Adolph Hitler’s Chutzpah Was Sexy

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

First, the disclosures. It should be well-known that I admire Judaism and it’s adherents. As such, I abhor detractors of the same. Second, I am not gay. I have managed to live nearly 53 years now without having contact with another man’s dick. Third, the conversation that follows is nuanced and requires critical thinking skills. Moreover, it demands the displacement of one’s emotive tendencies.

This post is written upon the assumption that the reader will be capable of setting aside his or her disdain for Mr. Hitler and objectively and honestly discuss and analyze those facets of the man that are interesting and, frankly, positive. I do not believe in throwing out the baby with the bath water. That is an emotive response. Humans should strive for more. We should strive for honest and objective evaluation free from interference by emotion.


Any student of history can tell us about the rise of Mr. Hitler to political power, ascending out of the ashes of the post-WWI Weimar Republic and soaring like an iron Eagle to the heavens above to shine down a glorious light illuminating the path to the destiny of a greater Germanic Empire. This is all sound and perfectly fine in itself. However, some were blinded by the light. They got all wrapped up like a douche in the whole scapegoating the Jews thing. In fact, what should have been a glorious rebirth of the era of the Teutonic people got all fucked up and ruined when some people did some things.

But what of the man, Hitler? Yes, through utilization of his war machine and allowing Himmler to engage in wholesale liquidation of the Jews, Hitler fucked the pooch big time. He was not the savior of the German people. He was the exact opposite of that. But this does not mean that we cannot learn from him notwithstanding everything that happened under his rule. If you cannot subordinate your emotions to reason in order to accomplish such an objective analysis, then you suck.

ADOLPH HITLER - The Very Sexy Man

This is not a sexual thing, per se. Rather, the term “sexy” as applied herein, is interchangeable with “cool”, “based”, and “hot”. Addie was a remarkable leader; not in substance, but certainly in form. When one man can hypnotize tens of thousands of people and inspire them to serve his will, then that is something very special. That is Jesus Christ level stuff. In fact, one may debate which of these two historical figures were the greatest leader (in form, not substance).

When I view the film footage of Hitler standing high above his military troops parading before him, saluting him, and Hitler standing straight and stiff, stone faced, and returning the salute to his men, I am in complete and total awe of the power manifested. You do not see such a spectacle every day. Even I am almost inspired to rise and salute the man.

Adolph Hitler was a de facto demigod. That is, he was the closest thing to a real God in the heavens as has ever walked the Earth. As such, he has the power to bring both life and death on a whim, and he exercised that power to his fullest extent. If THAT does not send tingles down your spine, then you are a corpse.

The obvious folly in all this is that Hitler was merely a man and, therefore, fallible. He was totally subject to fuck things up, and boy did he ever fuck things up for Germany and Europe. But so what? I am speaking here about his leadership form, not the substance of what he was doing,

Look at the stupid, retarded Marvel films. There is always a bad guy we end up rooting for. I have had to take kids (my kid and his friends) to see these shitty cinematic abortions. As I sit there suffering through it, I always come to root for the bad guy. I do this because the so-called “good guy” is usually a ridiculous twat you cannot help but to hate. The Hulk? Iron Man?? They are ALL shit. I highly doubt that I am the only one who feels this way about these crap movies.

When I talk about formalistic Messiah-level leadership envy, it is the same thing as rooting for the bad guys in Marvel films. You think, “This guy is really an asshole, but he is so cool.” The exact same thing can be said of Hitler’s formalistic leadership style, notwithstanding all the death and suffering effected by his hand.


It is quite possible, and maybe likely, to watch film of Hitler and become entranced by the manifest god-like power he possessed and projected. Would I have fallen for his shit back in the day? No. I am a contrary a-hole who distrusts power. But that does not mean I am unable to admire what he achieved. If I was going to be a leader, I would want to do it just like Hitler. Of course, I would not be waging war against my neighbors to expand my borders in order to bring about a giant race of die Untermensche. That was fucking insane. Nor would I be trying to liquidate an entire group of people (except for maybe Jihadist Muslims, though it is arguable whether they are even people).

Hitler was a cool guy, and we should let let his substantive politics sully that attribute. Granted, this is based upon what he projected. In private I understand that he was a cake eating prissy ass. In other words, Hitler could not, in fact, be the man he sold himself as. But by God, put him in a public setting, shaped by the propagandists and PR people, and he was the Second Coming. I find this to be quite impressive, for what it is.
Tl;dr: Hitler was a real prick, but looked cool doing what he did. 😎

But by God, put him in a public setting, shaped by the propagandists and PR people, and he was the Second Coming. I find this to be quite impressive, for what it is.
As a political entity ,Hitler sold his shtick impressively well LLR

His party managed to silence any dissent

They managed to legislate any freedoms & civil rights away from their constituency , while obtaining their blessings doing so

Hilter also created many boogeyman , which he subsequently convinced his followers were the source of all their problems

Hitler used the media to any & all advantage

Sound familiar ???? ;) ~S~


First, the disclosures. It should be well-known that I admire Judaism and it’s adherents. As such, I abhor detractors of the same. Second, I am not gay. I have managed to live nearly 53 years now without having contact with another man’s dick. Third, the conversation that follows is nuanced and requires critical thinking skills. Moreover, it demands the displacement of one’s emotive tendencies.

This post is written upon the assumption that the reader will be capable of setting aside his or her disdain for Mr. Hitler and objectively and honestly discuss and analyze those facets of the man that are interesting and, frankly, positive. I do not believe in throwing out the baby with the bath water. That is an emotive response. Humans should strive for more. We should strive for honest and objective evaluation free from interference by emotion.


Any student of history can tell us about the rise of Mr. Hitler to political power, ascending out of the ashes of the post-WWI Weimar Republic and soaring like an iron Eagle to the heavens above to shine down a glorious light illuminating the path to the destiny of a greater Germanic Empire. This is all sound and perfectly fine in itself. However, some were blinded by the light. They got all wrapped up like a douche in the whole scapegoating the Jews thing. In fact, what should have been a glorious rebirth of the era of the Teutonic people got all fucked up and ruined when some people did some things.

But what of the man, Hitler? Yes, through utilization of his war machine and allowing Himmler to engage in wholesale liquidation of the Jews, Hitler fucked the pooch big time. He was not the savior of the German people. He was the exact opposite of that. But this does not mean that we cannot learn from him notwithstanding everything that happened under his rule. If you cannot subordinate your emotions to reason in order to accomplish such an objective analysis, then you suck.

ADOLPH HITLER - The Very Sexy Man

This is not a sexual thing, per se. Rather, the term “sexy” as applied herein, is interchangeable with “cool”, “based”, and “hot”. Addie was a remarkable leader; not in substance, but certainly in form. When one man can hypnotize tens of thousands of people and inspire them to serve his will, then that is something very special. That is Jesus Christ level stuff. In fact, one may debate which of these two historical figures were the greatest leader (in form, not substance).

When I view the film footage of Hitler standing high above his military troops parading before him, saluting him, and Hitler standing straight and stiff, stone faced, and returning the salute to his men, I am in complete and total awe of the power manifested. You do not see such a spectacle every day. Even I am almost inspired to rise and salute the man.

Adolph Hitler was a de facto demigod. That is, he was the closest thing to a real God in the heavens as has ever walked the Earth. As such, he has the power to bring both life and death on a whim, and he exercised that power to his fullest extent. If THAT does not send tingles down your spine, then you are a corpse.

The obvious folly in all this is that Hitler was merely a man and, therefore, fallible. He was totally subject to fuck things up, and boy did he ever fuck things up for Germany and Europe. But so what? I am speaking here about his leadership form, not the substance of what he was doing,

Look at the stupid, retarded Marvel films. There is always a bad guy we end up rooting for. I have had to take kids (my kid and his friends) to see these shitty cinematic abortions. As I sit there suffering through it, I always come to root for the bad guy. I do this because the so-called “good guy” is usually a ridiculous twat you cannot help but to hate. The Hulk? Iron Man?? They are ALL shit. I highly doubt that I am the only one who feels this way about these crap movies.

When I talk about formalistic Messiah-level leadership envy, it is the same thing as rooting for the bad guys in Marvel films. You think, “This guy is really an asshole, but he is so cool.” The exact same thing can be said of Hitler’s formalistic leadership style, notwithstanding all the death and suffering effected by his hand.


It is quite possible, and maybe likely, to watch film of Hitler and become entranced by the manifest god-like power he possessed and projected. Would I have fallen for his shit back in the day? No. I am a contrary a-hole who distrusts power. But that does not mean I am unable to admire what he achieved. If I was going to be a leader, I would want to do it just like Hitler. Of course, I would not be waging war against my neighbors to expand my borders in order to bring about a giant race of die Untermensche. That was fucking insane. Nor would I be trying to liquidate an entire group of people (except for maybe Jihadist Muslims, though it is arguable whether they are even people).

Hitler was a cool guy, and we should let let his substantive politics sully that attribute. Granted, this is based upon what he projected. In private I understand that he was a cake eating prissy ass. In other words, Hitler could not, in fact, be the man he sold himself as. But by God, put him in a public setting, shaped by the propagandists and PR people, and he was the Second Coming. I find this to be quite impressive, for what it is.
FDR was elected about the time Hitler came into power and it's possible the two leaders admired each other. Keep in mind that there was no intelligence agency in the U.S. prior to WW2. Hoover's FBI was busy with gangsters. According to the book "In the Garden of the Beasts" the U.S. ambassador to Germany reported about the rising atrocities and militarism in Germany but it was ignored by the FDR administration.
As a political entity ,Hitler sold his shtick impressively well LLR

His party managed to silence any dissent

They managed to legislate any freedoms & civil rights away from their constituency , while obtaining their blessings doing so

Hilter also created many boogeyman , which he subsequently convinced his followers were the source of all their problems

Hitler used the media to any & all advantage

Sound familiar ???? ;) ~S~
It sounds just like the Democrats today.
He probably looked great, while blowing his brains out, in the bunker.
Except he never did and that is very old nonsense now .
Totally accepted by all Intel Agencies and hard fact corroborated by DNA evidence .
And that is something that Deep State prefers to keep quiet, because admitting it would be make it so difficult to explain the many deliberate lies that have since been told .
And it would provide further credence to the "Conspiracy" that they fear -- that the Fourth Reich exists to this day and can be traced to Argentina and the US with little if any room for sensible disagreement .

Like everything , it is just a matter of DYOR because it is there waiting for anybody to discover and with little effort .
Except he never did and that is very old nonsense now .
Totally accepted by all Intel Agencies and hard fact corroborated by DNA evidence .
And that is something that Deep State prefers to keep quiet, because admitting it would be make it so difficult to explain the many deliberate lies that have since been told .
And it would provide further credence to the "Conspiracy" that they fear -- that the Fourth Reich exists to this day and can be traced to Argentina and the US with little if any room for sensible disagreement .

Like everything , it is just a matter of DYOR because it is there waiting for anybody to discover and with little effort .
Conspiracy theories can be fun!
Conspiracy theories can be fun!
So when are you going to name and /or discuss one?
That Uncle Adolf and Eva did not die in the bunker is established fact . So we cannot use that idea , which was once considered as debatable or even nonsense .
So when are you going to name and /or discuss one?
That Uncle Adolf and Eva did not die in the bunker is established fact . So we cannot use that idea , which was once considered as debatable or even nonsense .
When "established" precedes fact. There's more wrong there than the missing link.
Except he never did and that is very old nonsense now .
Totally accepted by all Intel Agencies and hard fact corroborated by DNA evidence .
And that is something that Deep State prefers to keep quiet, because admitting it would be make it so difficult to explain the many deliberate lies that have since been told .
And it would provide further credence to the "Conspiracy" that they fear -- that the Fourth Reich exists to this day and can be traced to Argentina and the US with little if any room for sensible disagreement .

Like everything , it is just a matter of DYOR because it is there waiting for anybody to discover and with little effort .
I’ve always wanted to go to Argentina. Have you ever seen the film, “The Boys From Brazil”?

First, the disclosures. It should be well-known that I admire Judaism and it’s adherents. As such, I abhor detractors of the same. Second, I am not gay. I have managed to live nearly 53 years now without having contact with another man’s dick. Third, the conversation that follows is nuanced and requires critical thinking skills. Moreover, it demands the displacement of one’s emotive tendencies.

This post is written upon the assumption that the reader will be capable of setting aside his or her disdain for Mr. Hitler and objectively and honestly discuss and analyze those facets of the man that are interesting and, frankly, positive. I do not believe in throwing out the baby with the bath water. That is an emotive response. Humans should strive for more. We should strive for honest and objective evaluation free from interference by emotion.


Any student of history can tell us about the rise of Mr. Hitler to political power, ascending out of the ashes of the post-WWI Weimar Republic and soaring like an iron Eagle to the heavens above to shine down a glorious light illuminating the path to the destiny of a greater Germanic Empire. This is all sound and perfectly fine in itself. However, some were blinded by the light. They got all wrapped up like a douche in the whole scapegoating the Jews thing. In fact, what should have been a glorious rebirth of the era of the Teutonic people got all fucked up and ruined when some people did some things.

But what of the man, Hitler? Yes, through utilization of his war machine and allowing Himmler to engage in wholesale liquidation of the Jews, Hitler fucked the pooch big time. He was not the savior of the German people. He was the exact opposite of that. But this does not mean that we cannot learn from him notwithstanding everything that happened under his rule. If you cannot subordinate your emotions to reason in order to accomplish such an objective analysis, then you suck.

ADOLPH HITLER - The Very Sexy Man

This is not a sexual thing, per se. Rather, the term “sexy” as applied herein, is interchangeable with “cool”, “based”, and “hot”. Addie was a remarkable leader; not in substance, but certainly in form. When one man can hypnotize tens of thousands of people and inspire them to serve his will, then that is something very special. That is Jesus Christ level stuff. In fact, one may debate which of these two historical figures were the greatest leader (in form, not substance).

When I view the film footage of Hitler standing high above his military troops parading before him, saluting him, and Hitler standing straight and stiff, stone faced, and returning the salute to his men, I am in complete and total awe of the power manifested. You do not see such a spectacle every day. Even I am almost inspired to rise and salute the man.

Adolph Hitler was a de facto demigod. That is, he was the closest thing to a real God in the heavens as has ever walked the Earth. As such, he has the power to bring both life and death on a whim, and he exercised that power to his fullest extent. If THAT does not send tingles down your spine, then you are a corpse.

The obvious folly in all this is that Hitler was merely a man and, therefore, fallible. He was totally subject to fuck things up, and boy did he ever fuck things up for Germany and Europe. But so what? I am speaking here about his leadership form, not the substance of what he was doing,

Look at the stupid, retarded Marvel films. There is always a bad guy we end up rooting for. I have had to take kids (my kid and his friends) to see these shitty cinematic abortions. As I sit there suffering through it, I always come to root for the bad guy. I do this because the so-called “good guy” is usually a ridiculous twat you cannot help but to hate. The Hulk? Iron Man?? They are ALL shit. I highly doubt that I am the only one who feels this way about these crap movies.

When I talk about formalistic Messiah-level leadership envy, it is the same thing as rooting for the bad guys in Marvel films. You think, “This guy is really an asshole, but he is so cool.” The exact same thing can be said of Hitler’s formalistic leadership style, notwithstanding all the death and suffering effected by his hand.


It is quite possible, and maybe likely, to watch film of Hitler and become entranced by the manifest god-like power he possessed and projected. Would I have fallen for his shit back in the day? No. I am a contrary a-hole who distrusts power. But that does not mean I am unable to admire what he achieved. If I was going to be a leader, I would want to do it just like Hitler. Of course, I would not be waging war against my neighbors to expand my borders in order to bring about a giant race of die Untermensche. That was fucking insane. Nor would I be trying to liquidate an entire group of people (except for maybe Jihadist Muslims, though it is arguable whether they are even people).

Hitler was a cool guy, and we should let let his substantive politics sully that attribute. Granted, this is based upon what he projected. In private I understand that he was a cake eating prissy ass. In other words, Hitler could not, in fact, be the man he sold himself as. But by God, put him in a public setting, shaped by the propagandists and PR people, and he was the Second Coming. I find this to be quite impressive, for what it is.

Marvel films? Good God, you're a dumbass.

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