‘Acceptable’ Violence Against Peaceful Pro-Lifers Is Unacceptable

No, you can't. Just shows that SJW idiots like you can't perform basic functions.

It's all about the way the law was written. Why change life to health? why remove viability as another condition?

The laws in question allow abortion up to the second before birth as long as the doctor says the woman's health is at risk. One doctor. And health, not life. Viability is covered under a separate (and valid) part of the law.
That's what doctors are for, not Martys.
Gosnell was a criminal. Marty's speciousness is almost criminal.

Would what he did be criminal under NY's updated abortion law?

He's a doctor, he did the late term abortions based on the supposed wishes of the mother. Coming up with a health excuse under the law is ludicrously easy when health isn't defined in said law.
Would what he did be criminal under NY's updated abortion law?

He's a doctor, he did the late term abortions based on the supposed wishes of the mother. Coming up with a health excuse under the law is ludicrously easy when health isn't defined in said law.
He was a criminal. You are almost criminal for asking inappropriate questions. You are just so George Costanza.
However true that may be - when your opinion conflics with the holdings of the USSC, the USSC wins.
Under Roe, the states had the the power to limit, restrict and even prohibit abortions.
However true all that may be, how long do you think it will actually stand? The Zoomers don’t seem to be taking kindly to anyone telling them how to live their lives. The MAGA movement is dying a slow death.
The typical dodge of someone who just wants the other side to shut up.

The problem is it's not just her body, after viability it's someone else's as well.

The only people having abortions after viability are ones where the pregnancy has gone horribly wrong.

Nobody is having a contraceptive abortions at 5 months.
The only people having abortions after viability are ones where the pregnancy has gone horribly wrong.

Nobody is having a contraceptive abortions at 5 months.

But the law allows them to if they convince a doctor their health may be at risk.

So why write the law to allow it?

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