AGW Scam Main Points


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Here's what you need to bear in mind about the AGW scam

1. There is no such thing as an "Average Temperature" for a planet. All of the planets and Moons in our Solar System have a range of temperatures, the "Average" is a mathematical fiction. Don't believe me, pick a planet and look it up for yourself

2. There is no Experiment that demonstrates how a 120PPM increase in CO2 will raise temperature and lower ocean pH. Remember we are comparing an INSTANTANEOUS increase in a CLOSED system and there is still not one single experiment that shows how this works. Can you believe that even with a 120PPM instantaneous increase in a closed system, they still cannot produce one single experiment?

3. Human behavior simply cannot alter the climate of the planet; it's beyond arrogance, it's stupid.

4. The AGWCult has been caught with their thumb on the scale innumerable times. Their data is cooked, adjusted and outright faked.

5. When all else fails add in "Warming from the deep pacific ocean" to jack up the imaginary "Earth Average Temperature" Not only is there no average temperature, but the Scam continues only when they add in this ridiculous warming in the ocean 700m down. Yeah, we kept meticulous records of the deep Pacific ocean temperature these last 130 years. So this is a 1 no Average and 4 Data Massaging

6. Instead of acting like responsible scientist and welcome and demand their assumption be challenged, they yell DENIER!!! Michelson Morley could have set physics back 100 years by calling Einstein and other "ETHER DENIERS!!"
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All of your points there are just your standard weirdass fabrications. Thanks for giving such a stellar example of the dishonest and delusional nature typical of so many deniers.

If you want to continue being thought of as a joke by the world, continue acting like you do. We encourage it, since it wins us so many votes.
All of your points there are just your standard weirdass fabrications. Thanks for giving such a stellar example of the dishonest and delusional nature typical of so many deniers.

If you want to continue being thought of as a joke by the world, continue acting like you do. We encourage it, since it wins us so many votes.

^ 6. Instead of acting like responsible scientist and welcome and demand their assumption be challenged, they yell DENIER!!! Michelson Morley could have set physics back 100 years by calling Einstein and other "ETHER DENIERS!!"

The temperature on Mars may reach a high of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius) at noon, at the equator in the summer, or a low of about -225 degrees Fahrenheit (-153 degrees Celsius) at the poles. -- NASA

:: NASA Quest > Aerospace ::

See how dishonest an "Average" temperature is?
"average" has long been one of the established narrative BS terms used by the k00ks......they always need to stay out in front of it when their shit is getting pwned.......changing to "climate change" is another element of the snow job. And think about it.......why are they always having to change the landscape if the science is so decided?? I'll tell you why........exactly because they need to ALWAYS appear to people that the science is decided.

Either way though......they are losing!!!! >>>>

The algae bloom that poisoned the water in Toledo is due to phosphates from fertilizer runoff from farmland, and not so much a global warming thing. Warm temps are required for the algae blooms, which is why they predominately happen in the warmer Lake Erie, but you don't need global warming to get those temps.

It is, however, a good illustration of the failure of libertarianism, as can be pointed out by simply asking how the free market would solve such a problem of a water supply poisoned by diffuse pollution sources (meaning nobody who can be sued.)
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BBC Earth - Timeline - The first oxygen on Earth was soaked up by seas

The Great Oxygenation Event (GOE), also called the Oxygen Catastrophe, Oxygen Crisis, Oxygen Revolution, or Great Oxidation, was the biologically induced appearance of dioxygen (O2) in Earth's atmosphere. Geological, isotopic, and chemical evidence suggest that this major environmental change happened around 2.3 billion years ago (2.3 Ga).
Cyanobacteria, which appeared about 200 million years before the GOE, began producing oxygen by photosynthesis. Before the GOE, any free oxygen they produced was chemically captured by dissolved iron or organic matter. The GOE was the point when these oxygen sinks became saturated and could not capture all of the oxygen that was produced by cyanobacterial photosynthesis. After the GOE, the excess free oxygen started to accumulate in the atmosphere.
Free oxygen is toxic to obligate anaerobic organisms, and the rising concentrations may have wiped out most of the Earth's anaerobic inhabitants at the time. Cyanobacteria were therefore responsible for one of the most significant extinction events in Earth's history. Additionally, the free oxygen reacted with atmospheric methane, a greenhouse gas, greatly reducing its concentration and triggering the Huronian glaciation, possibly the longest snowball Earth episode in the Earth's history.
Eventually, aerobic organisms began to evolve, consuming oxygen and bringing about an equilibrium in its availability. Free oxygen has been an important constituent of the atmosphere ever since.

Cynobacteria, blue green algea, changed the earth's atmosphere, changed the climate. A small singlecelled bacteria.
1. There is no such thing as an "Average Temperature" for a planet. All of the planets and Moons in our Solar System have a range of temperatures, the "Average" is a mathematical fiction. Don't believe me, pick a planet and look it up for yourself

This statement is so stupid I'm not sure where to begin. An average is a statistical process for calculating a single value representative of a set (a 'range') of values. It is the most basic of all statistical functions.

2. There is no Experiment that demonstrates how a 120PPM increase in CO2 will raise temperature and lower ocean pH. Remember we are comparing an INSTANTANEOUS increase in a CLOSED system and there is still not one single experiment that shows how this works. Can you believe that even with a 120PPM instantaneous increase in a closed system, they still cannot produce one single experiment?

This is simply a lie.

3. Human behavior simply cannot alter the climate of the planet; it's beyond arrogance, it's stupid.

This is an assertion that's not only unsubstantiated, but flies in the face of mountains and mountains of evidence.

4. The AGWCult has been caught with their thumb on the scale innumerable times. Their data is cooked, adjusted and outright faked.

No, they have not. Another lie.

5. When all else fails add in "Warming from the deep pacific ocean" to jack up the imaginary "Earth Average Temperature" Not only is there no average temperature, but the Scam continues only when they add in this ridiculous warming in the ocean 700m down. Yeah, we kept meticulous records of the deep Pacific ocean temperature these last 130 years. So this is a 1 no Average and 4 Data Massaging

We have millions of XBT drops, we have millions of records from the ARGO fleet. They all show that the deep ocean has been warming at an accelerated pace ever since the average surface temperature - an average to which Frank has had no reluctance to refer - slowed. There has been no data massaging on this side of the argument. I can't speak for Frank and his denier friends. Not five minutes ago I saw where denier Westwall - their supposed geologist, put up a graph of CO2 levels from the Vostok cores - without providing the source of course - that displayed utterly false values as was demonstrated quite clearly by three different, reliable, NAMED sources provided by geologist OldRocks. And that was certainly not the first.

6. Instead of acting like responsible scientist and welcome and demand their assumption be challenged, they yell DENIER!!! Michelson Morley could have set physics back 100 years by calling Einstein and other "ETHER DENIERS!!"

All of the more than 12,000 research papers whose results support AGW as a valid theory, published in peer reviewed journals, were the product of scientists acting responsibly who welcomed the the challenges to their assumptions and their work provided by PEER REVIEW. BTW, you've got your physics history turned around. Michelson and Morley were the ones who showed there was no ether.
Dang......these people.......must give high praise for a pronounced ability to pull things out of their asses at a moments notice. On that point, I must admit......skeptics cant compete.

Regarding the scam part......has anybody else noticed how the AGW climate crusaders are falling all over themselves with the "average" shit these past 12 months while the people of the US are going out in droves and buying electric underwear to keep warm?:clap2:
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1. There is no such thing as an "Average Temperature" for a planet. All of the planets and Moons in our Solar System have a range of temperatures, the "Average" is a mathematical fiction. Don't believe me, pick a planet and look it up for yourself

This statement is so stupid I'm not sure where to begin. An average is a statistical process for calculating a single value representative of a set (a 'range') of values. It is the most basic of all statistical functions.

2. There is no Experiment that demonstrates how a 120PPM increase in CO2 will raise temperature and lower ocean pH. Remember we are comparing an INSTANTANEOUS increase in a CLOSED system and there is still not one single experiment that shows how this works. Can you believe that even with a 120PPM instantaneous increase in a closed system, they still cannot produce one single experiment?

This is simply a lie.

This is an assertion that's not only unsubstantiated, but flies in the face of mountains and mountains of evidence.

No, they have not. Another lie.

5. When all else fails add in "Warming from the deep pacific ocean" to jack up the imaginary "Earth Average Temperature" Not only is there no average temperature, but the Scam continues only when they add in this ridiculous warming in the ocean 700m down. Yeah, we kept meticulous records of the deep Pacific ocean temperature these last 130 years. So this is a 1 no Average and 4 Data Massaging

We have millions of XBT drops, we have millions of records from the ARGO fleet. They all show that the deep ocean has been warming at an accelerated pace ever since the average surface temperature - an average to which Frank has had no reluctance to refer - slowed. There has been no data massaging on this side of the argument. I can't speak for Frank and his denier friends. Not five minutes ago I saw where denier Westwall - their supposed geologist, put up a graph of CO2 levels from the Vostok cores - without providing the source of course - that displayed utterly false values as was demonstrated quite clearly by three different, reliable, NAMED sources provided by geologist OldRocks. And that was certainly not the first.

6. Instead of acting like responsible scientist and welcome and demand their assumption be challenged, they yell DENIER!!! Michelson Morley could have set physics back 100 years by calling Einstein and other "ETHER DENIERS!!"

All of the more than 12,000 research papers whose results support AGW as a valid theory, published in peer reviewed journals, were the product of scientists acting responsibly who welcomed the the challenges to their assumptions and their work provided by PEER REVIEW. BTW, you've got your physics history turned around. Michelson and Morley were the ones who showed there was no ether.

So we get more AGW cult religious dogma not based on real science and the same old recycled material with new to add.

Got any real science to add to the discussion?
There's a solution to (fake) AGW: Global Ant Cooling!

The the Biomass of Ants is close to that of humans...if we build Giant Ant Farms everywhere, we can breed more ants (vastly increasing their biomass) to trap CO2 underground. We're SAVED!!!!!!!

I nominate Al Gore to be Emperor of the Ants (but he'll have to live underground in a big Ant Hill).

Ants may be cooling the Earth by helping trap carbon dioxide from the environment, a new study has claimed.

A long-term experiment tracking the ants' effects on soil suggests they cooled Earth's climate as their numbers grew.

"Ants are changing the environment," said lead study author Ronald Dorn, from the Arizona State University in Tempe.

Certain ant species "weather" minerals in order to secrete calcium carbonate — better known as limestone. The process traps and removes a tiny bit of carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere, Dorn said. ...

Can ants save Earth from global warming? - The Times of India

It is, however, a good illustration of the failure of libertarianism, as can be pointed out by simply asking how the free market would solve such a problem of a water supply poisoned by diffuse pollution sources (meaning nobody who can be sued.)
Are you saying that because there are many sources that they can't all be sued?

1. There is no such thing as an "Average Temperature" for a planet. All of the planets and Moons in our Solar System have a range of temperatures, the "Average" is a mathematical fiction. Don't believe me, pick a planet and look it up for yourself
This statement is so stupid I'm not sure where to begin. An average is a statistical process for calculating a single value representative of a set (a 'range') of values. It is the most basic of all statistical functions.

So, you now want us to believe that there are thermometers all over the globe? dude you are just fnn so funny, I'm splitting a gut. hahaahahahaahahahahaha...............
The algae bloom that poisoned the water in Toledo is due to phosphates from fertilizer runoff from farmland, and not so much a global warming thing. Warm temps are required for the algae blooms, which is why they predominately happen in the warmer Lake Erie, but you don't need global warming to get those temps.

It is, however, a good illustration of the failure of libertarianism, as can be pointed out by simply asking how the free market would solve such a problem of a water supply poisoned by diffuse pollution sources (meaning nobody who can be sued.)

Under libertarianism, the water rights to lake Erie would be sold off and the owners could sue anyone who polluted their water. The owners would probably establish a permit system where farmers and industry could purchase the right to introduce a specified amount of pollution into the water in amounts that were deemed not to be harmful.

Pollution always occurs in publicly owned or unowned resources. It almost never occurs on private property.
The Great Oxygenation Event (GOE), also called the Oxygen Catastrophe, Oxygen Crisis, Oxygen Revolution, or Great Oxidation, was the biologically induced appearance of dioxygen (O2) in Earth's atmosphere. Geological, isotopic, and chemical evidence suggest that this major environmental change happened around 2.3 billion years ago (2.3 Ga).

Cynobacteria, blue green algea, changed the earth's atmosphere, changed the climate. A small singlecelled bacteria.
No it didn't, it's merely a suggestion. A suppostition. A Wild Assed Guess or in your case a "Scientific" Wild Assed Guess.

I request you go out and get yerself some hard facts. Not suggestions or guesses.
1. There is no such thing as an "Average Temperature" for a planet. All of the planets and Moons in our Solar System have a range of temperatures, the "Average" is a mathematical fiction. Don't believe me, pick a planet and look it up for yourself
This statement is so stupid I'm not sure where to begin. An average is a statistical process for calculating a single value representative of a set (a 'range') of values. It is the most basic of all statistical functions.

So, you now want us to believe that there are thermometers all over the globe? dude you are just fnn so funny, I'm splitting a gut. hahaahahahaahahahahaha...............
I seem to recall a story a while back about World Temperature Gauge Equipment being set up right near an artificial heat source?

Anyone else remember that?
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Hey guise, the temperature on Mars is changing. Must be due to all that Fossil Fuel they burn out there right?

All that change couldn't POSSIBLY be driven by the Sun right?

No fuckin' way.

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