Aged 18 to 29 with college degree twice as likely to have a full-time job



The highest proportion of consumers since 2007 reported to the rising home values, and the highest proportion of homeowners expected additional increases in their home’s value during the year ahead, according to the U-M Institute for Social Research, which since 1946 have monitored consumer attitudes and expectations. Just under one-in-ten homeowners said that they would lose money if they sold their home today, half the level recorded a year ago.

Younger and upper-income households were more likely to report income gains in the June survey, while older and lower-income households were more likely to cite lower incomes and falling living standards, the ISR survey showed.

Only consumers under age 45 anticipated income gains that were larger than the expected rate of inflation. Overall, just 12 percent of all consumers expected their incomes to go up faster than next year’s relatively low rate of inflation.

Meanwhile, Americans aged 18 to 29 who have at least a college degree are nearly twice as likely (65.4%) as their counterparts without a degree (38.6%) to have a full-time job, Gallup reported Friday. A college education in today's job market could account for this difference, but then so could some young adults without a degree not looking for full-time work while they continue with their education.

Household wealth, not more jobs, better wages, driving consumer confidence

How do we change the Republican mindset?
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I thought this would be a good thread on how Republicans hate education. They could scream about "liberal colleges" and how smart people are really dumb and dumb people have so much insight.
Forgot this part:

"Fewer young adults with a college degree now hold a full-time job than did in June 2012 (68.9%) and in June 2010 (67.9%). Fewer young Americans without a college degree have a full-time job than did in June of the previous three years."

Where is the clarification of what types of jobs the young college educated person holds?
Is it flipping burgers @ BK?
Well now, there is an even better education to gaurantee a job. A technician. Whether millwright, electrician, or HVAC technician, if you have a work history or finished an apprenticeship, you are only out of work if you want to be. And some of the jobs have, with overtime, a 100k to 150k potential.
Twice as likely as what? A black teenager who is more likely to die than get a good job? Maybe we should just give everyone a degree.
Welcome to the US, now buy your ability to get a job you didn't even spend years getting a degree in... Oh you can't afford to buy a degree? NP, we (US Government) will provide you with the capital to drive yourself into debt just to start life at age 24-26. Good luck!

Oh and remember, if your "educated" you're better than everyone else around you that is not. And educated is defined by the degree we sell you.
well nothing like having a bunch of people with college degrees standing in the Unemployment line...with Obama Presidency, Degree or not you are in 7.4% UNEMPLOYMENT for the last FIVE YEARS...

Isn't ObamaNation just grand?
well nothing like having a bunch of people with college degrees standing in the Unemployment line...with Obama Presidency, Degree or not you are in 7.4% UNEMPLOYMENT for the last FIVE YEARS...

Isn't ObamaNation just grand?

And Republican obstructionism doesn't exist.:bang3:
I love it when Republicans lash out at the value of education. They are taking themselves and their kids out of the job market. Now, we only need to slash their food stamps and maybe they'll stop breeding.
I love it when Republicans lash out at the value of education. They are taking themselves and their kids out of the job market. Now, we only need to slash their food stamps and maybe they'll stop breeding.

don't you welfare queens get more welfare after breeding with your various baby daddies?
So you need a degree to have a full-time job now?

Who can afford a degree? Seems to me that a large swath of America will never get a full-time job because businesses won't offer them anymore........unless you're already in the system and have a degree.

Or maybe the government gives you a loan, if you're of the right political ideology.


Pretty soon a conservative will be a second-class citizen.
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So you need a degree to have a full-time job now?

Who can afford a degree? Seems to me that a large swath of America will never get a full-time job because businesses won't offer them anymore........unless you're already in the system and have a degree.

Or maybe the government gives you a loan, if you're of the right political ideology.


Pretty soon a conservative will be a second-class citizen.

They have no class now. Thinking education is stupid.

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In ObamaNation at least you have a degree to admire for all that he did for you...a job?...pfeeesh too bad...go stand in line with the millions of others...and whatever you do don't BITCH you will be accused of HATING education...

oh my gawd............the jokes just keep on a coming
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In ObamaNation at least you have a degree to admire for all that he did for you...a job?...pfeeesh too bad...go stand in line with the millions of others...and whatever you do don't BITCH you will be accused of HATING education...

oh my gawd............the jokes just keep on a coming

Republicans say government can't create jobs. That's why Republicans are obstructing. To make sure it can't. You should be happy about that. Isn't that what your kind wants?
I admit to being old and cynical, but in recent years my wife and I have noted the striking number of GENUINE COLLEGE GRADUATES - some of them well into their 30's - who are doing dumbshit jobs in resort areas, and seemingly quite content with it.

While whitewater rafting in North Carolina last year: several of the tour guides were college grads, and this was their whole job and income. They talked about having to be ready for the occasional foreigner who came in during the winter months and wanted to do a little rafting. On a Segway tour the other day: four of the tour guides (no actual speaking, just leading us around the town) were "Communications" grads of the same local, reputable university, and all were quite content with this, basically, "dumb job."

We have seen this in numerous locales from Las Vegas to Mt Desert Island in Maine, to various places in Florida. College grads with good appearance, communications skills, apparently quite content to take on low-wage, low-skill jobs just to enjoy a low pressure life in a pleasant location. They often spoke of living in crowded, rented houses with other similarly-situated young adults, and generally had no complaints - other than their parents bugging them about when they intend to get a real job, grow up, get married, and so on.

I wonder if, in the back of their minds, they are thinking that they only have to hold out until Mummy and Daddy die off, leaving them with a small fortune to live the rest of their lives in modest comfort, without a care in the world. All seemed to be sort of upper middle class.

For some millennials, it seems that adolescence can last for decades.
I admit to being old and cynical, but in recent years my wife and I have noted the striking number of GENUINE COLLEGE GRADUATES - some of them well into their 30's - who are doing dumbshit jobs in resort areas, and seemingly quite content with it.

While whitewater rafting in North Carolina last year: several of the tour guides were college grads, and this was their whole job and income. They talked about having to be ready for the occasional foreigner who came in during the winter months and wanted to do a little rafting. On a Segway tour the other day: four of the tour guides (no actual speaking, just leading us around the town) were "Communications" grads of the same local, reputable university, and all were quite content with this, basically, "dumb job."

We have seen this in numerous locales from Las Vegas to Mt Desert Island in Maine, to various places in Florida. College grads with good appearance, communications skills, apparently quite content to take on low-wage, low-skill jobs just to enjoy a low pressure life in a pleasant location. They often spoke of living in crowded, rented houses with other similarly-situated young adults, and generally had no complaints - other than their parents bugging them about when they intend to get a real job, grow up, get married, and so on.

I wonder if, in the back of their minds, they are thinking that they only have to hold out until Mummy and Daddy die off, leaving them with a small fortune to live the rest of their lives in modest comfort, without a care in the world. All seemed to be sort of upper middle class.

For some millennials, it seems that adolescence can last for decades.

I didn't start going to Roosevelt university until I was thirty and it was the last year of my GI bill. So what made me go? I got out of the army at 25 then I took ceramics, art, tennis, and everything I ever wanted to take as a child but wasn't allowed. I worked at a factory as an assembler. I partied. I traveled.

Some things I learned.

Funky, old and torn up clothes look "cool" on someone 25. On someone 35, you look "homeless".

When you are twenty five, people love to invite you to parties, feed you and give you drinks. When you are thirty five, they expect you to pay.

When you are 25 and in great shape, girls will seduce you. When you are 35, no matter how good you look, you better have money.

A 25 year old with curly long hair looks "exotic".

A 35 year old with curly long hair looks, take your pick, dirty, lazy , unkempt, drug addicted, stupid.

So I went to a party and everyone I liked was no longer there. They were married, raising kids, in college, had good jobs. And the people that were left were the people I didn't like. In fact, the reason I left the party, this guy told me a story where his friend was driving and they stopped at a stop sign. He pulled out a toy gun and pointed it towards an old black woman holding her groceries and said "you're dead". She fainted on the spot. They drove away laughing and guffawing. He told me this story with great glee. Telling me how funny it was that this old lady's groceries spread out all over the ground and how her eyes rolled up into her head. It was the most disgusting thing I ever heard face to face.

Right after that I started college. The second best thing I ever did. The first was joining the military.

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