Airspace over Lake Michigan Shut Down

I don't think a balloon could cross Michigan that fast could it? It's about 200 miles.

Maybe it could that high up
While surface winds in that area are currently around 10 MPH. The Jets stream could be 275 MPH. Then again it could be little green men from Planet X in "hot rods of the gods". :eek:
At its root, the FBI is responsible for our current situation. Had they not directed the media to suppress Hunter’s laptop, and by extension the likelihood that Joe was compromised, we would have had Trump as president right now - and China would not be emboldened.
Ridiculous! :auiqs.jpg: You think a negative PR campaign by the extreme partisan right over a president's son would have made the majority of voters approve of DJ Trump for another term? That is so Fkn Lame and shallow! It makes me say Thank God for the Fking.B.I.
It's cute that you actually believe that trump had/has ANY influence on China.
Guess you haven't seen Chinese professor Di Dongsheng's video doing the waa waa how under Trump, they had no DC influence, but now things 'much better'.

Chinese professor boasts about Beijing’s influence in ‘America’s core inner circle’, hails Biden victory​

A Chinese Communist Party expert has boasted about Beijing’s influence “at the top of America’s inner circle” and welcomed Joe Biden’s win.


ET better watch his six. :laughing0301:

Flight com, I can't hold it, she's breaking up....she's breaking up..
This is what happens when all the chicken littles pressure the military to fine tune their every LITTLE thing lights up the radar and we have to chase it down.

No that's not it. Sure is convenient though for a balloon to enter Montana, right where the ICBMs are located and then traverse through the entire country. No, our military needs the light in it's head turned on. Despicable but this is what happens when an invalid runs the country.
Ridiculous! :auiqs.jpg: You think a negative PR campaign by the extreme partisan right over a president's son would have made the majority of voters approve of DJ Trump for another term? That is so Fkn Lame and shallow! It makes me say Thank God for the Fking.B.I.
It was presented (and censored) showing Joe's involvement with China through his son. Woulda opened a few Indie voter's eyes.
Ridiculous! :auiqs.jpg: You think a negative PR campaign by the extreme partisan right over a president's son would have made the majority of voters approve of DJ Trump for another term? That is so Fkn Lame and shallow! It makes me say Thank God for the Fking.B.I.
They’ve had polls that shows that about 15% of people who voted for Biden, and kept ignorant of Hunter’s influence peddling, would not have voted for him had they known. That’s enough to have made a difference.

And the FBI knew it. Why do you think they, along with the liberal media under their direction, hid the story?
This is all fake.

They are attempting to distract us. I suspect from a few things, but also the vaccines.

Who buys this UFO crap? Suddenly "Chinese Spy Balloons everywhere"? No, it's because Precious Demented Joe is on the hotseat.

These poor pilots and everyone involved. Imagine being in the military, only to be involved in LYING to your countrymen to protect the political hides of weak, corrupted people.

banana republic--that's us.
It was presented (and censored) showing Joe's involvement with China through his son. Woulda opened a few Indie voter's eyes.
To me, that is the problem with the extreme far right. They think the possible scandal of Joe's kid's stolen laptop could hide 4 years of the lies, the whistleblowers he tried to quash, the convicted felons he brought to office, his loud mouth, the whores he fkd and tried to pay off secretly to fool the religious right along with the video tape of what he really thinks of women, the first impeachment for trying to hold military aide from a country for personal political gain, his hiring for cabinet jobs and his firing technique and managerial style, his stealing/illegally redirecting money approved by his Congress for the military to fund a wall, his congress would not even fund in a budget signed and bragged about by him, his ridicule of soldiers injured in a war action after he took a military action and rebuke of Gold Star families, his defense of the murderous Saudi ("I saved his ass") Prince and renting our armed forces to protect his Saudi oil fields, and everything else unpresidential, sometimes Un-American that we got to see for 4 fking years, during and even after his attempt to subvert and change the outcome of a free and fair election.

The shallowness and stupidity of the Far Right boggles the mind.

He is toast. Forget it. Forget him, as I'm sure as hell trying, and move on.
To me, that is the problem with the extreme far right. They think the possible scandal of Joe's kid's stolen laptop could hide 4 years of the lies, the whistleblowers he tried to quash, the convicted felons he brought to office, his loud mouth, the whores he fkd and tried to pay off secretly to fool the religious right along with the video tape of what he really thinks of women, the first impeachment for trying to hold military aide from a country for personal political gain, his hiring for cabinet jobs and his firing technique and managerial style, his stealing/illegally redirecting money approved by his Congress for the military to fund a wall, his congress would not even fund in a budget signed and bragged about by him, his ridicule of soldiers injured in a war action after he took a military action and rebuke of Gold Star families, his defense of the murderous Saudi ("I saved his ass") Prince and renting our armed forces to protect his Saudi oil fields, and everything else unpresidential, sometimes Un-American that we got to see for 4 fking years, during and even after his attempt to subvert and change the outcome of a free and fair election.

The shallowness and stupidity of the Far Right boggles the mind.

He is toast. Forget it. Forget him, as I'm sure as hell trying, and move on.

Trump hurt your feelings

Biden has destroyed the nation
This is all fake.

They are attempting to distract us. I suspect from a few things, but also the vaccines.

Who buys this UFO crap? Suddenly "Chinese Spy Balloons everywhere"? No, it's because Precious Demented Joe is on the hotseat.

These poor pilots and everyone involved. Imagine being in the military, only to be involved in LYING to your countrymen to protect the political hides of weak, corrupted people.

banana republic--that's us.
I think it's more than that. They are testing our weakened nation. Our enemies smell weakness. Half the American population thinks China is our friend 😢

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