Administration leans on Wendy's, no more burgers

Hey Rabbit brain...I have a great new Wendy's sandwich for you to try...enjoy!

[ame=]YouTube - The REAL Wendy's Banned commercial.[/ame]
Thank you for proving my point.

Whatever, your post sounds righty partisan just like all your others. I think you were serious until you learned the article is fake. Where's Rabbi? He never came back to rebut!:lol:
And some people are still defending Obama! Now his administration has leaned on a fast food chain to stop selling hamburgers, threatening them with lawsuits for public health endangerment.
Read about it.
Wendy's To Phase Out Unpopular Hamburger Sandwich | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

You do realize this is a satirical article, right?

I was waiting to see how many people would weigh in with a knee jerk reaction without bothering to click on the link.
The Onion and Iowahawk are two of the best reads on the internets.
Wendy's uses worms!!!

I personally am not a fan of the square burger.

Burgers should be round.

beef shouldn't be a burger

And some people are still defending Obama! Now his administration has leaned on a fast food chain to stop selling hamburgers, threatening them with lawsuits for public health endangerment.
Read about it.
Wendy's To Phase Out Unpopular Hamburger Sandwich | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

You do realize this is a satirical article, right?

I was waiting to see how many people would weigh in with a knee jerk reaction without bothering to click on the link.

Funny how it worked out that all the rubes were right wingers.

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