AGW nutter tornado scare fAiL


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Remember a few years ago when every single climate nut promised mega tornado's would be happening ALL THE TIME due to climate change???!!!!

Well.......ummm.........not fact, the last 3 years, there are almost NONE!!!

Tame tornadoes Quietest 3 years for twisters on record

Of course, the zombies of the world still put stock in the predictions of the k00ks...........the only way any of their shit survives!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Remember a few years ago when every single climate nut promised mega tornado's would be happening ALL THE TIME due to climate change???!!!!

Well.......ummm.........not fact, the last 3 years, there are almost NONE!!!

Tame tornadoes Quietest 3 years for twisters on record

Of course, the zombies of the world still put stock in the predictions of the k00ks...........the only way any of their shit survives!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Globally all storm energy is down by about 26% while polar regions have increased by about 3%. Funny, that's what happens in cooling world..
Remember a few years ago when every single climate nut promised mega tornado's would be happening ALL THE TIME due to climate change???!!!!

Well.......ummm.........not fact, the last 3 years, there are almost NONE!!!

Tame tornadoes Quietest 3 years for twisters on record

Of course, the zombies of the world still put stock in the predictions of the k00ks...........the only way any of their shit survives!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Globally all storm energy is down by about 26% while polar regions have increased by about 3%. Funny, that's what happens in cooling world.., because of manmade global warming, DENIER!!!!
Remember a few years ago when every single climate nut promised mega tornado's would be happening ALL THE TIME due to climate change???!!!!

Well.......ummm.........not fact, the last 3 years, there are almost NONE!!!

Tame tornadoes Quietest 3 years for twisters on record

Of course, the zombies of the world still put stock in the predictions of the k00ks...........the only way any of their shit survives!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

How about all those Cat 5 hurricanes that made landfall after Katrina????
Hey skook, why don't you show us where IPCC AR5 predicts greater numbers of tornadoes, or show us any scientific paper that does?

If you're not just making crap up, that shouldn't be a problem.

And if the actual science didn't always say you're full of shit, you wouldn't have to keep manufacturing fake science.
Every single little weather variation gets attributed to global warming. "OMG, we're all gonna die"!!!!! Some people will fall for anything.
Hey skook, why don't you show us where IPCC AR5 predicts greater numbers of tornadoes, or show us any scientific paper that does?

If you're not just making crap up, that shouldn't be a problem.

And if the actual science didn't always say you're full of shit, you wouldn't have to keep manufacturing fake science.

They predicted more hurricanes (which did not happen) not tornado's.
The 2007 IPCC Report on Climate Change Weather Underground
2007 IPCC Report on Climate Change
What does the IPCC say about stronger tornadoes?
Scientists don't have good enough long-term observational records of tornadoes to tell, if climate change is affecting tornadoes, and climate models don't shed any light on the issue, either. Here's the relevant statement in the 2007 IPCC report:
There is insufficient evidence to determine whether trends exist in small scale phenomena such as tornadoes, hail, lighting, and dust storms.

What does the IPCC say about stronger hurricanes?
Based on a range of models, it is likely that future tropical cyclones (typhoons and hurricanes) will become more intense, with larger peak wind speeds and more heavy precipitation associated with ongoing increases of tropical SSTs. There is less confidence in projections of a global decrease in numbers of tropical cyclones. The apparent increase in the proportion of very intense storms since 1970 in some regions is much larger than simulated by current models for that period.
Hey skook, why don't you show us where IPCC AR5 predicts greater numbers of tornadoes, or show us any scientific paper that does?

If you're not just making crap up, that shouldn't be a problem.

And if the actual science didn't always say you're full of shit, you wouldn't have to keep manufacturing fake science.
Claims that weather forecasts are reasonably accurate up to 48 hours are based on measured results for fair weather. Results for severe weather, which are really what is important for people, are very poor. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has a worse record for both. Every prediction/projection since their first Report in 1990 has been wrong, with claims for more severe weather part of that failure. They fail because of fundamental errors in assumptions and mechanics.
The predictions are wrong from the get go. Sever weather is based on temp rise and the change in atmospheric crossover areas. Every assessment report has this in it. ALL OF THEM...

So Billy, your excuse for pushing the big lie is that "severe weather in the future" really means "more tornadoes right now"?

There would be two big errors in it. "Severe weather" is not "tornadoes", and "the present" is not "the future".

Why not just admit that WUWT fed you a line of bull, and you fell for it?
Hey skook, why don't you show us where IPCC AR5 predicts greater numbers of tornadoes, or show us any scientific paper that does?

If you're not just making crap up, that shouldn't be a problem.

And if the actual science didn't always say you're full of shit, you wouldn't have to keep manufacturing fake science.

You got it in one!!!

ormer Vice President Al Gore lamented today that scientists “will not let us link record-breaking” tornadoes in Oklahoma and elsewhere to climate change because of inadequate record keeping on the twisters.
“But when you put more energy into a system, it gets more energetic,” Gore said at an environmental event in Washington hosted by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse.

Read more: Al Gore Scientists won t let us connect climate to tornadoes - Darren Goode -

So without ANY EVIDENCE it's alarmism as usual. It's nonsense!!

So Billy, your excuse for pushing the big lie is that "severe weather in the future" really means "more tornadoes right now"?

There would be two big errors in it. "Severe weather" is not "tornadoes", and "the present" is not "the future".

Why not just admit that WUWT fed you a line of bull, and you fell for it?

I've heard predictions since the 90s. How's you snowless winter?

So Billy, your excuse for pushing the big lie is that "severe weather in the future" really means "more tornadoes right now"?

There would be two big errors in it. "Severe weather" is not "tornadoes", and "the present" is not "the future".

Why not just admit that WUWT fed you a line of bull, and you fell for it?
Obviously you haven't read the IPCC reports or checked them for deceptions.. Sever weather is Tornado's. Cyclones are both tropical and land based. They need temp imbalance and defined Atmospheric crossover to form.

You are a full of crap moron.. Now you lie to try and cover up another CAGW lie that is being exposed for what it is..
So, thread summary:

Deniers get caught lying.

Denier deflections all fail hard.

Deniers are only sorry about getting caught, and are not sorry at all about lying.

Same old, same old.

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