AG Barr: Trump Doesn't Have the Temperament to be President.

That isn't sufficient justification for the police to shoot someone, numskull.
Oops, looks like you are wrong as usual.

have you ever noticed how reality never aligns with your whiny fantasies?

I would think a functional adult would start to notice the pattern.
Yet another person who worked closely with trump says he is unfit for the office.

gee, must just be coincidence.
You mean just another mole in Trump's administration.
Ha, I wish. Unfortunately, as one would expect given the mentallyill pile of shit coward that gathered them together, they were all too cowardly to speak out while working for the orange pile.
Ha, I wish. Unfortunately, as one would expect given the mentallyill pile of shit coward that gathered them together, they were all too cowardly to speak out while working for the orange pile.
Why would we "speak out" when he's doing what we want: terrifying turds like you?

You call Trump "mentally ill," buy you voted for a senile pedophile.
The Swamp is the cult. It is real and it is destructive.
Flash, do you know the vast majority of Americans look at you and those like you as a joke. A bunch of whack a doodles that cannot think for themselves and have fallen for Trump's con. Trump is probably laughing at you idiots behind closed doors.

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