Zone1 Afghan "Refugees": good intentions; terrible consequences


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
As the record numbers of 'refugees' demanding asylum--now totaling several million of them--continue to pour across our southern border, it appears a huge percentage of them, if not a majority of them, are younger single men. Almost all of them are here for economic, not political, reasons which under U.S. law does not qualify them for asylum.

Not that the Biden Administration has demonstrated much concern for the law.

Now it appears that many, probably most of the 78,000 Afghans Biden had flown to the USA were not allies of the USA at all and many very much resent us and our way of life. And thousands of our Afghan allies were left behind at the mercy of the Taliban and if captured will be likely tortured and murdered.

And I doubt anyone in the Biden Administration cares as they are currently bragging about how proud they are of that evacuation.

We may not lose our country to evil/corrupt politicians and operatives who intend to destroy it and/or change it beyond all recognition. We may lose it to hordes of invaders who have no appreciation or respect for our Constitution., rule of law, or the Founders intent and will destroy us with their sheer numbers.

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As the record numbers of 'refugees' demanding amnesty--now totaling in several million of them--continue to pour across our southern border, it appears a huge percentage of them, if not a majority of them, are younger single men. Almost all of them are here for economic, not political, reasons which under U.S. law does not qualify them for asylum.

Are you talking about refugees or asylum seekers? And how do you know why "almost all of them" are here?
Now it appears that many, probably most of the 78,000 Afghans Biden had flown to the USA were not allies of the USA at all and many very much resent us and our way of life. And thousands of our Afghan allies were left behind at the mercy of the Taliban and if captured will be likely tortured and murdered.
I was wondering how long it would take the WIngnuts to go from "Why isn't Biden saving our allies" to "Biden let a bunch of terrorists into our country and they want to date your daughter."
Are you talking about refugees or asylum seekers? And how do you know why "almost all of them" are here?
I know because I read and watch ALL the reporting on this stuff and not just what Democrats or their surrogate media wants you to know and/or think. (I did edit the word 'amnesty' and changed it to the correct 'asylum.')
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I was wondering how long it would take the WIngnuts to go from "Why isn't Biden saving our allies" to "Biden let a bunch of terrorists into our country and they want to date your daughter."
So the 'wingnuts' should just avoid what is actually happening even as they aren't putting the silly spin on it as you just did?
It isn't only Islam. And all aren't terrible. But I don't see why the USA has to take in and provide full services for terrible people no matter where they are from or what demographic, race, ethnicity, religion etc. they are from.
Yeah, im tired of letting in third world scrubs.
Yeah, im tired of letting in third world scrubs.
Remember how much hell President Trump caught when he quite honestly, within the context of immigration reform and him suggesting that we take in immigrants who will make America better, asked "Why do we want people from these shitty little countries?" You would have thought he was advocating for the KKK and wanted to lynch people.

But it bears repeating. Why do we want people who will continue to drain our resources to the point we are unable to help those in real need? Why not help organizations like Church World Service and World Vision and many others who are helping people get on their feet in the countries where they live?

However noble and compassionate it may seem, taking in mega millions of the world's poor is a certain recipe for increasing world poverty everywhere.
My husband and I were quite poor by American standards when we married. But within a few years, with no government aid/assistance or charity, we managed to obtain at least lower middle class status and have lived a reasonable share of the American dream since even though we started our expanded family quite early.

We did it by not looking to anybody but ourselves for our prosperity, making ourselves valuable to employers, and being willing to do without many nice things until we could afford them.

The recipe for prosperity is pretty much true everywhere:
--Work ethic
--Personal Liberty
--Rule and respect of law

Take any one of those factors out of the equation and you have a recipe for poverty.

Which is why current immigrations practices by the U.S. government are creating a poorer, needier, angrier, more dangerous population.

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