ACLU sues ICE over policy of courthouse arrests of illegals

OK, Ok, why are we accepting illegal aliens as NORMAL when THEY weren't until recently? Not all illlegals are Elon Musk. .

Elon musk has accepted billions in corporate welfare so he has a lot in common with illegals.
this is the reason Trump was elected and why he is right--anytime an illegal is found, he needs to be arrested by ANYone--child/dog/police/mom/etc

But so far trump hasn't done much about illegals. It's all been talk. For example, he should have announced on jan 21 2016 that federal law would be enforced and illegals will not be allowed in our schools and will not be allowed to collect welfare.

All freebies for illegals violate section 1324 of title 8 of the US code.

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