AG Holder has been found in contempt ....

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.
I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.

poor issa... who'd have thought he'd make himself look this pathetic?

oh wait... i did.

I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.

Shocking! Now I hope the administration tells the teabagger congress screw balls to go fuck themselves.
I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.

poor issa... who'd have thought he'd make himself look this pathetic?

oh wait... i did.


It's Holder that looks bad... But you knew that...

Truth hurts, donut?

I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.

poor issa... who'd have thought he'd make himself look this pathetic?

oh wait... i did.


Issa is gonna cry again....just watch.
I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.

poor issa... who'd have thought he'd make himself look this pathetic?

oh wait... i did.


It's Holder that looks bad... But you knew that...

Truth hurts, donut?


I'm seriously trying to understand how HOLDER being found in contempt makes anyone but HOLDER look bad?
What I found amusing was Eric Holder defending the DOJ bringing Roger Clemens to trial on perjury because Holder thought Clemens had lied to Congress while Holder seems to have very little problem with the Attorney General lying to Congress.

Is it just me or does Holder have a hard time with the whole "justice" concept?

He obviously didn't care about justice when he pushed Marc Rich's pardon through in the waning hours of the Clinton Administration. He didn't care much about it when he decided that a night stick wielding member of the New Black Panther Party standing in front of a polling place didn't constitute a violation of law. He certainly didn't care about the rights of Mexican nationals or Americans living along our southern border that he endangered with the ill advised Operation Fast & Furious. I've asked this question many times before and I'll ask it once again...WHY IS ERIC HOLDER OUR ATTORNEY GENERAL?
I'm shocked, I tell you. Absolutely SHOCKED.

How long will the rw's/R be able to suck on this one?

How long will the pubs be able to use it as an excuse for not passing jobs legislation?

Oh well, look at it this way - they finally found something they didn't want to filibuster.

Shocking! Now I hope the administration tells the teabagger congress screw balls to go fuck themselves.

they already did...

executive privilege. :rofl:
Let's put it in perspective. When democrats gained the majority in both houses of congress during Bush's last term what was the first thing on their agenda? The alleged criminality of the Bush administration or the economy and pending Fannie Mae mortgage crisis? Nope, they went after those arrogant Baseball players allegedly using steroids. Democrats thought they had a winner with elaborate hearings reminiscent of the McCarthy crusade against Communists. The whole thing degenerated into a political circus and the left wing sissies tried to recoup their pride by indicting a Hall of Fame pitcher for "lying to congress". That fell flat also. Today we have gun running and murder and corruption scandal going to the highest levels of government and the left still wishes they had Baseball players to beat up.
He violated the law and Obama knew it but I will be amazed if anything happens. Remember when Speaker of the House Wright resigned from congress. TCU made his a professor so much for punishinjg the guilt. Holder will not serve one day in Jale but if one of us was convicted of perjury it will be hell to pay.

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