*Again Why Should I Care About LBGTQ Folks?*

That my nephew was gay was obvious. Perhaps if you'd stop suppressing your natural tendencies and get out more?


We should chemically castrate those who pose problems for society?

Most child abusers are men
Most rapists are men
Most violent offenders are men...

Just think of the societal problems we'd fix by following your recommendation.

You knew his sexuality prior to puberty?

Wow, you’re not just the run of the mill poster, YOU’RE A GOD!

And yes, I would support castration of rapists, child molestors and violent criminals. But it would be you on the left that would stop it.
1st post
You knew his sexuality prior to puberty?

Wow, you’re not just the run of the mill poster, YOU’RE A GOD!

And yes, I would support castration of rapists, child molestors and violent criminals. But it would be you on the left that would stop it.
Then getting rid of testes would solve the problems. And since every man is a potential rapist, molester, child abuser... denut them all.
Then getting rid of testes would solve the problems. And since every man is a potential rapist, molester, child abuser... denut them all.

Don’t forget to ban cars while your at it. Sure only one killed those 8 in Texas but they all have the exact same potential.

We’ll move on to baseball bats and butter knives later
2. Pervs can legally get married.
3. Which is wrong, and cheapens real marriages.
Marriage is marriage. Declaring that someone else's marriage is not real is the height of arrogance. Institutions are strengthened by becoming more inclusive. The fact is that divorce rates among same sex couples are lower that for heterosexuals, and as same sex marriage became legal, overall divorces rates declines. So “cheapening marriage” is a bunch of shit.
Including gays has in no way detracted from anyone else’s marriage. Anyone who thinks that it has needs to look at their own relationship and stop worrying about what others are doing
5th post
Marriage is marriage. Declaring that someone else's marriage is not real is the height of arrogance. Institutions are strengthened by becoming more inclusive. The fact is that divorce rates among same sex couples are lower that for heterosexuals, and as same sex marriage became legal, overall divorces rates declines. So “cheapening marriage” is a bunch of shit.
Including gays has in no way detracted from anyone else’s marriage. Anyone who thinks that it has needs to look at their own relationship and stop worrying about what others are doing
Sorry bout that,

1. Thats your opinion, (no one cares for it, but pervs) and God* makes it a Holy Matrimony, which has a lot of other ramifications.
3. What homo's are in is a unholy matrimony.
4. Im just telling the truth, not worried one bit.
5. You come to me your getting the truth, not opinion.
6. Sure gays can marry now, judges are ignorant, but still the truth has a way of standing on its own.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Thats your opinion, (no one cares for it, but pervs)nd your opinion is a load of steaming crap, bull, dog, horse, whatever.
2. Marriage is an *God* endowed institution, being married of *God* makes it a Holy Matrimony, which has a lot of other ramifications.
3. What homo's are in is a unholy matrimony.
4. Im just telling the truth, not worried one bit.
5. You come to me your getting the truth, not opinion.
6. Sure gays can marry now, judges are ignorant, but still the truth has a way of standing on its own.

Now I see what your problems are:
You think that everything that you say is a fact and that everyting that others say is Opinion
You don't think that others are even entittled to an opinion
You're brainwashed over your narrow interpretation of religion and think that everyone else should believe as you and live by your rules.
I probobly missed a few things ....
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Don’t forget to ban cars while your at it. Sure only one killed those 8 in Texas but they all have the exact same potential.

We’ll move on to baseball bats and butter knives later
Take the nuts and the car as w weapon becomes meaningless.
So do bats, knives, guns...
Now I see what your problems are:
You think that everything that you say is a fact and that everyting that others say is Opinion
You don't think that others are even entittled to an opinion
You're brainwashed over your narrow interpretation of religion and think that everyone else should believe as you and live by your rules.
I probobly missed a few things ....
Sorry bout that,

1. Not my facts, others facts.
2. Not my opinions, others opinions.
3. Like I said the truth has a way of standing on its own.
4. You can ignore the truth, but it won't change the truth, it keeps being true.
5. I can share the truth, and you have the right to refuse it, and go by your, or others opinions.
6. We all must *CHOOSE* what is *TRUTH*.

General behaviors.
I guess you need some sense of empathy to understand.

Known many a Tomboy growing up and beyond. All ended up straight. You’d try to convince them they were trans.

Stay the hell away from children.
15th post
Sorry bout that,

1. Not my facts, others facts.
2. Not my opinions, others opinions.
3. Like I said the truth has a way of standing on its own.
4. You can ignore the truth, but it won't change the truth, it keeps being true.
5. I can share the truth, and you have the right to refuse it, and go by your, or others opinions.
6. We all must *CHOOSE* what is *TRUTH*.

Not your facts? Not your opinions? Then who's? Jerry Fallwell? Franklin Graham ? Thank you for admitting what I already knew. You don’t think for yourself. If you have a brain you don’t use it. All that you can do is to regurgitate the bigoted bovine excrement that you are fed and swallow whole. Damn you are a mess!
I have no bigotry. No one with immutable traits should should face discrimination. But those that make themselves disgusting by they’re own choice, bring it upon themselves.

Huge difference
Why do you have a problem with people making their own choices?

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