Accounting firm fires Trump

When you lie to your accountants and give them falsified records, they are going to prepare tax returns based on those fraudulent numbers.

Trump is going down big time.
Here we go, you got him now, finally he's holding the smoking gun.
Can't wait for next year when Hunter and "The Big Guy" start getting investigated.
You set the bar on the ground with that one. :laughing0301:
‘“While we have not concluded that the various financial statements, as a whole, contain material discrepancies, based upon the totality of the circumstances, we believe our advice to you to no longer rely upon those financial statements is appropriate,” Mazars General Counsel William J. Kelly wrote to his Trump Organization counterpart, Alan Garten.’ ibid

Translation: Trump is a crook.
Because they relied on information supplied by their client you fucking imbecile. Can TurboTax do your 1040 if you don't answer any of its questions?
You got him now...lololol

I love seeing people who slaved to a miserable boss and a 40 hour alarm clock pushing slave give an opinion......lolol

You sharecroppers are so funny...That is why I'm here to see you idiots think you know everything besides widget making...chuckle...chuckle,
I guess the accounting firm, Mazars, had a come to Jesus moment and decided after years of preparing these financial statements for the Trump Organization that they could no longer in good conscience continue to engage in misstating the value of Trump’s assets.


Did anyone anywhere ever truly believe any valuations that Trump gave for his properties?

Did anyone anyway ever doubt for an instance that Trump was totally transactional and would not value his properties at an amount that would be advantageous to him?

Did anyone with a brain ever believe Trump was worth $10,000,000,000.00?

Were the financial institutions that lent Trump money so naive that they took Trump’s word for the valuations of his properties instead of ordering appraisals?

I don’t like Trump, but honestly, Trump and the Trump Organization were always known as the Barnum and Bailey of NYC real estate developers.

Mazars had to be in on the ruse because you really had to be either stupendously inept or naive to ever believe any valuations that Trump gave.
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Hey Retard

Why would an accng firm sign off on unreliable financial statements they prepared themselves.

That is called accng fraud

Did you have any other siblings survive the birth canal?
They took Trump's word...and now they want out of the burning clown car
‘“While we have not concluded that the various financial statements, as a whole, contain material discrepancies, based upon the totality of the circumstances, we believe our advice to you to no longer rely upon those financial statements is appropriate,” Mazars General Counsel William J. Kelly wrote to his Trump Organization counterpart, Alan Garten.’ ibid

Translation: Trump is a crook.
jones i got news for you....just about every dam politician in DC is a crook...
They took Trump's word...and now they want out of the burning clown car DrC
Dr Lesh. You believed and encouraged The Russia Hoax

The damage Hillary The Murderer and you did to us with this scam for 5 yrs

Spying on a sitting Prez.........................My God that is treason punishable by death

When are you relinquishing your Google Medical license Dr Lesh. You were 100% Covid wrong on every single thing
The accounting firm was ultimately clear. Everything is fine but they have to give in to crazy fat black woman Leticia James.
Yep. I remember when that A hole prosecutor destroyed Anderson Consulting with an indictment. Those former partners then won a massive civil suit against the Feds years later.
Yep. I remember when that A hole prosecutor destroyed Anderson Consulting with an indictment. Those former partners then won a massive civil suit against the Feds years later.
Following the 2001 scandal in which energy giant Enron was found to have reported $100bn in revenue through institutional and systematic accounting fraud, Andersen's performance and alleged complicity as an auditor came under intense scrutiny. The Powers Committee (appointed by Enron's board to look into the firm's accounting in October 2001) came to the following assessment: "The evidence available to us suggests that Andersen did not fulfill its professional responsibilities in connection with its audits of Enron's financial statements, or its obligation to bring to the attention of Enron's Board (or the Audit and Compliance Committee) concerns about Enron's internal contracts over the related-party transactions".[12]

Trump's accounting firm is trying to avoid looking like Arthur Andersen.
Following the 2001 scandal in which energy giant Enron was found to have reported $100bn in revenue through institutional and systematic accounting fraud, Andersen's performance and alleged complicity as an auditor came under intense scrutiny. The Powers Committee (appointed by Enron's board to look into the firm's accounting in October 2001) came to the following assessment: "The evidence available to us suggests that Andersen did not fulfill its professional responsibilities in connection with its audits of Enron's financial statements, or its obligation to bring to the attention of Enron's Board (or the Audit and Compliance Committee) concerns about Enron's internal contracts over the related-party transactions".[12]

Trump's accounting firm is trying to avoid looking like Arthur Andersen.
On May 31, 2005, in Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States, the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously reversed Andersen's conviction because of serious errors in the trial judge's jury instructions.[2] The Supreme Court held that the instructions were too vague to allow a jury to find that obstruction of justice had occurred. The court found that the instructions were worded in such a way that Andersen could have been convicted without any proof that the firm knew it had broken the law or that there had been a link to any official proceeding that prohibited the destruction of documents. The opinion, written by Chief Justice William Rehnquist, also expressed skepticism of the government's concept of "corrupt persuasion"—persuading someone to engage in an act with an improper purpose without knowing that the act is unlawful.

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