Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

All people will one day glorify God (Psalm 86:9), and God purposes “to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ” (Ephesians 1:10).

God’s purpose was to create a world in which His glory could be manifest in all its fullness.
St. Hitler and St. Stalin used the same method for the same purpose.

Given that we are all to emulate Yahweh, they were really good Christians. Right?

God’s purpose was to create a world in which His glory could be manifest in all its fullness.
And he will genocide us as often as necessary so that we all come out as homophobic and misogynous as his religious a hole followers are.

Nice purpose.

Are you there yet in your level of hate and discrimination without a just cause?

Some people don't like God's plan. I'm not one of them.
You like following a genocidal god who hates women and gays.

I get that.

Morality is low on your list of requirements for a god.

That is why you follow a genocidal god who kills when he could just as easily cure.

Why are your morals and ethics so low?

Who says she is to represent women?
It follows given that Adam is to be all men.

adam, lower case, is what Jews wrote and that represents society.

Hence why we are all supposed to be condemned just as adam was.

Why else would we be handed down Adam's sin if we are not to be him in this myth?

Who else would Eve represent if not all women?

It follows given that Adam is to be all men.

adam, lower case, is what Jews wrote and that represents society.

Hence why we are all supposed to be condemned just as adam was.

Why else would we be handed down Adam's sin if we are not to be him in this myth?

Who else would Eve represent if not all women?

Is that so? Does "Adam" not mean humankind? Humankind in this case is a people of a ruddy complexion who had a connection to the Creator.

"Eve" means life.
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Quite the scam from the father of lies, Yahweh.
On the contrary, it was a plan to further the progression of all the spirit children of the Father and allow them to gain a greater knowledge and obtain a body with which they could be resurrected with which brings greater joy and happiness in the eternities.

All for his own aggrandizement. Seem s like what a vile prick of a parent would do.
Giving the children of God the opportunity to progress and receive an immortal body is not personal aggrandizement. Especially when He had to suffer for the sins all mankind to bring about the immortality of all mankind and to give them the opportunity to repent and receive mercy for their sins.
Would you murder, --- by neglect and locking away what would keep them alive, the tree of life, --- your two first children?
The reason God blocked Adam and Eve from the tree of life was to allow them a period of time to experience the world of good and evil and repent of any sins before receiving immortality. Receiving immortality before gaining the chance to repent would ensure they would not have a chance for eternal life. Giving them a probationary period to repent would allow them the opportunity to repent which could lead to eternal life on top of immortality. For this reason they were blocked from the tree of life until they had the opportunity to repent and gain further knowledge of good and evil.

I guess that you might agree with the Jews who see Eden as a success for man and god and not the show of incompetence in both man and god. Right?
I do agree that the events of the Garden of Eden were a success and that we have been given a great gift to be able to have knowledge like God of good and evil in this great school of mortality.
You have Yahweh showing quite the poor virtue.

You likely sing along with Christians saying that Adam's sin being a happy fault. Yes?

I think your lack of understanding the works of God has led you to judge the Almighty according to your lack of information.
What is the logic and justice in punishing the innocent instead of the guilty?

God gave Adam and Eve the commandment to not partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He also laid out the punishment that Adam and Eve would receive if they broke the commandment. God told them that in the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die. Adam and Eve chose to partake of the fruit of the tree. They were both guilty of disobedience of the commandment. Both Adam and Eve suffered a spiritual death by being cast out of the garden where they enjoyed the presence of God in the garden. Later they would experience a physical death. They received the punishment for their transgression. However, God did provide a means whereby they could repent of their transgression and be allowed to once again gain entrance into the kingdom of heaven as well as being made alive again through the resurrection of the dead. So how was Adam and Eve innocent of breaking the command not to partake of the fruit?
On the contrary, it was a plan to further the progression of all the spirit children of the Father and allow them to gain a greater knowledge and obtain a body with which they could be resurrected with which brings greater joy and happiness in the eternities.

Giving the children of God the opportunity to progress and receive an immortal body is not personal aggrandizement. Especially when He had to suffer for the sins all mankind to bring about the immortality of all mankind and to give them the opportunity to repent and receive mercy for their sins.

The reason God blocked Adam and Eve from the tree of life was to allow them a period of time to experience the world of good and evil and repent of any sins before receiving immortality. Receiving immortality before gaining the chance to repent would ensure they would not have a chance for eternal life. Giving them a probationary period to repent would allow them the opportunity to repent which could lead to eternal life on top of immortality. For this reason they were blocked from the tree of life until they had the opportunity to repent and gain further knowledge of good and evil.

I do agree that the events of the Garden of Eden were a success and that we have been given a great gift to be able to have knowledge like God of good and evil in this great school of mortality.

I think your lack of understanding the works of God has led you to judge the Almighty according to your lack of information.
You are obviously a Mormon. GOD is bringing humanity full circle. We are not eternal spirit children born to God the FATHER and some mother "Wisdom". We are CREATED beings. GOD the FATHER, SON , and HOLY SPIRIT are eternal and the ONLY GOD that exists or existed or will ever exist!
and allow them to gain a greater knowledge
Which they did, and were murdered by neglect for.

He also laid out the punishment that Adam and Eve would receive
Which they could not decide if it was good or evil, given they had yet to consume any knowledge of those.

Adam and Eve suffered a spiritual death by being cast out of the garden

Gen3;22 Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil;

That looks like more spiritual life, not death, and A & E did not die that day.

Any other issues can be looked at like mens rea, should you understand the story reasonably to this point.

So how was Adam and Eve innocent of breaking the command not to partake of the fruit?
Men's rea absolves them both, if you understand the law of your land.

The bible only absolves Eve by pointing to the deception she could not fight as it was Yahweh's own power being used by Satan.


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