AFA Gets Smacked Down!


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
You gotta love it when the homophobes are so stupid they don't
things through...



A week ago, the U.S. Postal Service unveiled a commemorative stamp in honor of Harvey Milk, the LGBT rights leader who was the first openly gay man to be elected to California public office. Days later, the anti-gay American Family Association encouraged its members to "refuse to accept mail at your home or business if it is postmarked with the Harvey Milk stamp." So The Wire wanted to know: does this mean that the American Family Association will refuse to accept any donations by mail bearing the stamp in question? What about other anti-gay groups?

To test this, The Wire decided to send a series of small donations to a handful of anti-gay groups, in envelopes using the Milk stamp for postage. In addition to the American Family Association, we mailed donation forms to Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council. Originally, we chose the donation amount of $18, or one dollar for each state in the union with marriage equality. But the author was talked down to the more sensible amount of $5.

Basically, this is a win-win situation for The Wire and for the anti-gay organizations: if they accept the donations (made in a trackable format, under the name of this author), each organization will be $5 richer (every donation counts!) and this writer will forever have to live with the fact that she donated to at least one group designated as a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center. If they refuse the donations, the demonstrate consistency and this writer's bank account will stay a little bit more full. Perfect.
People still use stamps? :eek:

Yes, and many still remember Harvey Milk, and George Moscone. The AFA could do an actual service to this country by helping end hunger among school children, instead of acting as just another hate group.
I heard that when you licked them they taste like shit. Could that be the issue? Maybe they could have made them taste like fudge?

Come on people, lighten freaking up.

Howey you are just so gay. You are beyond flamer buddy.
I want a stamp of Arrrrrnold as Conan the Barbarian...
From the first movie...not the second shitty one.
I would remind you that many years ago, likely in the eighties, they changed the label on one gallon plastic milk containers. The label said "Homo Milk," and I guess people were afraid they would get AIDs by drinking it!

True story. I guess it shows there are stupid people everywhere, Queer and Non-Queer. LOL

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