*Again Why Should I Care About LBGTQ Folks?*

Bull shit. You are pushing your idiology right now and you have no respect
Not at all. I’m here having a discussion, on a discussion forum.

If you walked past me on the street you would have no idea what my views, ideology or advocacies were. There are no bumper stickers on my car. No graphic tees with political messages. No pins, bracelets or other campaign paraphernalia. No signs in my front yard. Can most of these progressives say the same?
Sorry bout that,

1. I am a long term Christian for well over 30 years, I actually spoke to *God*, when I was converted.
2. And I have walked the land of Jesus, back in 1993.
3. 53 days I lived on the Holy Land, and yes its HOLY.
4. Right after President Begin shook hands with that Yssser Arafat, the scoundrel.
5. So no son, your not half the Real Christian, I AM.

“Be careful that you don't practice your religion in front of people to draw their attention. If you do, you will have no reward.

Being Christian has nothing to do with your self congratulation but on how you act toward the least of us.
If you don’t care about them, why do Republicans talking about them and keep passing laws discriminating against them.
Sorry bout that,

1. What laws?
2. Pervs can legally get married.
3. Which is wrong, and cheapens real marriages.
4. Soon very soon these same pervs will want to marry their dogs.
5. Another wrong thing to allow.
6. Making laws to support pervs ideals, is bad for everyone who isn't a perv.
7. Its coming just wait for it, and when it gets here I will condemn it.
8. Seems like more laws are being made that support pervs than go against pervs.
9. Pervert scum is the least of your kind, not mine, and certainly not Jesus', and that stupid rainbow you hide under, you will find is not a shield!

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“Be careful that you don't practice your religion in front of people to draw their attention. If you do, you will have no reward.

Being Christian has nothing to do with your self congratulation but on how you act toward the least of us.
Sorry bout that,

1. So your gay, am I right?
2. The world owes you nothing cause your a perv.
3. You are mentally ill, your soul is sick, with BS, you been lied too.
4. Until you repent its on you.

Sorry bout that,

1. You should admire me for always telling the truth.
2. I'm likely the only person who can make that claim on the planet.
3. And all the good I do everyday.
4. Sometimes just telling the truth is doing good.

I’ve thought it over and I’ve decided to hate you and your lifestyle. I think you are perverted and gross.
Their mental state of mind greatly reduces their health.
There's probably a natural and Darwinistic explanation why HIV has a field day with people who indulge in intravenous drug use and anal sex. Sure, there can be unfortunate collateral damage....like innocent people being infected by blood transfusions to save their lives. But HIV obviously has evolved around certain types of behavior...which is interesting.

What is mind-blowing is that they are now advertising medications that supposedly repress the virus to the point where these drug companies encourage people with HIV to have sex without divulging what they've got to their partner. This is the same insane avenue of normalizing bad behavior that those who praise the trans lifestyle take. Nature is clearly manifesting HIV to neutralize these mentally ill people through their deeds, but they continue to use "science" and "social justice" to justify and continue what they obviously oughtn't be doing.

Nature is the Alpha & Omega as far as I'm concerned, and I'm siding with nature on this one, sorry. If you're born with a dick, wear it.
There's probably a natural and Darwinistic explanation why HIV has a field day with people who indulge in intravenous drug use and anal sex. Sure, there can be unfortunate collateral damage....like innocent people being infected by blood transfusions to save their lives. But HIV obviously has evolved around certain types of behavior...which is interesting.

What is mind-blowing is that they are now advertising medications that supposedly repress the virus to the point where these drug companies encourage people with HIV to have sex without divulging what they've got to their partner. This is the same insane avenue of normalizing bad behavior that those who praise the trans lifestyle take. Nature is clearly manifesting HIV to neutralize these mentally ill people through their deeds, but they continue to use "science" and "social justice" to justify and continue what they obviously oughtn't be doing.

Nature is the Alpha & Omega as far as I'm concerned, and I'm siding with nature on this one, sorry. If you're born with a dick, wear it.
And monkeypox

So what's outside of what you consider "normal" requires "treatment?"

No, not always. A person born with one blue eye and one brown eye is not “normal” but no treatment is required, though a colored contact would always be an option if it bothered them. Obviously, we shouldn’t mistreat this person because they don’t fit the norm, but we also shouldn’t make false statements considering it “normal”. It is an abnormality, albeit a rather benign one.

As far as LGBTQ+ goes, there is no proof that people are born with one of these abnormalities, in fact, many identify one way at an early age and then change their minds as they get older and even remain fluid their entire lives. Unlike the blue and brown eye example above, this is a psychological issue 99% of the time rather than a 100% physical one.

Just as a I don’t condone mistreating those with depression, ADHD, anxiety disorders, mood disorders etc., I also don’t condone mistreating those with one of the ever expanding disorders on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. About 8.4% of adults over the age of 18 in the US have some form of depression. About 3.4% identify as LGBTQ+. Even if 1/2 don’t admit to it, that would still not make LGBTQ+ as common as depression. Should we consider depression “normal” or should we treat it? Should we encourage kids with ADHD to be less attentive and more hyperactive?

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, the pshychiatric community leans far left and their “science” is by far the easiest to manipulate as it is much less concrete than many of the other sciences.
Sorry bout that,

1. So your gay, am I right?
2. The world owes you nothing cause your a perv.
3. You are mentally ill, your soul is sick, with BS, you been lied too.
4. Until you repent its on you.

There's the "christian" we've come to know and loathe.
No, not always. A person born with one blue eye and one brown eye is not “normal” but no treatment is required, though a colored contact would always be an option if it bothered them. Obviously, we shouldn’t mistreat this person because they don’t fit the norm, but we also shouldn’t make false statements considering it “normal”. It is an abnormality, albeit a rather benign one.

As far as LGBTQ+ goes, there is no proof that people are born with one of these abnormalities, in fact, many identify one way at an early age and then change their minds as they get older and even remain fluid their entire lives. Unlike the blue and brown eye example above, this is a psychological issue 99% of the time rather than a 100% physical one.

Just as a I don’t condone mistreating those with depression, ADHD, anxiety disorders, mood disorders etc., I also don’t condone mistreating those with one of the ever expanding disorders on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. About 8.4% of adults over the age of 18 in the US have some form of depression. About 3.4% identify as LGBTQ+. Even if 1/2 don’t admit to it, that would still not make LGBTQ+ as common as depression. Should we consider depression “normal” or should we treat it? Should we encourage kids with ADHD to be less attentive and more hyperactive?

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, the pshychiatric community leans far left and their “science” is by far the easiest to manipulate as it is much less concrete than many of the other sciences.
I am left handed.
When I was you people of good intentions tried to convert me.
To them being lefty implied evil, abnormality

I recognized my nephew as being Gay when he was 5 years old.

Different from you doesn't mean abnormal and your assumption that it does contributes to the pains inflicted on these people for no other reason than your discomfort.
I am left handed.
When I was you people of good intentions tried to convert me.
To them being lefty implied evil, abnormality

I recognized my nephew as being Gay when he was 5 years old.

Different from you doesn't mean abnormal and your assumption that it does contributes to the pains inflicted on these people for no other reason than your discomfort.

Left handed is an immutable trait.
How about you stop being a whiny little bitch about someone’s else’s sexual preferences and focus on your own life like real men do? Real men ignore sexual stuff they don’t like. They don’t throw tantrums over them.
I would but you abnormal weirdos just keep pushing filthy shit down our throats…it never ends.
Most good people have finally caught on, they’ve learned that if you give the degenerate left an inch they will always take a mile….NO MORE COMPROMISING!
The degenerate left fucked around and poked the bear for far too long.

“We swear, just pretend faggots are cool and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just get God out of schools and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just give 3.5 million wetbacks Amnesty and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just let us regulate your guns a little and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just believe chicks with dicks are normal and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just give Mexico free healthcare and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just allow us to monetarily penalize our most productive citizens just a little more and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”
Sorry bout that,

1. What laws?
2. Pervs can legally get married.
3. Which is wrong, and cheapens real marriages.
4. Soon very soon these same pervs will want to marry their dogs.
5. Another wrong thing to allow.
6. Making laws to support pervs ideals, is bad for everyone who isn't a perv.
7. Its coming just wait for it, and when it gets here I will condemn it.
8. Seems like more laws are being made that support pervs than go against pervs.
9. Pervert scum is the least of your kind, not mine, and certainly not Jesus', and that stupid rainbow you hide under, you will find is not a shield!

You have some serious problems Kid
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