very moment trying to accumulate the material and location for the next terrorist attack. Otherwise Zawahiri wouldn't be broadcasting this video n
There is no question in my mind that there are a few cells at this very moment trying to accumulate the material and location for the next terrorist attack. Otherwise Zawahiri wouldn't be broadcasting this video n

Due to our drone program and our invasion of Afghanistan (along with some cooperation from Egypt, Pakistan, and Iran), Al Qaeda Central has been pretty heavily diminished. They don't really have the capacity to operate strong cells overseas anymore. They have been struggling for some time to remain visibly relevant. Bin Laden was of a different mind than Al Zawahiri on how to do that. He was against direct association with groups like AQIM, AQAP, Al Shabaab, and online jihadis. He even disaproved of AQI (now ISI) and the TPP. Al Zawahiri though was and is of a different opinion and posits that even if Al Qaeda has no real control of these groups it still benefits Al Qaeda to have them associated to AQC by name and through public imagery.

That's why it was Al-Zawahiri who recognized say AQIM, and Al Shabaab as Al Qaeda affiliates, not Bin Laden, and now that bin Laden is out of the picture it makes sense to see Al-Zawahiri try to more heavily co-opt online jihadis to fill that cell void which many of the, now dead, old guard of Al Qaeda opposed.
There is no question in my mind that there are a few cells at this very moment trying to accumulate the material and location for the next terrorist attack. Otherwise Zawahiri wouldn't be broadcasting this video n

Due to our drone program and our invasion of Afghanistan (along with some cooperation from Egypt, Pakistan, and Iran), Al Qaeda Central has been pretty heavily diminished. They don't really have the capacity to operate strong cells overseas anymore. They have been struggling for some time to remain visibly relevant. Bin Laden was of a different mind than Al Zawahiri on how to do that. He was against direct association with groups like AQIM, AQAP, Al Shabaab, and online jihadis. He even disaproved of AQI (now ISI) and the TPP. Al Zawahiri though was and is of a different opinion and posits that even if Al Qaeda has no real control of these groups it still benefits Al Qaeda to have them associated to AQC by name and through public imagery.

That's why it was Al-Zawahiri who recognized say AQIM, and Al Shabaab as Al Qaeda affiliates, not Bin Laden, and now that bin Laden is out of the picture it makes sense to see Al-Zawahiri try to more heavily co-opt online jihadis to fill that cell void which many of the, now dead, old guard of Al Qaeda opposed.
In other words they are going to hit more soft targets like the Boston Marathon, until they get their hands on something bigger to hit us with.

It's called peaceful Islam.
It is Al Qaeda's agenda to paint the war on terrorism as a war on Muslims and Islam and you are buying right into and supporting their preferred discourse. You sound like a terrorist.

Yeah, I should look to peaceful Muslims like the Tsarnaev brothers, Nidal Hasan, et al, for the true picture of Islam....
In other words they are going to hit more soft targets like the Boston Marathon, until they get their hands on something bigger to hit.

That's the goal of trying to co-opt online jihadis, and is a symptom of their diminished abilities to plan larger scale international attacks.

It's called peaceful Islam.

Not sure what this has to do with anything, but it seems like a pretty childish attempt at a dig.
It is Al Qaeda's agenda to paint the war on terrorism as a war on Muslims and Islam and you are buying right into and supporting their preferred discourse. You sound like a terrorist.

Yeah, I should look to peaceful Muslims like the Tsarnaev brothers, Nidal Hasan, et al, for the true picture of Islam....

Or you could try putting your bigotry aside and stop supporting terrorist propaganda.
It is Al Qaeda's agenda to paint the war on terrorism as a war on Muslims and Islam and you are buying right into and supporting their preferred discourse. You sound like a terrorist.

Yeah, I should look to peaceful Muslims like the Tsarnaev brothers, Nidal Hasan, et al, for the true picture of Islam....

Or you could try putting your bigotry aside and stop supporting terrorist propaganda.

I saw no indication that the poster was “supporting terrorist propaganda.

I've got news for you: when we repeatedly see mass murder attacks against the infidel in the dar al-Kufr by moslems, the "harmony" is gone, and suspicion needs to become an integral part of a reasonable public's thinking and a responsible government's policy. Judicious and rational suspicion based upon facts and ongoing events is instrumental in maintaining order and preventing more jihad attacks.

No one is condoning violent reprisals against moslems living in the dar al-Kufr, simply because they are moslems. However, a sensible person cannot ignore the reality that if moslems are genuinely concerned about a "backlash" over the continued isolated incidents™ of maniacal mass murder in Allah’s name, then it is up to them to stand up right now to unequivocally insist on reform in their backward death cult. Because this sort of madness is not happening in the cause of any other faith on the planet right now. It is only happening in the cause of Islam's jihad, and it is definitely happening enough to make any objective, levelheaded person consider that this may be a problem directly related to Islamic doctrine.
I'm a supporter of objective fact. I simply don't veil my words to avoid offending Muslims.

It is Al Qaeda's agenda to paint the war on terrorism as a war on Muslims and Islam and you are buying right into and supporting their preferred discourse. You sound like a terrorist.

That's taking a subset of extremists out of the terrorist population of extremist Muslims imho. And no, I don't think all Muslims are extremists.

And neither do I think all Muslims are extremists. But if you meet one on the street, attired in ethnic clothing, and ask them how they are perceived here, they will tell you, they are looked at suspiciously by non-Muslims and how can anyone really blame them for feeling that way.
Al Zawahiri wasn't calling on Al Qaeda members to do these things "brothers" is simply a term they use for other Muslims. He is trying to encourage independent acts of terrorism (like say the Boston Marathon bombing) because Al Qaeda Central has been so diminished in its ability to carry out international attacks.

His target audience isn't the ISI(S) or Al Nusra in Syria, it is online jihadis.

Great point, because ultimately it isn't Al Qaeda that is at war with us, it is Islam.

You sound like a supporter of terrorist propaganda.
You sound like a supporter of Islamists and terrorists.
I saw no indication that the poster was “supporting terrorist propaganda.

The notion that we are at war with Islam IS terrorist propaganda and that is what he is pushing. I don't think he does it to support terrorism, but he utilizes the same kind of language in his discourse that terrorists do and is whether intentionally or not, pushing the same imagery. Jihadi credibility in many areas depends on this type of imagery and when people like he support that then it becomes a security threat to our country and a reinforcement of terrorist talking points.

It empowers them. And I'm not sure about you, but I'm not much for the empowerment of jihadis.
I saw no indication that the poster was “supporting terrorist propaganda.

The notion that we are at war with Islam IS terrorist propaganda and that is what he is pushing. I don't think he does it to support terrorism, but he utilizes the same kind of language in his discourse that terrorists do and is whether intentionally or not, pushing the same imagery. Jihadi credibility in many areas depends on this type of imagery and when people like he support that then it becomes a security threat to our country and a reinforcement of terrorist talking points.

It empowers them. And I'm not sure about you, but I'm not much for the empowerment of jihadis.

I think that the mistake you make in suggesting that others empower islamist ideology is twofold. first, not studying Islamist ideology and secondly, claiming that we are not at war with a politico-religious ideology. I know it's difficult to say that we're at war with a religion, but we are. It's actually a politico-religious ideology, and that's why it so easily leads its adherents to kill in its name. It's a religion and it's a state. It's antithetical to our conception of the nation-state (because it aspires to a worldwide state). Its scripture is also viewed to be inerrant. No, we are not at war with each and every Moslem--not by any means. However, we are definitely at war with the unreformed (and perhaps unreformable) faith which leads them to the murder or approval of the murder of non-Moslems. We are at war with the offensive, bellicose, totalitarian, and expansionist ideology of Islam. And this is a war which requires us to united.

The koran and the hadith, which are still interpreted literally, are a virulent manifesto of God-given Islamosupremacy, and they are the blueprint for the Religion of Peace's agenda. It's just easier to lay the blame on a discrete group of villains with a name, rather than the politico-religious ideology that inspires them.

The holy warriors™ of al-Qaeda and all other jihad groups are simply pious Moslems who know their koran and sunnah, and who are following the books to the letter. They are back in those, halcyon days of virtue less conquest and murder for God when these books were written—the days when they enjoyed so much success at fighting, killing, and subduing infidels, crusading or otherwise. As then, now.
Yes, sunni-boy. I hurt your feelings and you're unable to challenge a single post.

Your crude comments only serve to demonstrate your lack of any ability to post a coherent comment.

You're again stalking me through thread after thread using negative rep and your vile comments to "get even".

Why not man-up and defend yourself in an open forum. As we've seen on so many occasions, you're incapable of defending you position and are thus left to flaccid, juvenile attacks.
I have long held that Obama's goal is to cripple America, economically and militarily, so we become less "exceptional" and more in line with Third World countries. It looks like he has strong backers, in his ambitions, and who can possibly be surprised.

Al-Qaeda chief calls for attacks on US in 9/11 speech to followers

In an audio message released yesterday, Zawahiri laid out a plan of attack, saying he wanted a "few of the brothers" to commit small-scale strikes to trigger big spending by Washington on security, while awaiting the opportunity for a major onsalught later.

"We should bleed America economically by provoking it to continue in its massive expenditure on its security, for the weak point of America is its economy, which has already begun to stagger due to the military and security expenditure," he said.

Keeping America in such a state of tension and anticipation only required a few disparate attacks "here and there", he said.

"As we defeated it in the gang warfare in Somalia, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan, so we should follow it with ...war on its own land. These disparate strikes can be done by one brother or a few of the brothers."

At the same time, Muslims should seize any opportunity to land "a large strike" on the United States, even if this took years of patience, he said in the audio speech, which was broadcast on an Internet forum used by jihadist groups and lasted 72 minutes.

Al-Qaeda chief calls for attacks on US in 9/11 speech to followers - Telegraph

Think I am going to book mark this for the day after an ObamaDrone kills Zawahiri and you folks are crying about due process.

I have long held that Obama's goal is to cripple America, economically and militarily, so we become less "exceptional" and more in line with Third World countries. It looks like he has strong backers, in his ambitions, and who can possibly be surprised.

Al-Qaeda chief calls for attacks on US in 9/11 speech to followers

In an audio message released yesterday, Zawahiri laid out a plan of attack, saying he wanted a "few of the brothers" to commit small-scale strikes to trigger big spending by Washington on security, while awaiting the opportunity for a major onsalught later.

"We should bleed America economically by provoking it to continue in its massive expenditure on its security, for the weak point of America is its economy, which has already begun to stagger due to the military and security expenditure," he said.

Keeping America in such a state of tension and anticipation only required a few disparate attacks "here and there", he said.

"As we defeated it in the gang warfare in Somalia, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan, so we should follow it with ...war on its own land. These disparate strikes can be done by one brother or a few of the brothers."

At the same time, Muslims should seize any opportunity to land "a large strike" on the United States, even if this took years of patience, he said in the audio speech, which was broadcast on an Internet forum used by jihadist groups and lasted 72 minutes.

Al-Qaeda chief calls for attacks on US in 9/11 speech to followers - Telegraph

we are becoming more and more divisive as we become more and more diversified. America is no longer the great melting pot. immigrants no longer assimilate to the degree they used to. we are a collection of many independed cultures. as a result ther is no voice of america. there are many voicies, all with diferent and self serving agendas. this divides us greatly. also more and more immigrants who come here no end up relying on entitlements. before entitlements, you came here, you had no alternative but to find work and fit it. entitlements have changed that dynamic.
That's because Obama and the radical leftists survive on dividing Americans against each other. The more they can divide and make Americans hate each other, the more voters they get out of it.

Obama's by no means radical.

And it's the right wing that's been dividing America buy picking and choosing who they, themselves consider "American".

[ame=]The Halcro Zone: It's Four O'clock - YouTube[/ame]
Yes, sunni-boy. I hurt your feelings and you're unable to challenge a single post.

Your crude comments only serve to demonstrate your lack of any ability to post a coherent comment.

You're again stalking me through thread after thread using negative rep and your vile comments to "get even".

Why not man-up and defend yourself in an open forum. As we've seen on so many occasions, you're incapable of defending you position and are thus left to flaccid, juvenile attacks.
.....................................^^^^ :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:
Yes, sunni-boy. I hurt your feelings and you're unable to challenge a single post.

Your crude comments only serve to demonstrate your lack of any ability to post a coherent comment.

You're again stalking me through thread after thread using negative rep and your vile comments to "get even".

Why not man-up and defend yourself in an open forum. As we've seen on so many occasions, you're incapable of defending you position and are thus left to flaccid, juvenile attacks.
.....................................^^^^ :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:

How typical.

I have no issue pointing out your lack of any ability to offer a coherent comment. Your only ability is to leave crude comments via neg rep.

So yeah, I've ripped you a new one multiple times and that caused you to slither away.

Keep you vile comments to yourself

You're an embarrassment to real moslems.
I have no issue pointing out your lack of any ability to offer a coherent comment. Your only ability is to leave crude comments via neg rep.

So yeah, I've ripped you a new one multiple times and that caused you to slither away.

Keep you vile comments to yourself

You're an embarrassment to real moslems.
.................................^^^ No doubt....... :lol: :lol: :lol:
I have no issue pointing out your lack of any ability to offer a coherent comment. Your only ability is to leave crude comments via neg rep.

So yeah, I've ripped you a new one multiple times and that caused you to slither away.

Keep you vile comments to yourself

You're an embarrassment to real moslems.
.................................^^^ No doubt....... :lol: :lol: :lol:


You're a creepy stalker. Get a life.
Yes, sunni-boy. I hurt your feelings and you're unable to challenge a single post.

Your crude comments only serve to demonstrate your lack of any ability to post a coherent comment.

You're again stalking me through thread after thread using negative rep and your vile comments to "get even".

Why not man-up and defend yourself in an open forum. As we've seen on so many occasions, you're incapable of defending you position and are thus left to flaccid, juvenile attacks.
.....................................^^^^ :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:

How typical.

I have no issue pointing out your lack of any ability to offer a coherent comment. Your only ability is to leave crude comments via neg rep.

So yeah, I've ripped you a new one multiple times and that caused you to slither away.

Keep you vile comments to yourself

You're an embarrassment to real moslems.

What coherent comment?

Your only meme is your hatred for people that follow the Muslim faith.

Your also up against one of the wiliest, well liked "Trolls" around here.

One who's served this country with honor during the Vietnam war.

He doesn't toot his own horn about that much.

But there it is..
Yes, sunni-boy. I hurt your feelings and you're unable to challenge a single post.

Your crude comments only serve to demonstrate your lack of any ability to post a coherent comment.

You're again stalking me through thread after thread using negative rep and your vile comments to "get even".

Why not man-up and defend yourself in an open forum. As we've seen on so many occasions, you're incapable of defending you position and are thus left to flaccid, juvenile attacks.
.....................................^^^^ :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:

How typical.

I have no issue pointing out your lack of any ability to offer a coherent comment. Your only ability is to leave crude comments via neg rep.

So yeah, I've ripped you a new one multiple times and that caused you to slither away.

Keep you vile comments to yourself

You're an embarrassment to real moslems.

You misspelled the word Muslims.

Do you have a word to say about the thread topic addressed in the OP?

My response is threats by Al Qaeda do not justify the US starting wars against Nations.

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