*Again Why Should I Care About LBGTQ Folks?*

Sorry bout that,

1. Some one that represents the LGBTQ please answer if the LGBTQ was in the majority how would they treat us straight heterosexual folks?
2. How have so many humans on this world lost their way?
3. Would they institute a, *Hetrosexual Day*?
4. Would they allow *Hetrosexual Pride Parades*, to waltz, down Main Street?

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Sorry bout that,

1. Some one that represents the LGBTQ please answer if the LGBTQ was in the majority how would they treat us straight heterosexual folks?
2. How have so many humans on this world lost their way?
3. Would they institute a, *Hetrosexual Day*?
4. Would they allow *Hetrosexual Pride Parades*, to waltz, down Main Street?

No one give ls a shit if you don't like gays guy. You lost. Winners don't care what the losers think after the game is over.
No one give ls a shit if you don't like gays guy. You lost. Winners don't care what the losers think after the game is over.
Sorry bout that,

1. I've lost nothing.
2. Whats lost is America.
3. Now I'm not America, I just live here.
4. We will likely as a Nation go up in flames.
5. Please *Lord*, come quickly, there is no solution.
6. Your waiting to take over, and then I'm going into the ditch, of a mass grave.
7. Hell you say???

Sorry bout that,

1. I've lost nothing.
2. Whats lost is America.
3. Now I'm not America, I just live here.
4. We will likely as a Nation go up in flames.
5. Please *Lord*, come quickly, there is no solution.
6. Your waiting to take over, and then I'm going into the ditch, of a mass grave.
7. Hell you say???

Well clearly you've lost your balls since you think America can be brought down and destroyed by two men loving one another. What a soft Simp bitch you are. You sure your wrist isn't limp, Biscuit?
Well clearly you've lost your balls since you think America can be brought down and destroyed by two men loving one another. What a soft Simp bitch you are. You sure your wrist isn't limp, Biscuit?
Sorry bout that,

1. So your a homo right?
2. And look how you use words.
3. Very insulting little fag boy.
4. I think when you perish and fall down into hell, no one will care.
5. Suck on that fag boy, another reason no one cares for homo's.
6. No one has given one reason why I should care, or why anyone should care.

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No one give ls a shit if you don't like gays guy. You lost. Winners don't care what the losers think after the game is over.

LMAO! The whole Woke front cares DEEPLY if you don't like gays or trans's. They would like to crucify you and have your body dragged through the streets by rabid 🌈 🦄's if you have one bad thought about them.
LMAO! The whole Woke front cares DEEPLY if you don't like gays or trans's. They would like to crucify you and have your body dragged through the streets by rabid 🌈 🦄's if you have one bad thought about them.
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm going to have to agree with you.
2. Rainbows????
3. Didn't God give the world rainbows, after the flood?
4. Wasn't the rainbow a sign not to flood the whole earth again?
5. Well very interesting, no more floods, he can do anything else its his world right?
6. How bout a global drought?
7. No more rain, no more rainbows too.
8. Wouldn't using the rainbow as a banner for your life style, be sort of mocking *God*?
9. And or could it be construed as challenging, *God*?
10. Did, *God* trick you, and now is waiting, to stick a big ole fork, in your arse and pitch you into hell, a burning eternal fire?

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LMAO! The whole Woke front cares DEEPLY if you don't like gays or trans's. They would like to crucify you and have your body dragged through the streets by rabid 🌈 🦄's if you have one bad thought about them.
No. We're happy to see your lot ostracized and pushed to the fringes or in the closet. Frankly the entire culture has been programmed to respond to you bigots with exile from mainstream society that hardly anyone really thinks about you clowns anymore beyond the transexual community. The LGB community has cucked you already and you've picked a fight with the T and Q communities as well so it's really only matter a time before they also make you their bitch. Pretty much everyone you pick a fight with does eventually.
No. We're happy to see your lot ostracized and pushed to the fringes or in the closet. Frankly the entire culture has been programmed to respond to you bigots with exile from mainstream society that hardly anyone really thinks about you clowns anymore beyond the transexual community. The LGB community has cucked you already and you've picked a fight with the T and Q communities as well so it's really only matter a time before they also make you their bitch. Pretty much everyone you pick a fight with does eventually.
Shhhh. All it is is the Democratic party using LGBTQ+ community and minorites to get lifelong voters who will support anything that supports them in the media no matter how corrupt it is in reality.
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Shhhh. All it is is the Democratic party using LGBTQ+ community and minorites to get lifelong voters who will support anything that supports them no matter how corrupt.

It's as if you Simp bastards don't understand that politicians are supposed to work for us. That we elect them to represent us and do what we want them to do.

It's as if you Simp bastards don't understand that politicians are supposed to work for us. That we elect them to represent us and do what we want them to do.
Yes, politicians are supposed to work for US, ALL AMERICANS...not favor special interest groups who will vote for them no matter what because they get recognized and paraded around in the media.
Yes, politicians are supposed to work for US, ALL AMERICANS...not favor special interest groups who will vote for them no matter what because they get recognized and paraded around in the media.
No. I don't elect Democratic politicians to pass bigot Right legislation. I vote for candidates to defeat your ideology. No wonder you're bitch ass loser. 😄
No. I don't elect Democratic politicians to pass bigot Right legislation. I vote for candidates to defeat your ideology. No wonder you're bitch ass loser. 😄
No, you just vote for Democratic politicians who suck you off to get your vote so they can fuck with the economy, whittle away at the Constitution, and sell your country to the highest foreign bidder.
No, you just vote for Democratic politicians who suck you off to get your vote so they can fuck with the economy and whittle away at the Constitution.
It was Republican Supreme Court judges that allowed the wealthy and corporations to buy politicians you moron.
1. Please explain?

The Liberal Extremists and their Gaystapo say you have to care ... and that they myst transgender confuse, LGBTQ-indoctrinate, and mutilate the genitals of your children.

2. I'm having a hard time understanding this.

That's because you are an evil, oppressive, self-centered, racist white supremacist heterosexual

3. If I don't care does that make me a bad human?

Yes. It makes you an evil, oppressive, self-centered, racist white supremacist heterosexual ... and probably an 'ULTRA Maga turd', according to Joe Biden.

It's ok - welcome to the club.

It was Republican Supreme Court judges that allowed the wealthy and corporations to buy politicians you moron.
The Tillman Act of 1907, which prohibits campaign contributions by corporation and was signed into law by a Republican is still in effect although difficult to enforce. The most recent similar legislation was also signed into law in Georgia just days ago...by their Republican governor.

Such an argument is pointless because both Democrat and Republican politicians take money under the table and it's next to impossible to prove. Why do you think Democrat politicians we're so adamant about pushing the near useless vaccine for COVID? They did so because it makes Big Pharma rich and Big Pharma in return is willing to pay huge kickbacks for politicians who will influence public demand for a near useless vaccine. In general, Republicans have not pushed mandatory vaxxing and it's very easy to see which party is benefitting from it's relationship with Big Pharma.

While Republicans definitely seem to put business first on their agenda, they are not shy in doing so. This is much more honest than having open borders to invite cheap non-American labor into the country and more guaranteed voters-for-life, and then claiming it's all a philanthropic gesture while it drags the country into economic abyss and social dysfunction.

But hey....if youre ok with all that just because someone gave you your little Gay Day, whatever.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Please explain?
2. I'm having a hard time understanding this.
3. If I don't care does that make me a bad human?

Why should you care about anyone?

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