Ageism, Sexism & Racism

When I don't know something, instead of expecting other posters to educate me with their own slanted and 2nd hand take on whatever it is, I will venture forth into the world of the internet, and at least take a peek...before admitting that not only am I ignorant, but I'm ignorant and not too particular about whether or not I get reliable information....
That's nice.

I don't understand how the NAACP would use Thomas's skin color against him. I suppose they could, but why? And Mani originally said the Dems, or at least implied that. So he really should back himself up.
or, if you were too young too remember you could always read something.

I don't think mani needs to educate you when you have no interest in making your own effort.

then again, knowing mani, he's probably compiling what amounts to a thesis paper for your benefit right now.
or, if you were too young too remember you could always read something.

I don't think mani needs to educate you when you have no interest in making your own effort.

then again, knowing mani, he's probably compiling what amounts to a thesis paper for your benefit right now.

Doubtful. He's too lazy.

So the NAACP said Thomas wasn't qualified because he was black? I did google it and found they didn't approve of him. But was it because he was black?
Oh, I see. He wasn't black enough for them because he's a conservative, or what passes as a conservative lately.

Still, the Dems do not equal the NAACP.
"The NAACP's objection to the nomination of Clarence Thomas smacks of the most insidious forms of racism, the camouflaged type. To suggest that a black who espouses conservative political views isn't really black, but is actually a "Tom" (a person who plays up to the white man) or an "Oreo" (black on the outside, white on the inside) is as racist as anything out of a grand dragon's mouth."

Do a search, brainiac, and don't waste the time of your elders with questions that waste everyone's time.
"The NAACP's objection to the nomination of Clarence Thomas smacks of the most insidious forms of racism, the camouflaged type. To suggest that a black who espouses conservative political views isn't really black, but is actually a "Tom" (a person who plays up to the white man) or an "Oreo" (black on the outside, white on the inside) is as racist as anything out of a grand dragon's mouth."

Do a search, brainiac, and don't waste the time of your elders with questions that waste everyone's time.

Thanks for wasting your time for my benefit, but I'd already figured it out.

Sure you did. It's been well documented how quick you are to educate yourself about issues you admit to being ignorant of.
Oh, I see. He wasn't black enough for them because he's a conservative, or what passes as a conservative lately.

Still, the Dems do not equal the NAACP.

Yes, you are correct. NAACP does not equal democrat. It just asymptotically approaches it. :rofl:
Be that as it may, what the NAACP does isn't sanctioned by the Dems. Therefore, saying "they" used his color against him is incorrect since AB was talking about Dems.
Be that as it may, what the NAACP does isn't sanctioned by the Dems. Therefore, saying "they" used his color against him is incorrect since AB was talking about Dems.

No it isn't.

Saying the dems used it against him isn't the same as saying ALL dems used it against him. And since the NAACP is pretty much all dems, the statement is not incorrect. You're trying to pull the same faulty logic you were using on M14 when you claimed guns weren't banned.
It would be more correct to say some Dems, namely the NAACP, used it against him. I know what you mean but when it's being used to push an agenda, which AB seems to be doing, it's just plain wrong.

Kinda like saying vegetarians are Nazis.
I find it tiresome to hang out with people who obsess over everything they eat. And who obsess over everything everyone else is eating.
I used to live with a pair of vegetarians (gals, go figure) through college.

so, one day I was contemplating dinner and was reviewing the meats in the freezer when one of em decided to start in with the lectures... meat kills, meat is murder, blah blah blah... so, I took the skinned rabbit I was saving for grilling later that summer and thawed him out. Posed him on a baking sheet as if he were running, baked his tasty ass with a glaze of bbq sauce, dressed him up in a bed of steamed spinach, carrots and brocolli crowns, as if he were running accross a field, and told those bitches that we were having Alley CAT for dinner that night. (the paws were removed before baking).

one of em puked. good times.. good times.

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