Affordable Care Act

Do you have employer provided health care?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • No

    Votes: 11 57.9%

  • Total voters
Brit health care is terrible. Canadians sued their government to get pay for service care, and routinely come to America to pay for better care. Scandinavia varies, is often no better.

All are models to not follow.
All are models that are better than the US.

By what measure?

Wait times are years in those countries. You'd rather wait years, instead of a few days?

Survival rates are lower in those countries. You'd rather have a higher chance of dying?

Care is simply denied in those countries. You'd rather be told 'sucks to be you, good luck'?

Taxes are almost double in those countries. You'd rather save a few hundred in insurance premiums, and lose thousands in income, capital gains, and sales tax?

Name one area, one measurement, in which they are better?

You have no idea what you are talking about. I've been to Europe. Been to their hospitals. It's not the same. Not even close.
I'm not even going to argue with you, you base your arguments on falseties. Thinking that the US system is the best is just absurd.

I made specific claims. Can you disprove them... or not?

Sorry, but I base my opinion on fact. You only say "that's absurd" as if that is evidence.

Can I use your 'debate tactic' too? Ok, You are absurd, so I am not going to argue with you. There, now you are absurd too. Now what?
You want one area where other countries are better? Canada hasn't instigated a war, ever. The US has been at war for nearly its WHOLE EXISTENCE! And just spent TRILLIONS attacking countries for no reason.

Now that was classic. We're talking about health care, and I make specific claims that you couldn't even come up with a response to. I point that out and here you are saying "Yeah well what about instigating war?!?"....... Are we talking about war on a thread titled "Affordable Care Act"? If the title of the thread was "Affordable War Act", I wouldn't be mocking you right now.
Do it right ?

I'd love for someone to explain or define what "right" is ?

Taxing the crapp out of people ?
The US has enough tax revenue, you just prefer to spend a huge chunk of it attacking people for no reason instead of investing in your own people's health.

You didn't answer the question.

Define what it means to do it right.
Covering everyone as a free public service.

And we can end up like Greece. Not a good plan.
You already owe more money than Greece. WWAAAYYYY more!!!! :D

:D Yeah dude.... that's why I'm saying we need to stop before we end up with the crash that Greece has.

What exactly is your point? Hit the gas, and crash into the ditch faster?
The US has enough tax revenue, you just prefer to spend a huge chunk of it attacking people for no reason instead of investing in your own people's health.

You didn't answer the question.

Define what it means to do it right.
Covering everyone as a free public service.

And we can end up like Greece. Not a good plan.
You already owe more money than Greece. WWAAAYYYY more!!!! :D

:D Yeah dude.... that's why I'm saying we need to stop before we end up with the crash that Greece has.

What exactly is your point? Hit the gas, and crash into the ditch faster?
Forget Greece, if that's all you have to compare yourselves to, you're in deep fucking shit! :D
The point would be that you've spent your money attacking countries for no reason and other countries stay home and spend their money on keeping their citizens healthy.
All are models that are better than the US.

By what measure?

Wait times are years in those countries. You'd rather wait years, instead of a few days?

Survival rates are lower in those countries. You'd rather have a higher chance of dying?

Care is simply denied in those countries. You'd rather be told 'sucks to be you, good luck'?

Taxes are almost double in those countries. You'd rather save a few hundred in insurance premiums, and lose thousands in income, capital gains, and sales tax?

Name one area, one measurement, in which they are better?

You have no idea what you are talking about. I've been to Europe. Been to their hospitals. It's not the same. Not even close.
I'm not even going to argue with you, you base your arguments on falseties. Thinking that the US system is the best is just absurd.

I made specific claims. Can you disprove them... or not?

Sorry, but I base my opinion on fact. You only say "that's absurd" as if that is evidence.

Can I use your 'debate tactic' too? Ok, You are absurd, so I am not going to argue with you. There, now you are absurd too. Now what?
You want one area where other countries are better? Canada hasn't instigated a war, ever. The US has been at war for nearly its WHOLE EXISTENCE! And just spent TRILLIONS attacking countries for no reason.

Now that was classic. We're talking about health care, and I make specific claims that you couldn't even come up with a response to. I point that out and here you are saying "Yeah well what about instigating war?!?"....... Are we talking about war on a thread titled "Affordable Care Act"? If the title of the thread was "Affordable War Act", I wouldn't be mocking you right now.
You asked "Name one area, one measurement, in which they are better?" And I gave you one. You want one specifically about health care? Canada and other countries cover all their citizens without forcing them to be at the mercy of HMOs... and pay through the nose.
By what measure?

Wait times are years in those countries. You'd rather wait years, instead of a few days?

Survival rates are lower in those countries. You'd rather have a higher chance of dying?

Care is simply denied in those countries. You'd rather be told 'sucks to be you, good luck'?

Taxes are almost double in those countries. You'd rather save a few hundred in insurance premiums, and lose thousands in income, capital gains, and sales tax?

Name one area, one measurement, in which they are better?

You have no idea what you are talking about. I've been to Europe. Been to their hospitals. It's not the same. Not even close.
I'm not even going to argue with you, you base your arguments on falseties. Thinking that the US system is the best is just absurd.

I made specific claims. Can you disprove them... or not?

Sorry, but I base my opinion on fact. You only say "that's absurd" as if that is evidence.

Can I use your 'debate tactic' too? Ok, You are absurd, so I am not going to argue with you. There, now you are absurd too. Now what?
You want one area where other countries are better? Canada hasn't instigated a war, ever. The US has been at war for nearly its WHOLE EXISTENCE! And just spent TRILLIONS attacking countries for no reason.

Now that was classic. We're talking about health care, and I make specific claims that you couldn't even come up with a response to. I point that out and here you are saying "Yeah well what about instigating war?!?"....... Are we talking about war on a thread titled "Affordable Care Act"? If the title of the thread was "Affordable War Act", I wouldn't be mocking you right now.
You asked "Name one area, one measurement, in which they are better?" And I gave you one. You want one specifically about health care? Canada and other countries cover all their citizens without forcing them to be at the mercy of HMOs... and pay through the nose.

You do understand the concept of "context" right? Context is the idea of using preceding comments and statements, to understand the given text.

So when I ask a question, that was preceded by statements regarding health care, you should from that context, grasp that I am asking which measurement of HEALTH CARE, you would point to that the US comes up poorly compared to other nations.

The cost of health care, is not a statement of the quality of the health care. I already asked you, would you rather have a higher chance of dying, or wait years for treatment, for the savings of a few dollars?

And equally, I already pointed out that the taxes in all those countries is double that of the US.

I don't spend $10,000 a year on health insurance. Yet, under your "free" health care countries, I would have to pay at least that much in taxes, based on my income.

So would I rather pay several hundred for insurance, or several thousand in taxes... I'll take the much smaller insurance premiums.
You didn't answer the question.

Define what it means to do it right.
Covering everyone as a free public service.

And we can end up like Greece. Not a good plan.
You already owe more money than Greece. WWAAAYYYY more!!!! :D

:D Yeah dude.... that's why I'm saying we need to stop before we end up with the crash that Greece has.

What exactly is your point? Hit the gas, and crash into the ditch faster?
Forget Greece, if that's all you have to compare yourselves to, you're in deep fucking shit! :D
The point would be that you've spent your money attacking countries for no reason and other countries stay home and spend their money on keeping their citizens healthy.

Insanity is trying the same action over and over, and expecting a different result.

If you look at other countries doing the actions you advocate, and think we will have a different result by doing them here... you are insane. A blithering incompetent fool. :D

The amount of money we spent attacking other countries is irrelevant. It's drops in the ocean. Most of the money, by a massive margin, that we have spent is all entitlements and social programs.

Moreover, the amount of future liabilities, the amount we owe for future benefits is all entitlements as well.
I'm not even going to argue with you, you base your arguments on falseties. Thinking that the US system is the best is just absurd.

I made specific claims. Can you disprove them... or not?

Sorry, but I base my opinion on fact. You only say "that's absurd" as if that is evidence.

Can I use your 'debate tactic' too? Ok, You are absurd, so I am not going to argue with you. There, now you are absurd too. Now what?
You want one area where other countries are better? Canada hasn't instigated a war, ever. The US has been at war for nearly its WHOLE EXISTENCE! And just spent TRILLIONS attacking countries for no reason.

Now that was classic. We're talking about health care, and I make specific claims that you couldn't even come up with a response to. I point that out and here you are saying "Yeah well what about instigating war?!?"....... Are we talking about war on a thread titled "Affordable Care Act"? If the title of the thread was "Affordable War Act", I wouldn't be mocking you right now.
You asked "Name one area, one measurement, in which they are better?" And I gave you one. You want one specifically about health care? Canada and other countries cover all their citizens without forcing them to be at the mercy of HMOs... and pay through the nose.

You do understand the concept of "context" right? Context is the idea of using preceding comments and statements, to understand the given text.

So when I ask a question, that was preceded by statements regarding health care, you should from that context, grasp that I am asking which measurement of HEALTH CARE, you would point to that the US comes up poorly compared to other nations.

The cost of health care, is not a statement of the quality of the health care. I already asked you, would you rather have a higher chance of dying, or wait years for treatment, for the savings of a few dollars?

And equally, I already pointed out that the taxes in all those countries is double that of the US.

I don't spend $10,000 a year on health insurance. Yet, under your "free" health care countries, I would have to pay at least that much in taxes, based on my income.

So would I rather pay several hundred for insurance, or several thousand in taxes... I'll take the much smaller insurance premiums.
You're defending a health system that no country in world would want to or has tried to replacate. MASSIVE EPIC FAIL!!!
Hint: The other countries cover everyone, your plan doesn't. BIG DIFFERENCE!
Covering everyone as a free public service.

And we can end up like Greece. Not a good plan.
You already owe more money than Greece. WWAAAYYYY more!!!! :D

:D Yeah dude.... that's why I'm saying we need to stop before we end up with the crash that Greece has.

What exactly is your point? Hit the gas, and crash into the ditch faster?
Forget Greece, if that's all you have to compare yourselves to, you're in deep fucking shit! :D
The point would be that you've spent your money attacking countries for no reason and other countries stay home and spend their money on keeping their citizens healthy.

Insanity is trying the same action over and over, and expecting a different result.

If you look at other countries doing the actions you advocate, and think we will have a different result by doing them here... you are insane. A blithering incompetent fool. :D

The amount of money we spent attacking other countries is irrelevant. It's drops in the ocean. Most of the money, by a massive margin, that we have spent is all entitlements and social programs.

Moreover, the amount of future liabilities, the amount we owe for future benefits is all entitlements as well.
Actually, the US should try NOT attacking other countries for no reason, that's what other countries do, and it works!! :D
Due to life choices and circumstances we are losing our employer provided health care. So I went to the web site to look for plans. What I found is this.

1. The web site is extremely easy to use.

2. The cost, while high, is not nearly as expensive as it was when I looked into it when ACA became the law of the land.

3. Big penalty for making money and not having employer provided coverage.

Here is an example of what I found for 1 person first making 50,000 the second making 25000. Which seems to me to be affordable considering that car insurance might cost as much.

What I don't like is that the cost should be the same for everyone since it is required by the government to purchase. In other words make it a tax deduction, if it is not already.

What I am going to call about is if I can sign up the wife for one plan, using her income. And one plan for me using mine. I don't think this is the case.

Not cheap, but not as expensive as I thought and anyone should be able to navigate the site.

Still, employer sponsored health care is far cheaper and better.

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View attachment 47569

the deductible and out of pocket are cheaper than my employer plan, however I checked my state and my premium was $1200/month but we are in the $150k bracket

that must be a gold or platinum plan.
No it was a silver

Then you are a big family?

no, two people
Theft is never "right", and if they are so right, why are they in even more trouble than we?

No, I'm not very good at involuntary sharing, at gunpoint.
You already share in all kinds of things: roads (some of which you help pay for but don't use), the military and their useless wars, supporting illegals... sharing to help your fellow citizens have access to health care seems to me to be a fundamental component of a just society.

Everyone in the country, from the poorest impoverished beggar, to the richest corporate CEO, benefits from roads, and the military.

Health care harms one group, for the benefit of another group.

Moreover, the cost of the military and roads, is a tiny tiny fraction of the cost of blowing trillions on trillions on health care.

"Health care harms one group, for the benefit of another group."

Take some time to think ebola about that typhoid statement, and AIDS I am sure that you will polio have a change of heart. Unless, that is, you think people who have the means to support for profit health care are immune to such silly diseases.

The elimination of Polio was done on a capitalist free-market system. It wasn't paid for by government.

One of the reasons that we constantly have vaccine shortages, is because it's not legal to make a profit on vaccines, and it takes millions of dollars to get approval for a vaccines. It used to take 10 years of testing to even get a vaccine sent for approval. I've heard that has been reduced a bit, but it is still millions of dollars.

Point being, government intervention has been more of a hindrance, than a benefit to health care.

I love how in 1990s, we increased taxes on health care research, and now everyone is pushing for more government research grants for health care. How dumb does the left have to be, to think this makes sense. Let's jack up taxes on the companies doing health care research, and then when research budgets shrink, give out government grants to make up for the money government taxed away.


Fool. You want your kids to play with a kid with some undiagnosed disease at the local Chuck e Cheese?

The only way for you to be sure to avoid that is to provide preventive care to people regardless of ability to pay.

In the end....this approach saves money and strengthens our nation.

Get used to it......the good guys are winning.

Way to address his very valid points.

Such pie in the sky blathering is meaningless......

He just showed your statements to be bogus.

I am not against government getting involved at some level.

I am against poor statements like yours.
I made specific claims. Can you disprove them... or not?

Sorry, but I base my opinion on fact. You only say "that's absurd" as if that is evidence.

Can I use your 'debate tactic' too? Ok, You are absurd, so I am not going to argue with you. There, now you are absurd too. Now what?
You want one area where other countries are better? Canada hasn't instigated a war, ever. The US has been at war for nearly its WHOLE EXISTENCE! And just spent TRILLIONS attacking countries for no reason.

Now that was classic. We're talking about health care, and I make specific claims that you couldn't even come up with a response to. I point that out and here you are saying "Yeah well what about instigating war?!?"....... Are we talking about war on a thread titled "Affordable Care Act"? If the title of the thread was "Affordable War Act", I wouldn't be mocking you right now.
You asked "Name one area, one measurement, in which they are better?" And I gave you one. You want one specifically about health care? Canada and other countries cover all their citizens without forcing them to be at the mercy of HMOs... and pay through the nose.

You do understand the concept of "context" right? Context is the idea of using preceding comments and statements, to understand the given text.

So when I ask a question, that was preceded by statements regarding health care, you should from that context, grasp that I am asking which measurement of HEALTH CARE, you would point to that the US comes up poorly compared to other nations.

The cost of health care, is not a statement of the quality of the health care. I already asked you, would you rather have a higher chance of dying, or wait years for treatment, for the savings of a few dollars?

And equally, I already pointed out that the taxes in all those countries is double that of the US.

I don't spend $10,000 a year on health insurance. Yet, under your "free" health care countries, I would have to pay at least that much in taxes, based on my income.

So would I rather pay several hundred for insurance, or several thousand in taxes... I'll take the much smaller insurance premiums.
You're defending a health system that no country in world would want to or has tried to replacate. MASSIVE EPIC FAIL!!!
Hint: The other countries cover everyone, your plan doesn't. BIG DIFFERENCE!

That argument is meaningless.

First, they can't try it in it's entirety.

Second, they do have private plans. Now why don't you explain why ?

And tells us why that is the big fail too.
Due to life choices and circumstances we are losing our employer provided health care. So I went to the web site to look for plans. What I found is this.

1. The web site is extremely easy to use.

2. The cost, while high, is not nearly as expensive as it was when I looked into it when ACA became the law of the land.

3. Big penalty for making money and not having employer provided coverage.

Here is an example of what I found for 1 person first making 50,000 the second making 25000. Which seems to me to be affordable considering that car insurance might cost as much.

What I don't like is that the cost should be the same for everyone since it is required by the government to purchase. In other words make it a tax deduction, if it is not already.

What I am going to call about is if I can sign up the wife for one plan, using her income. And one plan for me using mine. I don't think this is the case.

Not cheap, but not as expensive as I thought and anyone should be able to navigate the site.

Still, employer sponsored health care is far cheaper and better.

View attachment 47568

View attachment 47569

the deductible and out of pocket are cheaper than my employer plan, however I checked my state and my premium was $1200/month but we are in the $150k bracket

that must be a gold or platinum plan.
No it was a silver

Then you are a big family?

no, two people

could you give me a zip code? I just do no think your coverage would be that much.
Here is something else I am not sure is fair and I think if we keep SCOTUSCARE it could be fixed. I think if a health care insurance company offers any plan it is available to anyone. For example, US steel negotiates a price for health care. That price and plan would be one of the plans available to everyone. Those without any sort of negotiating power are actually paying for those who do and those who do might also be some of the highest paid people.
the deductible and out of pocket are cheaper than my employer plan, however I checked my state and my premium was $1200/month but we are in the $150k bracket

that must be a gold or platinum plan.
No it was a silver

Then you are a big family?

no, two people

could you give me a zip code? I just do no think your coverage would be that much.
My state is ky. That is all u need
Here is something else I am not sure is fair and I think if we keep SCOTUSCARE it could be fixed. I think if a health care insurance company offers any plan it is available to anyone. For example, US steel negotiates a price for health care. That price and plan would be one of the plans available to everyone. Those without any sort of negotiating power are actually paying for those who do and those who do might also be some of the highest paid people.

US Steel? Are you from Ecorse, Granite City, or Gary?
You want one area where other countries are better? Canada hasn't instigated a war, ever. The US has been at war for nearly its WHOLE EXISTENCE! And just spent TRILLIONS attacking countries for no reason.

Now that was classic. We're talking about health care, and I make specific claims that you couldn't even come up with a response to. I point that out and here you are saying "Yeah well what about instigating war?!?"....... Are we talking about war on a thread titled "Affordable Care Act"? If the title of the thread was "Affordable War Act", I wouldn't be mocking you right now.
You asked "Name one area, one measurement, in which they are better?" And I gave you one. You want one specifically about health care? Canada and other countries cover all their citizens without forcing them to be at the mercy of HMOs... and pay through the nose.

You do understand the concept of "context" right? Context is the idea of using preceding comments and statements, to understand the given text.

So when I ask a question, that was preceded by statements regarding health care, you should from that context, grasp that I am asking which measurement of HEALTH CARE, you would point to that the US comes up poorly compared to other nations.

The cost of health care, is not a statement of the quality of the health care. I already asked you, would you rather have a higher chance of dying, or wait years for treatment, for the savings of a few dollars?

And equally, I already pointed out that the taxes in all those countries is double that of the US.

I don't spend $10,000 a year on health insurance. Yet, under your "free" health care countries, I would have to pay at least that much in taxes, based on my income.

So would I rather pay several hundred for insurance, or several thousand in taxes... I'll take the much smaller insurance premiums.
You're defending a health system that no country in world would want to or has tried to replacate. MASSIVE EPIC FAIL!!!
Hint: The other countries cover everyone, your plan doesn't. BIG DIFFERENCE!

That argument is meaningless.

First, they can't try it in it's entirety.

Second, they do have private plans. Now why don't you explain why ?

And tells us why that is the big fail too.
All the citizens in other countries are covered, free to the user, ALL OF THEM ARE COVERED. The U.S. system is still catching up to that humane concept.
OScamCare is the LARGEST tax increase on us that also made your federal government tyrants and Fascist. look who it taxes. Now you see why MILLIONS of people want this POS repealed. lets hope it happens

65 BILLION ON those people who doesn't want to be FORCED by this government to PURCHASE something. wake up folks
Now that was classic. We're talking about health care, and I make specific claims that you couldn't even come up with a response to. I point that out and here you are saying "Yeah well what about instigating war?!?"....... Are we talking about war on a thread titled "Affordable Care Act"? If the title of the thread was "Affordable War Act", I wouldn't be mocking you right now.
You asked "Name one area, one measurement, in which they are better?" And I gave you one. You want one specifically about health care? Canada and other countries cover all their citizens without forcing them to be at the mercy of HMOs... and pay through the nose.

You do understand the concept of "context" right? Context is the idea of using preceding comments and statements, to understand the given text.

So when I ask a question, that was preceded by statements regarding health care, you should from that context, grasp that I am asking which measurement of HEALTH CARE, you would point to that the US comes up poorly compared to other nations.

The cost of health care, is not a statement of the quality of the health care. I already asked you, would you rather have a higher chance of dying, or wait years for treatment, for the savings of a few dollars?

And equally, I already pointed out that the taxes in all those countries is double that of the US.

I don't spend $10,000 a year on health insurance. Yet, under your "free" health care countries, I would have to pay at least that much in taxes, based on my income.

So would I rather pay several hundred for insurance, or several thousand in taxes... I'll take the much smaller insurance premiums.
You're defending a health system that no country in world would want to or has tried to replacate. MASSIVE EPIC FAIL!!!
Hint: The other countries cover everyone, your plan doesn't. BIG DIFFERENCE!

That argument is meaningless.

First, they can't try it in it's entirety.

Second, they do have private plans. Now why don't you explain why ?

And tells us why that is the big fail too.
All the citizens in other countries are covered, free to the user, ALL OF THEM ARE COVERED. The U.S. system is still catching up to that humane concept.

Covered with what ?

Not all of them are covered for everything.

Hence, you have a two tiered system.

This is not a humane concept. It brings lots of issues that other countries fight with. I am not saying it is bad, but I am saying it isn't all that others say it is cracked up to be.
You asked "Name one area, one measurement, in which they are better?" And I gave you one. You want one specifically about health care? Canada and other countries cover all their citizens without forcing them to be at the mercy of HMOs... and pay through the nose.

You do understand the concept of "context" right? Context is the idea of using preceding comments and statements, to understand the given text.

So when I ask a question, that was preceded by statements regarding health care, you should from that context, grasp that I am asking which measurement of HEALTH CARE, you would point to that the US comes up poorly compared to other nations.

The cost of health care, is not a statement of the quality of the health care. I already asked you, would you rather have a higher chance of dying, or wait years for treatment, for the savings of a few dollars?

And equally, I already pointed out that the taxes in all those countries is double that of the US.

I don't spend $10,000 a year on health insurance. Yet, under your "free" health care countries, I would have to pay at least that much in taxes, based on my income.

So would I rather pay several hundred for insurance, or several thousand in taxes... I'll take the much smaller insurance premiums.
You're defending a health system that no country in world would want to or has tried to replacate. MASSIVE EPIC FAIL!!!
Hint: The other countries cover everyone, your plan doesn't. BIG DIFFERENCE!

That argument is meaningless.

First, they can't try it in it's entirety.

Second, they do have private plans. Now why don't you explain why ?

And tells us why that is the big fail too.
All the citizens in other countries are covered, free to the user, ALL OF THEM ARE COVERED. The U.S. system is still catching up to that humane concept.

Covered with what ?

Not all of them are covered for everything.

Hence, you have a two tiered system.

This is not a humane concept. It brings lots of issues that other countries fight with. I am not saying it is bad, but I am saying it isn't all that others say it is cracked up to be.
K, so you don't know what you're talking about. Got it.
You do understand the concept of "context" right? Context is the idea of using preceding comments and statements, to understand the given text.

So when I ask a question, that was preceded by statements regarding health care, you should from that context, grasp that I am asking which measurement of HEALTH CARE, you would point to that the US comes up poorly compared to other nations.

The cost of health care, is not a statement of the quality of the health care. I already asked you, would you rather have a higher chance of dying, or wait years for treatment, for the savings of a few dollars?

And equally, I already pointed out that the taxes in all those countries is double that of the US.

I don't spend $10,000 a year on health insurance. Yet, under your "free" health care countries, I would have to pay at least that much in taxes, based on my income.

So would I rather pay several hundred for insurance, or several thousand in taxes... I'll take the much smaller insurance premiums.
You're defending a health system that no country in world would want to or has tried to replacate. MASSIVE EPIC FAIL!!!
Hint: The other countries cover everyone, your plan doesn't. BIG DIFFERENCE!

That argument is meaningless.

First, they can't try it in it's entirety.

Second, they do have private plans. Now why don't you explain why ?

And tells us why that is the big fail too.
All the citizens in other countries are covered, free to the user, ALL OF THEM ARE COVERED. The U.S. system is still catching up to that humane concept.

Covered with what ?

Not all of them are covered for everything.

Hence, you have a two tiered system.

This is not a humane concept. It brings lots of issues that other countries fight with. I am not saying it is bad, but I am saying it isn't all that others say it is cracked up to be.
K, so you don't know what you're talking about. Got it.


And you explained why Canada has private health insurance.

Got it.
I made specific claims. Can you disprove them... or not?

Sorry, but I base my opinion on fact. You only say "that's absurd" as if that is evidence.

Can I use your 'debate tactic' too? Ok, You are absurd, so I am not going to argue with you. There, now you are absurd too. Now what?
You want one area where other countries are better? Canada hasn't instigated a war, ever. The US has been at war for nearly its WHOLE EXISTENCE! And just spent TRILLIONS attacking countries for no reason.

Now that was classic. We're talking about health care, and I make specific claims that you couldn't even come up with a response to. I point that out and here you are saying "Yeah well what about instigating war?!?"....... Are we talking about war on a thread titled "Affordable Care Act"? If the title of the thread was "Affordable War Act", I wouldn't be mocking you right now.
You asked "Name one area, one measurement, in which they are better?" And I gave you one. You want one specifically about health care? Canada and other countries cover all their citizens without forcing them to be at the mercy of HMOs... and pay through the nose.

You do understand the concept of "context" right? Context is the idea of using preceding comments and statements, to understand the given text.

So when I ask a question, that was preceded by statements regarding health care, you should from that context, grasp that I am asking which measurement of HEALTH CARE, you would point to that the US comes up poorly compared to other nations.

The cost of health care, is not a statement of the quality of the health care. I already asked you, would you rather have a higher chance of dying, or wait years for treatment, for the savings of a few dollars?

And equally, I already pointed out that the taxes in all those countries is double that of the US.

I don't spend $10,000 a year on health insurance. Yet, under your "free" health care countries, I would have to pay at least that much in taxes, based on my income.

So would I rather pay several hundred for insurance, or several thousand in taxes... I'll take the much smaller insurance premiums.
You're defending a health system that no country in world would want to or has tried to replacate. MASSIVE EPIC FAIL!!!
Hint: The other countries cover everyone, your plan doesn't. BIG DIFFERENCE!

You must be joking. Clearly you are either ignorant, or have your head shoved so far up your ideology, that you can't see anymore.

Canada, the public SUED THEIR GOVERNMENT... to allow Capitalist Free-Market health care.

Now when people are SUING to get the ability to pay for health care.... When they supposedly get it "free".... that's a bad sign for socialism.

And when you look around the world, the less 'free' and more 'capitalist' the system is, the better it is. Germany, the vast majority of the country has pay-for-service private insurance.

In the UK, they have the highest rate of "medical tourism" in the world. What is Medical tourism? It's when you live a country with socialized "free health care" and yet choose to fly to a different country, and PAY for health care there.

And by the way, what hospitals do they go to in those countries? The government funded socialized hospitals in India? No, they go to the pay-for-service Capitalist hospitals.

Over and over.... people might "say" they like their socialized health care system, but in reality, they vote with their feet and their money, for capitalist hospitals.

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