Air Force cadet shot to death on the way to BBQ at a friends house, gun control anyone?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes....this member of the Royal Air Force of Great Britain was shot to death on the way to a friend's home know, Britain should ban and confiscate guns to keep these things from happening....

Oh...yeah...they already did......and gun crime is up 42% in London last year.......

RAF cadet shot dead on his way to BBQ days before starting training

The family of a young RAF cadet was shot dead in front of friends near the Olympic Park on Friday evening.

Today Abdul Mayanja’s family said they had lost their “beacon of light” and called for an end to bloodshed in London.

The 19-year-old had left home to attend a friend’s barbecue party when he was shot in the street yards from Maryland Station in Stratford. He died in hospital.

Mr Mayanja, a cadet flight sergeant, was scheduled to move to Los Angeles this week to finish training, his devastated family said today.
Are you saying that if he had a gun he wouldnt have gotten shot?

Nope...I am saying taking guns away from normal people doesn't stop criminals from getting guns...even on an Island nation...that banned and confiscated guns........
It is a shame he had to die.. I worked at a restaurant in OKC where the entire crew was slaughtered in the walk in fridge...My sister an I worked there but took the night off to see Aerosmith....They didn't have a chance. Yet I don't know if having a gun would have helped since they were ambushed by the robber..
I don't carry yet I have weapons and firearms, my professional knowledge of hand to hand, grappling, Roman style wrestling and military training is my favorite way to take them down....
It is a shame he had to die.. I worked at a restaurant in OKC where the entire crew was slaughtered in the walk in fridge...My sister an I worked there but took the night off to see Aerosmith....They didn't have a chance. Yet I don't know if having a gun would have helped since they were ambushed by the robber..
I totally missed that someone died. Way to turn this guys death into propaganda OP.
Yes....this member of the Royal Air Force of Great Britain was shot to death on the way to a friend's home know, Britain should ban and confiscate guns to keep these things from happening....

Oh...yeah...they already did......and gun crime is up 42% in London last year.......

RAF cadet shot dead on his way to BBQ days before starting training

The family of a young RAF cadet was shot dead in front of friends near the Olympic Park on Friday evening.

Today Abdul Mayanja’s family said they had lost their “beacon of light” and called for an end to bloodshed in London.

The 19-year-old had left home to attend a friend’s barbecue party when he was shot in the street yards from Maryland Station in Stratford. He died in hospital.

Mr Mayanja, a cadet flight sergeant, was scheduled to move to Los Angeles this week to finish training, his devastated family said today.

What a terrible tragedy for the family.
It is a shame he had to die.. I worked at a restaurant in OKC where the entire crew was slaughtered in the walk in fridge...My sister an I worked there but took the night off to see Aerosmith....They didn't have a chance. Yet I don't know if having a gun would have helped since they were ambushed by the robber..
I totally missed that someone died. Way to turn this guys death into propaganda OP.

He's just doing what progressives do with every shooting they come across. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Propaganda can only be countered by fact, and he posts facts.
It is a shame he had to die.. I worked at a restaurant in OKC where the entire crew was slaughtered in the walk in fridge...My sister an I worked there but took the night off to see Aerosmith....They didn't have a chance. Yet I don't know if having a gun would have helped since they were ambushed by the robber..
I totally missed that someone died. Way to turn this guys death into propaganda OP.

He's just doing what progressives do with every shooting they come across. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Propaganda can only be countered by fact, and he posts facts.
He doesnt post facts. He posts rants and everyone except you seems to know this.
It is a shame he had to die.. I worked at a restaurant in OKC where the entire crew was slaughtered in the walk in fridge...My sister an I worked there but took the night off to see Aerosmith....They didn't have a chance. Yet I don't know if having a gun would have helped since they were ambushed by the robber..
I totally missed that someone died. Way to turn this guys death into propaganda OP.

He's just doing what progressives do with every shooting they come across. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Propaganda can only be countered by fact, and he posts facts.
He doesnt post facts. He posts rants and everyone except you seems to know this.

No, he posts facts that are inconvenient to progressives. That's why they whine about them.
It is a shame he had to die.. I worked at a restaurant in OKC where the entire crew was slaughtered in the walk in fridge...My sister an I worked there but took the night off to see Aerosmith....They didn't have a chance. Yet I don't know if having a gun would have helped since they were ambushed by the robber..
I totally missed that someone died. Way to turn this guys death into propaganda OP.

He's just doing what progressives do with every shooting they come across. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Propaganda can only be countered by fact, and he posts facts.

Yes.....exactly...sadly. As some of you know from my past posts....I used to wait before I would post on a shooting ......I didn't want to be the guy who exploited the tragedy of an innocent death....thinking that everyone else would be as respectful....

then, of course.....the blood would still be wet, and the dead bodies still warm, and the anti gunners would be out in front of the camera of the democrat reporter calling for more gun control, blaming gun owners and the NRA....I did that for a number of years.......

Then I realized it was dumb.......the left wing, anti gun assholes will not stop, they will not negotiate in good faith, and their only goal is complete banning and confiscation of the Terminator, they will not stop..ever.....

So now, I use the same tactic they use, and point out how stupid their arguments are, and how nothing they want will achieve the lies they say they want.....
It is a shame he had to die.. I worked at a restaurant in OKC where the entire crew was slaughtered in the walk in fridge...My sister an I worked there but took the night off to see Aerosmith....They didn't have a chance. Yet I don't know if having a gun would have helped since they were ambushed by the robber..
I totally missed that someone died. Way to turn this guys death into propaganda OP.

He's just doing what progressives do with every shooting they come across. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Propaganda can only be countered by fact, and he posts facts.
He doesnt post facts. He posts rants and everyone except you seems to know this.

No...I post facts.....from the Department of Justice, the Centers for Disease Control, Mother Jones, and the FBI.......those government sources and left wing sources show that there is nothing that you guys say about guns that is accurate, truthful or based in reality........that your basic argument, the core reason for your existence as anti gunners, that more guns = more crime wrong....and some of you are naive and use that argument, others are liars and use that argument...

But the truth is the exact opposite, that more guns in the hands of more innocent people has not increased the gun crime rate, the gun murder rate or even the over all violent crime rate.....that is the truth, that is a fact and that is the your entire reason for opposing American gun ownership is wrong.....completely wrong....

And those government agencies and left wing sources show you are wrong......

That is why you bitch about me .....and lie about my posts.

And again...since you still haven't gotten it...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Concealed carry permit number....
New Study: Over 16.3 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

actual study...

Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States: 2017 by John R. Lott :: SSRN
Are you saying that if he had a gun he wouldnt have gotten shot?

Nope...I am saying taking guns away from normal people doesn't stop criminals from getting guns...even on an Island nation...that banned and confiscated guns........
How does that one in that one day in the UK compared to one day here?

That isn't the way to compare them.....what you always miss and what you need to lie about is that Britain had a low gun crime rate......then, after they banned and cofiscated their guns...their gun crime rate went up.....a lot, then leveled banning and confiscating guns from law abiding British people...didn't lower their gun crime rate....and now, 21 years into their gun ban...their gun crime rate is going up, as their criminals become more violent. So again, banning and confiscating guns from their law abiding citizens didn't lower their gun crime rate.....

As more Americans own and carry guns......our gun crime rate went down, our gun murder rate went down, our violent crime rate went down...

That is how you have to look at the two different countries and their approach to criminal violence.....

And so you won't miss the problem in Britain....they now have more gun crime, not is going up, after they banned and confiscated guns...

Crime rise is biggest in a decade, ONS figures show

Ministers will also be concerned that the country is becoming increasingly violent in nature, with gun crime rising 23% to 6,375 offences, largely driven by an increase in the use of handguns.

Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.

And violent crime in Britain...after the took guns away from law abiding people...through the freaking roof....

Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest

But analysis of the figures force by force, showed the full extent of the problem, with only one constabulary, Nottinghamshire, recording a reduction in violent offences.

The vast majority of police forces actually witnessed double digit rises in violent crime, with Northumbria posting a 95 per cent increase year on year.

Of the other forces, Durham Police recorded a 73 per cent rise; West Yorkshire was up 48 per cent; Avon and Somerset 45 per cent; Dorset 39 per cent and Warwickshire 37 per cent.

Elsewhere Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Wiltshire and Dyfed Powys all saw violence rise by more than a quarter year on year.
Are you saying that if he had a gun he wouldnt have gotten shot?

Nope...I am saying taking guns away from normal people doesn't stop criminals from getting guns...even on an Island nation...that banned and confiscated guns........
But, they have a far lower death rate from guns than here in the USA. Your kind even wants the insane to have guns, that is what the GOP voted for in Congress.
Are you saying that if he had a gun he wouldnt have gotten shot?

Nope...I am saying taking guns away from normal people doesn't stop criminals from getting guns...even on an Island nation...that banned and confiscated guns........
But, they have a far lower death rate from guns than here in the USA. Your kind even wants the insane to have guns, that is what the GOP voted for in Congress. You are not arguing the correct point.....They had a low gun death rate compared to the U.S. before they banned and confiscated guns...after they banned and confiscated guns, their gun death rate did not, their gun crime rate has gone up....42% in London....

And no, no one wants the dangerously mentally ill to have guns.....we want people to actually have a process to be declared dangerous before nuts like you take their rights away.

And wasn't was the ACLU...yet you asswipes always fail to mention their participation in the fight to protect the Rights of the mentally ill who are not dangerous...

Gun Control Laws Should Be Fair

But gun control laws, like any law, should be fair, effective and not based on prejudice or stereotype. This rule met none of those criteria.

In this era of “alternative facts,” we must urge politicians to create laws based on reliable evidence and solid data.

The thousands of Americans whose disability benefits are managed by someone else range from young people with depression and financial inexperience to older adults with Down syndrome needing help with a limited budget. But no data — none — show that these individuals have a propensity for violence in general or gun violence in particular.

To the contrary, studies show that people with mental disabilities are less likely to commit firearm crimes than to be the victimsof violence by others.

The ACLU and 23 national disability groups did not oppose this rule because we want more guns in our community. This is about more than guns.

Adding more innocent Americans to the National Instant Criminal Background database because of a mental disability is a disturbing trend — one that could be applied to voting, parenting or other rights dearer than gun ownership. We opposed it because it would do little to stem gun violence but do much to harm our civil rights.

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