After we already told our lies, my bad Rush....

Rush insults people and the holier than thou NFL suddenly has standards. Can anyone say Michael Vick? How did we get to the point that insults are more egregious than animal torture, drunk driving, and domestic violence? I cannot wrap my head around this.

No Shit!
"This is not about the NFL, it’s not about the St. Louis Rams, it’s not about me. This is about the ongoing effort by the left in this country to destroy conservatism, to prevent the mainstreaming of anyone who is prominent as a conservative. Therefore, this is about the future of America and what kind of country we’re going to have."
-- Pigboy, whining because his buy-out team dropped him,

"Of course, what Limbaugh is really saying is that it’s all about him and he takes no responsibility for his racist-laced comments of the last many years. For Limbaugh, it’s all the fault of the media. It’s all the fault of liberals. Yawn. Only an egotist of the proportions of a Limbaugh would dare say that his rejection by the NFL is really about the future of the United States, but any day that Limbaugh fails is a good day for the United States of America."
-- Mario Piperni, Link
Poor Rush - that's twice now he's been rejected by the NFL for being a racist pig.

no, its more this:

"This is not about the NFL, it’s not about the St. Louis Rams, it’s not about me. This is about the ongoing effort by the left in this country to destroy conservatism, to prevent the mainstreaming of anyone who is prominent as a conservative. Therefore, this is about the future of America and what kind of country we’re going to have."
-- Pigboy, whining because his buy-out team dropped him,

"Of course, what Limbaugh is really saying is that it’s all about him and he takes no responsibility for his racist-laced comments of the last many years. For Limbaugh, it’s all the fault of the media. It’s all the fault of liberals. Yawn. Only an egotist of the proportions of a Limbaugh would dare say that his rejection by the NFL is really about the future of the United States, but any day that Limbaugh fails is a good day for the United States of America."
-- Mario Piperni, Link
Poor Rush - that's twice now he's been rejected by the NFL for being a racist pig.

That poor Fictional comic character. He might have been working for a man who wants to pay him lots of money to do his job well. What a horrible situation to be in!
Compared to what the employees are doing in Washington, I don't consider this something that should be focused on. Anyone that doesn't do their own research and believes whatever the t.v. tells them, deserves the stupid award. Rush can take care of himself.

The political whores in Washington want you all to focus your attention on this. It takes the heat off them. Stay focused people.

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