Admitted: Armed British police are spread thin, and will be in the wrong place at wrong time....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
And this should instill confidence in the British police in every British subject.....

Quote of the Day: The UK Finds Out What Happens To A Disarmed Populace - The Truth About Guns

“We don’t train ordinary patrol officers to use a handgun. Instead, we make armed officers really specialist. We train them in close protection, to be snipers and even hostage rescuers. We make it really difficult to pass the firearms test, so smaller forces have problems getting officers of the right quality to do the training.

It means we have highly trained officers, spread very thinly, and the likelihood is they will probably be in the wrong place at the wrong time when needed.”

– Tony Long in London terror attack proves why ordinary police need firearms training and must carry guns, says ex-Met gun cop [via]

And here we have the truth...the guns in Britain...protect the politicians and the wealthy.......

London terror attack proves why ordinary coppers must carry guns

That paranoia about guns clouds common sense to the point we have unarmed officers as the first line of defence outside the Palace of Westminster, a prime terrorist target.

And we put people with guns behind them.

It should be the other way round. We need to protect the public


Had Khalid Masood decided to drive into the crowds at the other end of Whitehall, in Trafalgar Square, there would have been no one with guns to stop him.

That’s the same for any other part of the UK. He just happened to attack the one place where there are more guns than anywhere in the country.

And why are they there? To protect the politicians. It’s time we gave the public the same protection.

A county such as Warwickshire has only 35 armed officers to cover the whole county, 24 hours a day, so probably at any one time you have only six on duty.

What happens, then, if a major incident occurs? It is likely the force will be waiting more than an hour for back-up to arrive.

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