Abuse of power is a problem in our country. When are the police going to be scrutinized?

Scrutinizing the police is like taking aspiring to cure cancer.

The problem is the overwhelming reach and complexity of our Government. Want less police brutality? Quit making everything into a crime.
Get rid of cops entirely, arm everyone. Problem solved.

Clanton/O.K. Corral/Tombstone .. No Wyatt Earp

problem not solved

Actually it was solved. The guys with the badges won and the troublemakers never bothered anyone again.
Do you know that Wyatt Earp was a criminal before putting on the badge?

Jesus H Christ, it was a joke people! Are you kidding me? Get rid of all cops, arm everyone? Hello McFly?
I created a serious thread. Guess i shouldn't have expected the same for responses.

The joke was intended to make fun of the lefties here who bash the cops continually. It wasn't disrespect to your OP.
At any rate as long as people like Al Sharpton are in the forefront of this debate any meetings of the minds will be fruitless.

There are racist cops to be sure but the problem doesn't stem from them. The issue is much more complex than the ambulance chasser is willing to admit.
This is not a fixable problem, at least not within my life time. Like most social problems, the answers lie in how we raise and educate our kids.
Federal cops incinerated 80 men, women and children in a thoroughly botched "raid" and subsequent siege at Waco. Federal agents targeted an innocent Veteran and murdered his son and wife at Ruby Ridge. Federal cops shipped hundreds of illegal weapons to Mexico and lost track of them while they were used by drug cartels to kill hundreds of Mexican citizens and at least two Americans and you want the Feds to supervise state and local police officers?
The real issue is an overly complex criminal code that can be stretch to cover virtually anything. A guy dumped three undersized fish and was charged with violating Sarbanes-Oxley. WTF? It is way too easy to commit a felony and not even know it. And then police show up with the attitude of "he's a criminal and deserves to be treated as such" because of whatever.
The real issue is an overly complex criminal code that can be stretch to cover virtually anything. A guy dumped three undersized fish and was charged with violating Sarbanes-Oxley. WTF? It is way too easy to commit a felony and not even know it. And then police show up with the attitude of "he's a criminal and deserves to be treated as such" because of whatever.

It's not just the criminal code. The regulatory bureaucracy has run amok. Why does the EPA need to be armed?
The real issue is an overly complex criminal code that can be stretch to cover virtually anything. A guy dumped three undersized fish and was charged with violating Sarbanes-Oxley. WTF? It is way too easy to commit a felony and not even know it. And then police show up with the attitude of "he's a criminal and deserves to be treated as such" because of whatever.

It's not just the criminal code. The regulatory bureaucracy has run amok. Why does the EPA need to be armed?
Yes, that too. Th IRS as well.
We had an incident here. A city councilman was out on the lake. The TWRA, which has authority over such things, cited him for some infraction while waterskiing. The citation got wet (duh) and the court date was partially erased. He missed the court date.
TWRA sent a swat team to his house to arrest him. Im not making that up.
The real issue is an overly complex criminal code that can be stretch to cover virtually anything. A guy dumped three undersized fish and was charged with violating Sarbanes-Oxley. WTF? It is way too easy to commit a felony and not even know it. And then police show up with the attitude of "he's a criminal and deserves to be treated as such" because of whatever.

It's not just the criminal code. The regulatory bureaucracy has run amok. Why does the EPA need to be armed?
Yes, that too. Th IRS as well.
We had an incident here. A city councilman was out on the lake. The TWRA, which has authority over such things, cited him for some infraction while waterskiing. The citation got wet (duh) and the court date was partially erased. He missed the court date.
TWRA sent a swat team to his house to arrest him. Im not making that up.

In the past, I would have said "unbelievable", but these days, it's all too plausible.

RIP Liberty.
At any rate as long as people like Al Sharpton are in the forefront of this debate any meetings of the minds will be fruitless.

There are racist cops to be sure but the problem doesn't stem from them. The issue is much more complex than the ambulance chasser is willing to admit.
This is not a fixable problem, at least not within my life time. Like most social problems, the answers lie in how we raise and educate our kids.

I reject that the onus for stopping police brutality is on parents instead of society at large and, ultimately, cops themselves. That's like living through a crime wave and as a larger solution suggesting that parents instruct their kids to stop being so muggable. Or using makeup to mask the bruises as the answer to your abusive relationship.

I'm your huckleberry.
The real issue is an overly complex criminal code that can be stretch to cover virtually anything. A guy dumped three undersized fish and was charged with violating Sarbanes-Oxley. WTF? It is way too easy to commit a felony and not even know it. And then police show up with the attitude of "he's a criminal and deserves to be treated as such" because of whatever.

It's not just the criminal code. The regulatory bureaucracy has run amok. Why does the EPA need to be armed?
Riots like these have been going on for over 60 years, long before there was an EPA or anyone thought about blaming big government. Young blacks with a crappy home life, poor education, and no future take to the streets and become the major source of crime in these areas. Cops naturally suspect the blacks because they are committing most of the crime in the area. They make some bad calls. The media jumps on board and fans the fires and the next thing you know there's a riot creating a media frenzy that spreads across the country. Eventually public interests dies down, the media finds other fires to flame and it ends but ready to be rekindled again, and again, and again. Until we find a way to fix the problems in the black community, nothing is going to change.
The real issue is an overly complex criminal code that can be stretch to cover virtually anything. A guy dumped three undersized fish and was charged with violating Sarbanes-Oxley. WTF? It is way too easy to commit a felony and not even know it. And then police show up with the attitude of "he's a criminal and deserves to be treated as such" because of whatever.
Why wasn't he killed on the spot?
This is 90% of the problem...

This is when cops had to confront bad guys with AK-47's and body armor with only their side arms and shotguns.

They were outgunned and under protected.

The criminals had the advantage.

Law enforcement officers deserved that advantage, instead.

Watch this and learn at your leisure what those brave men and women had to learn, up close, very personally and at the cost of their blood and careers and the risk of their lives.

No one should be expected to do the job if the bad guys have better weaponry and protection than those who have sworn to serve and protect us.

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Here is the National Geographic documentary of the North Hollywood Shootout.

It was the turning point in policing, when officers HAD to look like up-armored warriors in order to safely do their jobs.

And the notable exceptions aside, the police are already scrutinized up the ass without ignorami suggesting there isn't already enough police scrutiny.

Taking the Eric Garner incident, for example, Charles Barkley was right when he said when you resist the Police that is when things go wrong.

More than 250,000 misdemeanor arrests were made in NYC last year yet NONE of those other arrests resulted in the perp dying.

Why not?

They didn't need to be restrained or subdued the way Mr. Garner made it necessary to do.

You don't resist and things will most likely find you in jail or uncuffed and released right there.

Not in the morgue.

I wish those of you who have these weird notions about the police would call your local department and ask about going on a "ride along" so you can see exactly what is involved in police work.

Your minds would be changed.
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Get rid of cops entirely, arm everyone. Problem solved.

Clanton/O.K. Corral/Tombstone .. No Wyatt Earp

problem not solved

Actually it was solved. The guys with the badges won and the troublemakers never bothered anyone again.
Do you know that Wyatt Earp was a criminal before putting on the badge?

Jesus H Christ, it was a joke people! Are you kidding me? Get rid of all cops, arm everyone? Hello McFly?

A "joke" huh?


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