Africa the Cesspool of the World

Yet we still survive and persist and move on. We still outperform you where ever we have a level playing field. Dont worry about us. Worry about the fact you wont be around much longer. The original man will always be here. I know that angers you but you have to learn to deal with that.
false even with affirmative action blacks do not rise to the academic level of any race .fact the black race has the lowest IQ average of all races.

I guess thats why Africans come over here and in England and run circles around you clowns. They are Blacker than I am. Must be that bit of white DNA dumbing us down. :lol:
So some guys come from parts of Africa and win the Boston Marathon. What's your point?

The topic is that very few blacks can hold their own intellectually regardless of where they come from. Those very few that do are an excellent example of the bell curve.

Too bad they are so very few.
false even with affirmative action blacks do not rise to the academic level of any race .fact the black race has the lowest IQ average of all races.

I guess thats why Africans come over here and in England and run circles around you clowns. They are Blacker than I am. Must be that bit of white DNA dumbing us down. :lol:
So some guys come from parts of Africa and win the Boston Marathon. What's your point?

The topic is that very few blacks can hold their own intellectually regardless of where they come from. Those very few that do are an excellent example of the bell curve.

Too bad they are so very few.

My point is you and the other monkey are wrong as usual. The Bell Curve has been thoroughly debunked as fodder by inbred racists. The fact that Africans come over here and outperform you sheds light on the effects of the racial caste system put in place to protect you low achieving whites.
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I guess thats why Africans come over here and in England and run circles around you clowns. They are Blacker than I am. Must be that bit of white DNA dumbing us down. :lol:
So some guys come from parts of Africa and win the Boston Marathon. What's your point?

The topic is that very few blacks can hold their own intellectually regardless of where they come from. Those very few that do are an excellent example of the bell curve.

Too bad they are so very few.

My point is you and the other monkey are wrong as usual. The Bell Curve has been thoroughly debunked as fodder by inbred racists. The fact that Africans come over hear and outperform you sheds light on the effects of the racial caste system put in place to protect you low achieving whites.
I would have to agree if you were talking about east-Asians. That would be irrefutable instead of laughable.
So some guys come from parts of Africa and win the Boston Marathon. What's your point?

The topic is that very few blacks can hold their own intellectually regardless of where they come from. Those very few that do are an excellent example of the bell curve.

Too bad they are so very few.

My point is you and the other monkey are wrong as usual. The Bell Curve has been thoroughly debunked as fodder by inbred racists. The fact that Africans come over hear and outperform you sheds light on the effects of the racial caste system put in place to protect you low achieving whites.
I would have to agree if you were talking about east-Asians. That would be irrefutable instead of laughable.

Well they out perform you too but the Africans out perform even them. So much for the genetics theory. :lol:
My point is you and the other monkey are wrong as usual. The Bell Curve has been thoroughly debunked as fodder by inbred racists. The fact that Africans come over hear and outperform you sheds light on the effects of the racial caste system put in place to protect you low achieving whites.
I would have to agree if you were talking about east-Asians. That would be irrefutable instead of laughable.

Well they out perform you too but the Africans out perform even them.
The former is true; the latter is laughable. Again, an illustration of the bell curve and kinda the point.
Stop whining cave chimp. You made racist statements. If you dont like the slurs dont make the statements. :lol:
Thank you for proving me right, racist.

Youre welcome monkey.
Your display of the racial hatred and insecurity that consumes you reveals the frustration you feel from your failed attempt at bullshitting people into believing that your race has contributed anything but violence throughout history and continues to lead the world in murder and other assorted crimes.
Ok, now you can go back to flinging shit, like a chimp in a cage at the zoo, while the rest of us laugh at you.
Thank you for proving me right, racist.

Youre welcome monkey.
Your display of the racial hatred and insecurity that consumes you reveals the frustration you feel from your failed attempt at bullshitting people into believing that your race has contributed anything but violence throughout history and continues to lead the world in murder and other assorted crimes.
Ok, now you can go back to flinging shit, like a chimp in a cage at the zoo, while the rest of us laugh at you.

Your insinuation that Blacks have contributed nothing but violence throughout history and continue to do so would be laughable if you knew the truth. One truth is that Russia is the new champ in that regard. But let's not stop there! For more than a decade, Russia has been challenging sub-Saharan Africa with increasingly alarming rates of HIV infection and deaths. Hey TANK! Did you miss that one? Blimpbaugh doesn't address it and neither does FAUX Noise ( FOX News) or Shun Handily (Shawn Hannity.)

Come on "CHUCKLES" Lets that...isn't it funny?

HEALTH / Global Pandemic / Russia on brink of AIDS explosion / Ignorance and inaction threaten catastrophe - SFGate
Articles: Russia's AIDS Epidemic: It's America's Fault (of Course)
In each race, there are examples of the lowest intelligent beings arguing who is better...the black or the white. When they are displaying such bigotry, it is the foundation of ignorance and intolerance. It's amusing that they engage in the discussion of superiority when they are so far from the topic they discuss.
Youre welcome monkey.
Your display of the racial hatred and insecurity that consumes you reveals the frustration you feel from your failed attempt at bullshitting people into believing that your race has contributed anything but violence throughout history and continues to lead the world in murder and other assorted crimes.
Ok, now you can go back to flinging shit, like a chimp in a cage at the zoo, while the rest of us laugh at you.

Your insinuation that Blacks have contributed nothing but violence throughout history and continue to do so would be laughable if you knew the truth. One truth is that Russia is the new champ in that regard. But let's not stop there! For more than a decade, Russia has been challenging sub-Saharan Africa with increasingly alarming rates of HIV infection and deaths. Hey TANK! Did you miss that one? Blimpbaugh doesn't address it and neither does FAUX Noise ( FOX News) or Shun Handily (Shawn Hannity.)

Come on "CHUCKLES" Lets that...isn't it funny?

HEALTH / Global Pandemic / Russia on brink of AIDS explosion / Ignorance and inaction threaten catastrophe - SFGate
Articles: Russia's AIDS Epidemic: It's America's Fault (of Course)
How many Russians live in Detroit?
Thank you for proving me right, racist.

Youre welcome monkey.
Your display of the racial hatred and insecurity that consumes you reveals the frustration you feel from your failed attempt at bullshitting people into believing that your race has contributed anything but violence throughout history and continues to lead the world in murder and other assorted crimes.
Ok, now you can go back to flinging shit, like a chimp in a cage at the zoo, while the rest of us laugh at you.

Sorry hairy boy. You little cave monkeys dont have the ability to make me do anything but laugh at you. I understand your fear of anything Black related. I know the truth hurts. However, you just have accept it an move on. Nobody believes the Egyptians were white anymore. Thats like in 4K years whites claiming the Native Americans were white.

See the problem is too many of your white historians made declarations that the Egyptians were Black prior to Europeans deciding to claim Egypt for their own. Everything great Europeans now want to claim they were there when everyone knows if you couldn't invent your own written langue, no way were you going to travel to Africa (with no sunscreen) and build the pyramids. The very idea is hilarious.

Herodotus, a Greek writer in the 5th century B.C. claims that "the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.) The interesting thing about what Herodotus wrote is that had he believed the Egyptians to be any other color than black like other Africans he could have chosen other Greek words than the one he chose. His word is melaschroes, black-skinned. If Herodotus thought the Egyptians were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes, but he chose the word melaschroes. This word comes from the same root as Melanesia, the black island, or melanite, a black garnet. The ancient Greek use of "melas" was precise. Egypt is in Africa. Why shouldn't the ancient Egyptians be anything other than black?
FFS, the ancient Egyptians were not jungle bunnies, or were they white in the sense your racist ass thinks. they were Mediterraneans, not that different than the same of today. Sub-Saharans had a very elementaryl modicum of civilization anywhere or they would not have been enslaved. Even today, they are the lowest underclass of anywhere they have existed.

Get over it!
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Your display of the racial hatred and insecurity that consumes you reveals the frustration you feel from your failed attempt at bullshitting people into believing that your race has contributed anything but violence throughout history and continues to lead the world in murder and other assorted crimes.
Ok, now you can go back to flinging shit, like a chimp in a cage at the zoo, while the rest of us laugh at you.

Your insinuation that Blacks have contributed nothing but violence throughout history and continue to do so would be laughable if you knew the truth. One truth is that Russia is the new champ in that regard. But let's not stop there! For more than a decade, Russia has been challenging sub-Saharan Africa with increasingly alarming rates of HIV infection and deaths. Hey TANK! Did you miss that one? Blimpbaugh doesn't address it and neither does FAUX Noise ( FOX News) or Shun Handily (Shawn Hannity.)

Come on "CHUCKLES" Lets that...isn't it funny?

HEALTH / Global Pandemic / Russia on brink of AIDS explosion / Ignorance and inaction threaten catastrophe - SFGate
Articles: Russia's AIDS Epidemic: It's America's Fault (of Course)
How many Russians live in Detroit?

What does that have to do with the AIDS epidemic in Europe?
FFS, the ancient Egyptians were not jungle bunnies, or were they white in the sense your racist ass thinks. they were Mediterraneans, not that different than the same of today. Sub-Saharans had a very elementaryl modicum of civilization anywhere or they would not have been enslaved. Even today, they are the lowest underclass of anywhere they have existed.

Get over it!

Dont get bent out of shape. :lol:

Repeating the same thing is not going to make it more believeable. Your own historians say you are a liar. Why would Herodotus call them Black if they were Mediterranean like him?

Herodotus, a Greek writer in the 5th century B.C. claims that "the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.) The interesting thing about what Herodotus wrote is that had he believed the Egyptians to be any other color than black like other Africans he could have chosen other Greek words than the one he chose. His word is melaschroes, black-skinned. If Herodotus thought the Egyptians were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes, but he chose the word melaschroes. This word comes from the same root as Melanesia, the black island, or melanite, a black garnet. The ancient Greek use of "melas" was precise. Egypt is in Africa. Why shouldn't the ancient Egyptians be anything other than black?
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FFS, the ancient Egyptians were not jungle bunnies, or were they white in the sense your racist ass thinks. they were Mediterraneans, not that different than the same of today. Sub-Saharans had a very elementaryl modicum of civilization anywhere or they would not have been enslaved. Even today, they are the lowest underclass of anywhere they have existed.

Get over it!

Dont get bent out of shape. :lol:

Repeating the same thing is not going to make it more believeable. Your own historians say you are a liar. Why would Herodotus call them Black if they were Mediterranean like him?

Herodotus, a Greek writer in the 5th century B.C. claims that "the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.) The interesting thing about what Herodotus wrote is that had he believed the Egyptians to be any other color than black like other Africans he could have chosen other Greek words than the one he chose. His word is melaschroes, black-skinned. If Herodotus thought the Egyptians were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes, but he chose the word melaschroes. This word comes from the same root as Melanesia, the black island, or melanite, a black garnet. The ancient Greek use of "melas" was precise. Egypt is in Africa. Why shouldn't the ancient Egyptians be anything other than black?
Because he had probably never seen a real jungle bunny before, obviously. The whole swathe of North Africa were "black" to the Greeks. They still refer to them as such.

"Arapakis" (little or lesser Arab) is the pejorative for sub-Saharan Africans today. "Mavros", which means black is considered more politically correct.
Youre welcome monkey.
Your display of the racial hatred and insecurity that consumes you reveals the frustration you feel from your failed attempt at bullshitting people into believing that your race has contributed anything but violence throughout history and continues to lead the world in murder and other assorted crimes.
Ok, now you can go back to flinging shit, like a chimp in a cage at the zoo, while the rest of us laugh at you.

Sorry hairy boy. You little cave monkeys dont have the ability to make me do anything but laugh at you. I understand your fear of anything Black related. I know the truth hurts. However, you just have accept it an move on. Nobody believes the Egyptians were white anymore. Thats like in 4K years whites claiming the Native Americans were white.

See the problem is too many of your white historians made declarations that the Egyptians were Black prior to Europeans deciding to claim Egypt for their own. Everything great Europeans now want to claim they were there when everyone knows if you couldn't invent your own written langue, no way were you going to travel to Africa (with no sunscreen) and build the pyramids. The very idea is hilarious.

Herodotus, a Greek writer in the 5th century B.C. claims that "the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (History, Book II.) The interesting thing about what Herodotus wrote is that had he believed the Egyptians to be any other color than black like other Africans he could have chosen other Greek words than the one he chose. His word is melaschroes, black-skinned. If Herodotus thought the Egyptians were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply brown, like so many African Americans, he may have used phrenychroes, but he chose the word melaschroes. This word comes from the same root as Melanesia, the black island, or melanite, a black garnet. The ancient Greek use of "melas" was precise. Egypt is in Africa. Why shouldn't the ancient Egyptians be anything other than black?
Still laughing at you, chimp. Hoo, hoo, hoo. :piss2:

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