Airspace over Lake Michigan Shut Down

Yesssssss. . . . actually, Fox Business news is now 6:14 PM saying it's octagonal ---

I sort of like the idea that we're shooting down aliens. Big fan of Independence Day.

But it's probably the Chinese.

Great idea I just heard!! (Okay, it was my husband) ----

These non-stop incursions the last few days are the same as the Chinese are doing to Taiwan, constant incursions bombarding them to scare them, over and over, day after day, faking them out, getting them to back down (the Chinese hope).

I think this analysis is right and that if we don't put a stop to it, it'll be daily and escalating until we have Chinese ships and bombers and everything running through our skies just like Taiwan does daily.
It's probably fucking NOTHING. How convenient that these things are being shot down "away from populated areas in order to protect the public from falling debris". That way nobody sees what is not even really there.
Balloons, schmalloons. Misdirection. Plain, and simple. If you keep your eye on the ball, the US's increasing involvement in Ukraine against Russia is what this is likely about. How does the government raise its defensive posture without alarming/alerting the public? In this case balloons. Things are heating up in Ukraine, and Russia has sufficient reason to blame the US for the destruction of its pipeline, all the while the West is increasing the volume, and sophistication of weaponry being used against Russia. Somethings got to give. And it won't be long now.
The shallowness and stupidity of the Far Right boggles the mind.
It looks like you have similar, if not more catastrophic issues. Let the investigation of the laptop and it's known ties to Joe Biden, using his son as a proxy in a kickback scheme during his tenure as VP. Wanna bet the classified doc's in the Corvette garage don't have anything to do with this?
China has a breakthrough technology and we have not yet detected it.
The balloons are simply a poke to make sure we are watching.

These are not random happenstances. Somethings up.
While the USA has focused on diversity and transgenderism.......the Chinese have been focused on scientific research.
It looks like you have similar, if not more catastrophic issues. Let the investigation of the laptop and it's known ties to Joe Biden, using his son as a proxy in a kickback scheme during his tenure as VP. Wanna bet the classified doc's in the Corvette garage don't have anything to do with this?
Beats me. Let us know when you guys have something.
Didn't hurt my feeling, just insulted my intelligence and that of the American people.

The nation is not destroyed, except in the eyes of the losing partisans, some of them downright Un-American and no longer believing in free elections or their outcomes. I suggest you ride around and see new factories, look at the gains in income beyond inflation, the employment rate, the low unemployment rate, talk to older diabetics that get to live without choosing between Hundreds a month insulin and a life in retirement.

You need to get some balance. It ain't bad out here in day to day America. I'm not wealthy, but certainly not suffering, and actually having a pretty good time, taking care of myself without the (help?) of the trumpers saving me from the evil democrats.
Dude, you must live in some form of Biden utopic world. Where I live, in a highly democrat controlled area, manufacturing buildings are vacant, homes are vacant and in sheriffs sale, shootings by primarily black youths are a daily 'breaking news' on the AM news shows, drug OD's are give me some more of your Biden Utopia Bullshit.
Dude, you must live in some form of Biden utopic world. Where I live, in a highly democrat controlled area, manufacturing buildings are vacant, homes are vacant and in sheriffs sale, shootings by primarily black youths are a daily 'breaking news' on the AM news shows, drug OD's are give me some more of your Biden Utopia Bullshit.
Wow. You can relocate to West Tennessee. The new Ford plant and battery plant Blue Oval is going up fast near Brownsville. The Mayor announce a new convention center, though I don't think we need it. Local factories are advertising on TV for immediate hiring at plants already here for a variety of things. The new work on the interstate expansion through Jackson, is about done. The exchange at Blue Oval is complete, even bigger to handle more traffic than interstate exchange for "Fort God or Six Flags over Jesus" actually known as Bellview Baptist down the road toward Memphis. I was in Columbia in middle TN a few weeks ago. Lots of factory construction going on there (if crain work construction is a good indicator) probably also connected to the automotive industry as there are already several plants in the state. I got to admit, this isn't a Biden controlled area, highly or otherwise. Maybe you should move if you can't make it where you are. Not much going for us down here, except low cost of living, no state income tax and not a highly political state, where people don't fk with you, much if you stay out of other people business.
It's probably fucking NOTHING. How convenient that these things are being shot down "away from populated areas in order to protect the public from falling debris". That way nobody sees what is not even really there.

This 100%

This is the next "emergency" they're trying to float...and it's not floating. It's not even leaving the ground. People so little trust the govt now that no one buys anything about this.

which, to be honest, I love.
This 100%

This is the next "emergency" they're trying to float...and it's not floating. It's not even leaving the ground. People so little trust the govt now that no one buys anything about this.

which, to be honest, I love.
A kind of dangerous proposition as a nation. When enough people distrust the government to such an extent... What happens when a legitimate threat arises, and no one is willing to fight for it?
A kind of dangerous proposition as a nation. When enough people distrust the government to such an extent... What happens when a legitimate threat arises, and no one is willing to fight for it?


Just one reason we're done.

What institution is trusted anymore?
The IRS? I can pretty much trust that they'll wring every red penny possible out of the taxpayers.

Oh yeah. You Venmoed someone 600 bucks? They're coming for you. OTOH if you're Hunter Biden and you made billions, mysteriously, in Ukraine? No problem.

See what I mean? Yes, we trust them--with disclaimers.
Oh yeah. You Venmoed someone 600 bucks? They're coming for you. OTOH if you're Hunter Biden and you made billions, mysteriously, in Ukraine? No problem.

See what I mean? Yes, we trust them--with disclaimers.
I think it goes much deeper than our institutions. "We the People" is an empty platitude any more. Just look around this board. Now imagine if every person in the country wore their political bent on their sleeve, In public everyday. Or a hat. Imagine how much differently everyone's day to day interactions would go, if you knew pretty much what any given Rando actually thought of you. Or how you might treat others. How many from one side or the others would risk their lives for their political rivals, if they knew them for what they are? Do you think a mob of spun up lefties would put out a call to arms, if a threat was attacking a bunch of... say... Known Trump supporters, or conservatives? I think not.
I think it goes much deeper than our institutions. "We the People" is an empty platitude any more. Just look around this board. Now imagine if every person in the country wore their political bent on their sleeve, I public everyday. Or a hat. Imagine how much differently everyone's day to day interactions would go, if you knew pretty much what any given Rando actually thought of you. Or how you might treat others. How many from one side or the others would risk their lives for their political rivals, if they knew them for what they are? Do you think a mob of spun up lefties would put out a call to arms, if a threat was attacking a bunch of... say... Known Trump supporters, or conservatives? I think not.

Oh no doubt about that. It's why I have supported secession for some time now. Oddly, this gets Lefties all spun up. They know they need us. We most certainly do not need them.
Oh no doubt about that. It's why I have supported secession for some time now. Oddly, this gets Lefties all spun up. They know they need us. We most certainly do not need them.
And that's the rub. We're perfectly content to live our lives without them. They literally cannot live the lives theyre accustomed to without us.With their minds being constantly saturated by a biased media, they naively believe they are far more numerous, and popular, than they are in real life. They live in bubbles. Anything that contradicts their wish, or want gets othered, cancelled, or memoryholed.
There is no circumstance legislatively in which they'd let us walk away peacefully.