AGW Scam Main Points

That was heat content of the upper 700 meters. The contention ever since BTK 2013 (Distinctive Signals...) has been that the warmed ocean surface is being subducted BELOW 700 meters and is being replaced by colder water from the depths. .

Is this really the physics you learn in the US?

It's AGWCult physics.

They will believe anything no matter how stupid


How much physics education, exactly, have you had, Frank?
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That was heat content of the upper 700 meters. The contention ever since BTK 2013 (Distinctive Signals...) has been that the warmed ocean surface is being subducted BELOW 700 meters and is being replaced by colder water from the depths. .

Is this really the physics you learn in the US?

I didn't get this from school. This idea came from Gille 2002, Domingues et al 2008, Kim et al 2009, Lyman 2010, Balmaseda, Trenberth & Kalllen 2013 and others.

To what physics do you refer?

In other words, it's total bullshit
LOL. Frankie boy has enough physics education to insist that the moon is hollow. Ask him:badgrin:

More real science points toward an artificial Moon than a wisp of CO2 will melt the ice caps, drop ocean pH, destroy oysters, etc and so on

You believe the moon is artificial? Who do you think made it Frank?
The Earth has been getting warmer at a rate not seen in hundreds of thousands of years.

The only possible cause for that warming is greenhouse warming.

The source of the greenhouse gases that are causing that warming is the combustion of fossil fuels.

Atmospheric CO2 has been increasing at a rate not seen in hundreds of thousands if not millions of years.

CO2 is increasing the oceans acidity which is beginning to impact a number of marine species.

The world's snow and ice are melting, lowering the Earth's albedo and causing the warming to increase.

The warming is thawing the Earth's tundra which will release gigatonnes of methane, another powerful greenhouse gas.

Both from meltwater and simple thermal expansion, the world's oceans will rise significantly, flooding coastlines.

Now what lab work do you want to see?
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Who do you think made the moon Frank?
That's one of your stupider questions. I don't know nor does it make a bit of difference.

It's just far more likely that the Moon is artificial.

What difference would it make in your shallow life anyway
The Earth has been getting warmer at a rate not seen in hundreds of thousands of years.

The only possible cause for that warming is greenhouse warming.

The source of the greenhouse gases that are causing that warming is the combustion of fossil fuels.

Atmospheric CO2 has been increasing at a rate not seen in hundreds of thousands if not millions of years.

CO2 is increasing the oceans acidity which is beginning to impact a number of marine species.

The world's snow and ice are melting, lowering the Earth's albedo and causing the warming to increase.

The warming is thawing the Earth's tundra which will release gigatonnes of methane, another powerful greenhouse gas.

Both from meltwater and simple thermal expansion, the world's oceans will rise significantly, flooding coastlines.

Now what lab work do you want to see?
Most of what you wrote is not true or accurate.

A single experiment that show a temperature increase from a 120ppm increase in CO2
You believe the moon is artificial? Who do you think made it Frank?

I don't know who made it. Probably someone with a sense of humor who pisses themselves everytime they hear you insist how something the exact same apparent size as the Sun

Apparently the last remaining theory that accounts for how Earth has something the size of the Moon in orbit died a very quiet death. The "Double Whack" Theory is no longer viable because apparently, Earth and Moon are made from the same materials without any other third body that did the whack.


"We cannot help but come to the conclusion that the Moon by rights ought not to be there. The fact that it is, is one of the strokes of luck almost too good to accept… Small planets, such as Earth, with weak gravitational fields, might well lack satellites… … In general then, when a planet does have satellites, those satellites are much smaller than the planet itself. Therefore, even if the Earth has a satellite, there would be every reason to suspect… that at best it would be a tiny world, perhaps 30 miles in diameter. But that is not so. Earth not only has a satellite, but it is a giant satellite, 2160 miles in diameter. How is it then, that tiny Earth has one? Amazing."

"The Moon, which has no atmosphere and no magnetic field, is basically a freak of nature" -- Isaac Asimov, American author and professor of biochemistry at Boston University and Science Fiction writer. Asimov was one of the most prolific writers of all time.

“The best possible explanation for the Moon is observational error – the Moon doesn’t exist." Irwin Shapiro, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
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So, they had no explanation of how the moon came to be then. So it cannot exist now. And if it does, it must be hollow and a creation. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm................

Witness may leave the stand.
Who do you think made the moon Frank?
That's one of your stupider questions. I don't know nor does it make a bit of difference.

It's just far more likely that the Moon is artificial.

What difference would it make in your shallow life anyway

My shallow life?

If you believe the moon to be artificial, you believe it was made by someone. It wasn't made by any humans, so it must have been made by someone else. We don't have a lot of "someone else's" to pick from. You might say it was made by god. From the deist perspective, everything in the universe could be considered artificial. Is that your viewpoint? Or do you believe it was created by another intelligent species? If so, why did they do so? What need or desire was served by the creation of the Moon? Tides? Aesthetics? A secret base from which to monitor the development of the humans? What makes you think it's hollow? If the Moon is hollow, it must be enormously dense. And where's the opening?

When I was in the Navy I read a book which claimed that the Earth was hollow and that aliens (who had brought life to the planet) lived on the inner surface. A huge ball of gas floated in the exact middle and served as their sun. The only problem was that the physics failed a dozen different ways. Gravity would not hold anyone to the inner surface. The gravity underneath you would be precisely countered by the sum of the gravity from the surface above you. There would be zero net gravitational field anywhere inside the sphere. This can be demonstrated in a classroom: suspend a disk-shaped magnet by a string and lower it into a steel can. The magnet will stick to the outside of the can, but inside the can, it will seem as if the magnetic effect has disappeared. The math is analogous to Kepler's Second Law of Planetary Motion. Then there was their "sun". What would keep it in the center of the open volume? Per the author's ideas, it should have fallen to the inner surface. To reality, it would float freely about. What would hold the ball together and separate from the air that filled the rest of the chamber? And in any case, a ball of gas is not going to maintain sufficient heat to act as a "sun" for 3.7 billion years. It was stupid, stupid, stupid. Like you Frank. But you could fix that. Get a book on basic physics and read it. Ask questions. Learn. The day you stop learning is the day you start dying. Find something new every day.
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So, they had no explanation of how the moon came to be then. So it cannot exist now. And if it does, it must be hollow and a creation. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm................

Witness may leave the stand.

Who said it can't exist now?

I thinks your reply is just further evidence that some vastly superior race placed it there just to make a sit-com of your stupid responses
I bet the "vastly superior race" will be impressed that you figured out their secret and will reserve a spot for you on their space ship when the have to leave and want to take the best of Earth with them.


So, why did they make an artificial moon? Even for the most advanced race imaginable, that's not a trivial task. They had to have had a reason. What was it.
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I bet the "vastly superior race" will be impressed that you figured out their secret and will reserve a spot for you on their space ship when the have to leave and want to take the best of Earth with them.


So, why did they make an artificial moon? Even for the most advanced race imaginable, that's not a trivial task. They had to have had a reason. What was it.

I would like to hear some answers for his questions...laughing off questions that you can't answer is like whistling by the makes your discomfort obvious to anyone who looks. There are some questions there that I never heard and never thought about...lets hear your explanation rather than simply displaying your discomfort that the questions have been asked.

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