In Georgia, among ballots that only voted for President and no other races, Biden won more than 99% of the vote

Drop Dead Fred

Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2020
In Georgia, among ballots that only voted for President and no other races, these are the number of votes:

Trump: 818

Biden: 95,801

Other than cheating by Democrats who were either too busy, too lazy, or too stupid to fill in the other races, how is this possible?

In Georgia, among ballots that only voted for President and no other races, these are the number of votes:

Trump: 818

Biden: 95,801

Other than cheating by Democrats who were either too busy, too lazy, or too stupid to fill in the other races, how is this possible?

That one doesnt seem to add up.
Im guessing that one will be investigated for sure.
Stop melting, you stupid Trumpkins!!! Just because there's actual visible bullshit right in front of your fucking eyes doesn't mean it's true.

Biden won fair and square despite everybody being thrown out while counts were going down and no observers could see cocksucking shit. The honest Democrats running those polls would never defraud anybody. Fake. Baseless.

(am I doing it right?)
If it's this easy to cheat and walk without questions, Republicans ought to cheat their cocksucking useless asses off. In spades.

In fact, the Democrats should never win another fucking election ever. Rural counties will have 100,000% turn out. And they won't be able to do fucking shit about it because, muh, baseless.

DO IT!!!
Liberals are the same people who think one person suicides by cop proves systemic racism. Numbers don't make sense to them, only feelings.
If it's this easy to cheat and walk without questions, Republicans ought to cheat their cocksucking useless asses off. In spades.

In fact, the Democrats should never win another fucking election ever. Rural counties will have 100,000% turn out. And they won't be able to do fucking shit about it because, muh, baseless.

DO IT!!!
Because we follow the constitution and you follow Stalinism
You’re the true “ useful idiot “
Sure, sure, take this to court then get laughed out of it by a judge for bringing no real evidence.
Stop melting, you stupid Trumpkins!!! Just because there's actual visible bullshit right in front of your fucking eyes doesn't mean it's true.

Biden won fair and square despite everybody being thrown out while counts were going down and no observers could see cocksucking shit. The honest Democrats running those polls would never defraud anybody. Fake. Baseless.

(am I doing it right?)
Everybody was not thrown out, because that would be illegal and Trump would have a viable case and all of them wouldn't be being thrown out. Also hilarious you think they couldn't see shit when a lot of Trumps dumb cases hinge on affidavits from poll watchers. Also just because you think you see bullshit doesn't mean you do, just like just because you keep rolling shit on a set of dice doesn't mean they're rigged.

Anyway, you know the only reason Trump keeps putting this out in the media is to stir people like you up, so when he still loses you still won't accept it, because like everything else. It'll become part of the conspiracy, the one where they can rig the election for Biden, but not for Hillary. Or where they can rig it for the Presidential seat but not the Senate or House. OR where the deep state can rig an election, TWO elections apparently...but fail to get Trump empeached like they supposedly planned to.
In Georgia, among ballots that only voted for President and no other races, these are the number of votes:

Trump: 818

Biden: 95,801

Other than cheating by Democrats who were either too busy, too lazy, or too stupid to fill in the other races, how is this possible?

Obviously if those numbers are true, it looks bad. However, I've only been able to find them coming from Sidney Powell, a Trump attorney. She also claimed that Democrats used an algorithm to determine how many votes they would need, then used computers to flip votes from Republican candidates. This is another example of me wondering how the Democrats could be so successful rigging an election at the same time they are so inept as to lose seats in the House and not gain control of the Senate. :dunno:

I also wanted to point out something about the article from the OP. In it, the writer uses voter turnout in Wisconsin to argue against Biden winning. However, Wisconsin is extremely close between Biden and Trump. Wouldn't that mean the high amount of votes for Trump, which would require high voter turnout, are also questionable? Or is the argument that Trump got an historically lopsided victory in the state, which would lower the voter turnout numbers to something more reasonable?
Stop melting, you stupid Trumpkins!!! Just because there's actual visible bullshit right in front of your fucking eyes doesn't mean it's true.

Biden won fair and square despite everybody being thrown out while counts were going down and no observers could see cocksucking shit. The honest Democrats running those polls would never defraud anybody. Fake. Baseless.

(am I doing it right?)
You seem to be in rare form tonight. :cool:
Honestly, Im just as upset as you are.
In Georgia, among ballots that only voted for President and no other races, these are the number of votes:

Trump: 818

Biden: 95,801

Other than cheating by Democrats who were either too busy, too lazy, or too stupid to fill in the other races, how is this possible?

All of those have to be thrown out. No one does that. That is not natural. Those ballots were dumped in to the system and since observers were not allowed to do their jobs a NEW ELECTION needs to be held.
In Georgia, among ballots that only voted for President and no other races, these are the number of votes:

Trump: 818

Biden: 95,801

Other than cheating by Democrats who were either too busy, too lazy, or too stupid to fill in the other races, how is this possible?

This will answer your question as to what was counting ballots in Atlanta
In Georgia, among ballots that only voted for President and no other races, these are the number of votes:

Trump: 818

Biden: 95,801

Other than cheating by Democrats who were either too busy, too lazy, or too stupid to fill in the other races, how is this possible?

I have serious doubts 95,000 people took the trouble to vote and only voted for one office

Christ on a reeks
Okay, the article that goes with the Chalk Talk video says this:
In the Peach State, President Trump’s vote total almost exactly tracked the vote totals for the Republican senate candidates, separated by merely 818 votes out of 2.43 million votes Trump earned there. But, Joe Biden saw an astounding surplus of 95,801 votes over the Democratic Senate candidates.

we already knew that many many voters voted for Biden but straight Republican the rest of the way down the ballot. This quote doesn't seem to be saying what we think he's saying. I could be wrong, but read that and tell me what it says.
Okay, the article that goes with the Chalk Talk video says this:
In the Peach State, President Trump’s vote total almost exactly tracked the vote totals for the Republican senate candidates, separated by merely 818 votes out of 2.43 million votes Trump earned there. But, Joe Biden saw an astounding surplus of 95,801 votes over the Democratic Senate candidates.

we already knew that many many voters voted for Biden but straight Republican the rest of the way down the ballot. This quote doesn't seem to be saying what we think he's saying. I could be wrong, but read that and tell me what it says.
Magic Math. Georgia Election will be voided and held again and your comrade Jo Jorgenson won't be invited to the party this time.

BTW, Trump and Biden are now in a EC statistical tie 232 to 232

In Georgia, among ballots that only voted for President and no other races, these are the number of votes:

Trump: 818

Biden: 95,801

Other than cheating by Democrats who were either too busy, too lazy, or too stupid to fill in the other races, how is this possible?

The election thieves are bold, but not smart.

THE FUNNY THING ABOUT THE DEMOCRATS — WELL, LAUGH OR CRY, RIGHT? — IS THAT THEY’VE COMPLETELY INVERTED THE SAYING ABOUT CAESAR’S WIFE: Philadelphia Democratic official pleads guilty to stuffing ballot boxes for cash.

I. e, when talking about this election, the problem is not that Caesar’s wife was whoring it up down at the forum. No, the only thing undermining total confidence in her virtue, is that you insist on talking about her whoring, even when we tell you it’s all a right wing conspiracy. Shut up, you uncouth peasants. Everything would be fine, and we’d get to have our spokeszombie as president if you just ignored your lying eyes and respected your betters.


BTW, it might amuse you, right after you’re done screaming in rage, that Facebook rated this as partly false based on a FRENCH news article. Because, you know, who’d know better about Wisconsin elections than the French?
In Georgia, among ballots that only voted for President and no other races, these are the number of votes:

Trump: 818

Biden: 95,801

Other than cheating by Democrats who were either too busy, too lazy, or too stupid to fill in the other races, how is this possible?

it takes too much time to fill out the whole fake ballot
BUT YOU KNOW, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO FRAUD, AND THE AP* CERTIFIED THE RESULTS: Nevada whistleblower describes Biden van vote factory in signed affidavit.

*And who would not believe a so called “news” organization which redacted its style sheet to avoid calling riots riots? Why I’m blinded by their impartiality and trustworthiness. Blinded, I tell you. As if one of those rioters had hit my eyes with lasers.

Also, remind me again what part of the constitution says the election is certified by two-bit-presstitutes? Benjamin Franklin WEPT!

In Georgia, among ballots that only voted for President and no other races, these are the number of votes:

Trump: 818

Biden: 95,801

Other than cheating by Democrats who were either too busy, too lazy, or too stupid to fill in the other races, how is this possible?

Math, at least as it applies to this election, is all a big lie and insurrectuion and probably should be illegal to even talk about. The math that got me was how a candidate getting 49% of the in person vote got 78% of the mail in vote in a purple state?

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