Accept that Donald Trump is not a fluke of American politics, and let it set this country free


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Accept that Donald Trump is not a fluke of American politics, and let it set this country free

Looking back over roughly a half century and tracing the evolution of the Republican Party's political strategy, a trump, or similar individual's presidency was in no way surprising, it was inevitable.

The impeached president simply pumped the Republicans' Southern Strategy up on steroids and created his culture of hatred and extreme paranoia among his devoted fanatics.

The Republicans' long-term plan, first developed during the middle 1960s and focused on a particular segment of society, was designed to exploit their shared ethnic hatreds and resentments. Specific issues, carefully chosen for each election cycle have been used to inflame the anger of this reactionary portion of the American population.

In addition to racial hatred, which remains a reliable GOP tactic to this day, abortion has also been a decades-old favorite to dangle in front of the easily agitated pro-life conservatives. (Unfortunately, that right-wing, pro-life passion for human life, disappears with the newborn's first breath outside the womb.)

In recent years, the LBGT "problem" has been employed by the Republicans to get their rank-and-file base fired up.

Tens-of-millions right-wing extremists have been created by years and years of the Republicans' Southern Strategy. The tactic validates the irrational and unwarranted enmities planted in their minds by the Republicans repetitious talking points. Over the decades this constant repetition of talking points and misinformation has been hammered into the reactionaries' collective conscious by right-wing "news" broadcasts, podcasts, radio and TV pundits, Internet blogs, social media, etc. The inescapable right-wing propaganda, eagerly accepted by these tens-of-millions of conservatives has encouraged their ethnic and bigoted animosities to branch-out.

Any and all Republican Party allegations, unsubstantiated rumors, goofy conspiracy theories, etc. leveled at any one or all of the targeted groups or individuals, become instant "facts", which are accepted without question by these tens-of-millions of reactionaries.

The GOP's hate and fear-mongering has been their singular message to their base for fifty-plus years. It's included in every political issue discussed by the Republicans. Taxes, infrastructure, reforms of any kind, domestic policy, or any other subject, there are always enemies of white, Christian conservatism on the other side.

Currently, it's voter fraud by the Democrats on a scale so incredible it boggles the right-wing mind. Naturally, there has been no evidence of these uncounted thousands, possibly millions, of fraudulent ballots, but the RWNJs know these illegitimate ballots will soon be located. After all, they've heard rumors and GOP politicians have said so.

No, the trump fiasco of a presidency was no fluke, it was made inevitable by the lasting success of the Republicans' Southern Strategy.

And no way are any of the Blue Dog Democrats' political problems the fault of the progressive wing.

Accept that Donald Trump is not a fluke of American politics, and let it set this country free

Looking back over roughly a half century and tracing the evolution of the Republican Party's political strategy, a trump, or similar individual's presidency was in no way surprising, it was inevitable.

The impeached president simply pumped the Republicans' Southern Strategy up on steroids and created his culture of hatred and extreme paranoia among his devoted fanatics.

The Republicans' long-term plan, first developed during the middle 1960s and focused on a particular segment of society, was designed to exploit their shared ethnic hatreds and resentments. Specific issues, carefully chosen for each election cycle have been used to inflame the anger of this reactionary portion of the American population.

In addition to racial hatred, which remains a reliable GOP tactic to this day, abortion has also been a decades-old favorite to dangle in front of the easily agitated pro-life conservatives. (Unfortunately, that right-wing, pro-life passion for human life, disappears with the newborn's first breath outside the womb.)

In recent years, the LBGT "problem" has been employed by the Republicans to get their rank-and-file base fired up.

Tens-of-millions right-wing extremists have been created by years and years of the Republicans' Southern Strategy. The tactic validates the irrational and unwarranted enmities planted in their minds by the Republicans repetitious talking points. Over the decades this constant repetition of talking points and misinformation has been hammered into the reactionaries' collective conscious by right-wing "news" broadcasts, podcasts, radio and TV pundits, Internet blogs, social media, etc. The inescapable right-wing propaganda, eagerly accepted by these tens-of-millions of conservatives has encouraged their ethnic and bigoted animosities to branch-out.

Any and all Republican Party allegations, unsubstantiated rumors, goofy conspiracy theories, etc. leveled at any one or all of the targeted groups or individuals, become instant "facts", which are accepted without question by these tens-of-millions of reactionaries.

The GOP's hate and fear-mongering has been their singular message to their base for fifty-plus years. It's included in every political issue discussed by the Republicans. Taxes, infrastructure, reforms of any kind, domestic policy, or any other subject, there are always enemies of white, Christian conservatism on the other side.

Currently, it's voter fraud by the Democrats on a scale so incredible it boggles the right-wing mind. Naturally, there has been no evidence of these uncounted thousands, possibly millions, of fraudulent ballots, but the RWNJs know these illegitimate ballots will soon be located. After all, they've heard rumors and GOP politicians have said so.

No, the trump fiasco of a presidency was no fluke, it was made inevitable by the lasting success of the Republicans' Southern Strategy.

And no way are any of the Blue Dog Democrats' political problems the fault of the progressive wing.

Accept that Donald Trump is not a fluke of American politics, and let it set this country free

if what you say is true, why did more minorities vote for him this election?

You know what? I think you are a fucking liar, just like all the rest of the progs who cant think for themselves....
Accept that Donald Trump is not a fluke of American politics, and let it set this country free

Looking back over roughly a half century and tracing the evolution of the Republican Party's political strategy, a trump, or similar individual's presidency was in no way surprising, it was inevitable.

The impeached president simply pumped the Republicans' Southern Strategy up on steroids and created his culture of hatred and extreme paranoia among his devoted fanatics.

The Republicans' long-term plan, first developed during the middle 1960s and focused on a particular segment of society, was designed to exploit their shared ethnic hatreds and resentments. Specific issues, carefully chosen for each election cycle have been used to inflame the anger of this reactionary portion of the American population.

In addition to racial hatred, which remains a reliable GOP tactic to this day, abortion has also been a decades-old favorite to dangle in front of the easily agitated pro-life conservatives. (Unfortunately, that right-wing, pro-life passion for human life, disappears with the newborn's first breath outside the womb.)

In recent years, the LBGT "problem" has been employed by the Republicans to get their rank-and-file base fired up.

Tens-of-millions right-wing extremists have been created by years and years of the Republicans' Southern Strategy. The tactic validates the irrational and unwarranted enmities planted in their minds by the Republicans repetitious talking points. Over the decades this constant repetition of talking points and misinformation has been hammered into the reactionaries' collective conscious by right-wing "news" broadcasts, podcasts, radio and TV pundits, Internet blogs, social media, etc. The inescapable right-wing propaganda, eagerly accepted by these tens-of-millions of conservatives has encouraged their ethnic and bigoted animosities to branch-out.

Any and all Republican Party allegations, unsubstantiated rumors, goofy conspiracy theories, etc. leveled at any one or all of the targeted groups or individuals, become instant "facts", which are accepted without question by these tens-of-millions of reactionaries.

The GOP's hate and fear-mongering has been their singular message to their base for fifty-plus years. It's included in every political issue discussed by the Republicans. Taxes, infrastructure, reforms of any kind, domestic policy, or any other subject, there are always enemies of white, Christian conservatism on the other side.

Currently, it's voter fraud by the Democrats on a scale so incredible it boggles the right-wing mind. Naturally, there has been no evidence of these uncounted thousands, possibly millions, of fraudulent ballots, but the RWNJs know these illegitimate ballots will soon be located. After all, they've heard rumors and GOP politicians have said so.

No, the trump fiasco of a presidency was no fluke, it was made inevitable by the lasting success of the Republicans' Southern Strategy.

And no way are any of the Blue Dog Democrats' political problems the fault of the progressive wing.

Well said.
You radical leftist fools still don't get why Donald J. Trump happened, do you? Sorry, Charlie—you just can't explain Him away that easily. The reason Donald John Trump came to occupy the most powerful seat on planet Earth is because YOUR POLITICAL PARTY conjured him into being.

How did the democrats conjure a Donald Trump presidency? It all began sixty plus years ago when you declared Cultural War on the American People. For six plus decades your democratic party pushed increasingly sadistic cultural changes while simultaneously attacking every aspect of the traditional American way of life. You fools pushed the American pop culture and educational scenes so bloody far out onto the frontier of the psychotic and anti-human, that the average American voter was literally praying for someone like Trump to come along, rise to power, and pull their nation back from a cliff's edge of sociopathic cultural change.


But wait, there's even more good times to come. Donald Trump was phase one of retribution against your psychotic cultural war. He was a mere stopgap—an interim, temporary placeholder. In phase two the man who rises to power next will, at the behest of the American people and in response to their prayers, become the first pro-American authoritarian in our nation's history. He will be even more popular than Trump to the everyman, and he will mobilize the full force of this nation's military and law enforcement in a complete authoritarian smackdown of all the results of your party's cultural war. Think the Crusades meet the Salem witch trials meets the Inquisition.

After the rise to power of this as yet unknown man (or woman), you will be begging and pleading for forgiveness for ever associating with the democratic party even as vast numbers of your comrades literally burn. And it will all be because your party leaders did not know when to stand down and stop pushing the psychotic cultural madness.

And I will pity you not at all.
Accept that Donald Trump is not a fluke of American politics, and let it set this country free

Looking back over roughly a half century and tracing the evolution of the Republican Party's political strategy, a trump, or similar individual's presidency was in no way surprising, it was inevitable.

The impeached president simply pumped the Republicans' Southern Strategy up on steroids and created his culture of hatred and extreme paranoia among his devoted fanatics.

The Republicans' long-term plan, first developed during the middle 1960s and focused on a particular segment of society, was designed to exploit their shared ethnic hatreds and resentments. Specific issues, carefully chosen for each election cycle have been used to inflame the anger of this reactionary portion of the American population.

In addition to racial hatred, which remains a reliable GOP tactic to this day, abortion has also been a decades-old favorite to dangle in front of the easily agitated pro-life conservatives. (Unfortunately, that right-wing, pro-life passion for human life, disappears with the newborn's first breath outside the womb.)

In recent years, the LBGT "problem" has been employed by the Republicans to get their rank-and-file base fired up.

Tens-of-millions right-wing extremists have been created by years and years of the Republicans' Southern Strategy. The tactic validates the irrational and unwarranted enmities planted in their minds by the Republicans repetitious talking points. Over the decades this constant repetition of talking points and misinformation has been hammered into the reactionaries' collective conscious by right-wing "news" broadcasts, podcasts, radio and TV pundits, Internet blogs, social media, etc. The inescapable right-wing propaganda, eagerly accepted by these tens-of-millions of conservatives has encouraged their ethnic and bigoted animosities to branch-out.

Any and all Republican Party allegations, unsubstantiated rumors, goofy conspiracy theories, etc. leveled at any one or all of the targeted groups or individuals, become instant "facts", which are accepted without question by these tens-of-millions of reactionaries.

The GOP's hate and fear-mongering has been their singular message to their base for fifty-plus years. It's included in every political issue discussed by the Republicans. Taxes, infrastructure, reforms of any kind, domestic policy, or any other subject, there are always enemies of white, Christian conservatism on the other side.

Currently, it's voter fraud by the Democrats on a scale so incredible it boggles the right-wing mind. Naturally, there has been no evidence of these uncounted thousands, possibly millions, of fraudulent ballots, but the RWNJs know these illegitimate ballots will soon be located. After all, they've heard rumors and GOP politicians have said so.

No, the trump fiasco of a presidency was no fluke, it was made inevitable by the lasting success of the Republicans' Southern Strategy.

And no way are any of the Blue Dog Democrats' political problems the fault of the progressive wing.

Accept that Donald Trump is not a fluke of American politics, and let it set this country free

Elections are a thing of the past.

Rural Republicans are going to cheat like a fake tit trophy wife of a dead-cock octogenarian.

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Donald Trump is the symptom, not the cause. He exposed that way too many Americans are fine with a dictator, fine with treason, fine with Socialism for farmers, fine with cruelty, fine with racism, fine with massive corruption and theft of taxpayer money.
Accept that Donald Trump is not a fluke of American politics, and let it set this country free

Looking back over roughly a half century and tracing the evolution of the Republican Party's political strategy, a trump, or similar individual's presidency was in no way surprising, it was inevitable.

The impeached president simply pumped the Republicans' Southern Strategy up on steroids and created his culture of hatred and extreme paranoia among his devoted fanatics.

The Republicans' long-term plan, first developed during the middle 1960s and focused on a particular segment of society, was designed to exploit their shared ethnic hatreds and resentments. Specific issues, carefully chosen for each election cycle have been used to inflame the anger of this reactionary portion of the American population.

In addition to racial hatred, which remains a reliable GOP tactic to this day, abortion has also been a decades-old favorite to dangle in front of the easily agitated pro-life conservatives. (Unfortunately, that right-wing, pro-life passion for human life, disappears with the newborn's first breath outside the womb.)

In recent years, the LBGT "problem" has been employed by the Republicans to get their rank-and-file base fired up.

Tens-of-millions right-wing extremists have been created by years and years of the Republicans' Southern Strategy. The tactic validates the irrational and unwarranted enmities planted in their minds by the Republicans repetitious talking points. Over the decades this constant repetition of talking points and misinformation has been hammered into the reactionaries' collective conscious by right-wing "news" broadcasts, podcasts, radio and TV pundits, Internet blogs, social media, etc. The inescapable right-wing propaganda, eagerly accepted by these tens-of-millions of conservatives has encouraged their ethnic and bigoted animosities to branch-out.

Any and all Republican Party allegations, unsubstantiated rumors, goofy conspiracy theories, etc. leveled at any one or all of the targeted groups or individuals, become instant "facts", which are accepted without question by these tens-of-millions of reactionaries.

The GOP's hate and fear-mongering has been their singular message to their base for fifty-plus years. It's included in every political issue discussed by the Republicans. Taxes, infrastructure, reforms of any kind, domestic policy, or any other subject, there are always enemies of white, Christian conservatism on the other side.

Currently, it's voter fraud by the Democrats on a scale so incredible it boggles the right-wing mind. Naturally, there has been no evidence of these uncounted thousands, possibly millions, of fraudulent ballots, but the RWNJs know these illegitimate ballots will soon be located. After all, they've heard rumors and GOP politicians have said so.

No, the trump fiasco of a presidency was no fluke, it was made inevitable by the lasting success of the Republicans' Southern Strategy.

And no way are any of the Blue Dog Democrats' political problems the fault of the progressive wing.

Accept that Donald Trump is not a fluke of American politics, and let it set this country free

if what you say is true, why did more minorities vote for him this election?

You know what? I think you are a fucking liar, just like all the rest of the progs who cant think for themselves....
No sitting US president who increased his vote total by >12% over his first election totals has ever failed to have been reelected. Let that fact sink in. The Complete Illogic of a Biden Victory

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