Abstinence 'is not realistic,' Palin's daughter says

Naw. You're not worth it. Calling me a 'rug muncher' isn't worthy of a lawsuit. It just demonstrate that when you lose your temper with lesbians you tend to use angry slurs. Your homophobia shows.

trt to be accurate. i called you a *rug*muncher-you know, like a carpetgobbler.
i don't lose my temper, but you keep whining about it if it makes you feel better. i'm laughing at you, you buffoon, and the fact that your gay menas less than nothing to me. is this starting to sink in yet?

Yeah, it means nothing--that why you had to forward my pms to all your friends for a laugh. Is that starting to sink in yet?

you mean someone as hateful as me has friends? oh, the horror.
And for good measure, random song time:


Naw. You're not worth it. Calling me a 'rug muncher' isn't worthy of a lawsuit. It just demonstrate that when you lose your temper with lesbians you tend to use angry slurs. Your homophobia shows.

trt to be accurate. i called you a *rug*muncher-you know, like a carpetgobbler.
i don't lose my temper, but you keep whining about it if it makes you feel better. i'm laughing at you, you buffoon, and the fact that your gay menas less than nothing to me. is this starting to sink in yet?

Yeah, it means nothing--that's because you're a liar.

rug muncher:

1. A person who performs cunninlingus; a cunnilinctor . See cunnilinctor or cunnilinctrice for synonyms.
2. Disparaging appellation for a lesbian .

that why you had to forward my pms to all your friends for a laugh. Is that starting to sink in yet?

again, you fail to grasp the point.

it means nothing to me. you annoy me long enough, and yea, i'm likely to disparage your lesbian ass, but if you think i care enough about you to hate you, you're further out of touch than i could even begin to imagine.

are you starting to get it, my fine lesbyterian?
I thought you and I got along ok. That's why I pm'ed you. I thought we'd come to some understanding privately.

Then I learned you were forwarding my pms to Dis so that the two of you could laugh at me. That really sucks on so many levels.

One--that I don't get to relate to you separate from the vicious Dis, I don't get to work it out with your privately.

Believe me a slur here and there is not a heart breaker. I don't wake up every morning thinking about being a lesbian.

I wake and think of being alive, and so fortunate to be loved, and I get on with my day in that attitude.

I think about being a lesbian when people work hard to undo my legal marriage in California. And I am the kind of person that doesn't like racial, sexist, homophobic slurs. I always address them to people I know in RL

I'm the same person here.

You don't like me? Fine. I'd like a measure of civility--that's all. If I don't get it, I'll just stop talking to you.

That ought to make you VERY happy. Just hang out with people who share your views and bore yourself to death.
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I thought you and I got along ok. That's why I pm'ed you. I thought we'd come to some understanding privately.

Then I learned you were forwarding my pms to Dis so that the two of you could laugh at me. That really sucks on so many levels.

One--that I don't get to relate to you separate from the vicious Dis, I don't get to work it out with your privately.

Believe me a slur here and there is not a heart breaker. I don't wake up every morning thinking about being a lesbian.

I wake and think of being alive, and so fortunate to be loved, and I get on with my day in that attitude.

I think about being a lesbian when people work hard to undo my legal marriage in California. And I am the kind of person that doesn't like racial, sexist, homophobic slurs. I always address them to people I know in RL

I'm the same person here.

You don't like me? Fine. I'd like a measure of civility--that's all. If I don't get it, I'll just stop talking to you.

That ought to make you VERY happy. Just hang out with people who share your views and bore yourself to death.

Sky, you need to stop playing this:


(Don't mind the mormon comment, best site that had this.)
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I thought you and I got along ok. That's why I pm'ed you. I thought we'd come to some understanding privately.

Then I learned you were forwarding my pms to Dis so that the two of you could laugh at me. That really sucks on so many levels.

One--that I don't get to relate to you separate from the vicious Dis, I don't get to work it out with your privately.

Believe me a slur here and there is not a heart breaker. I don't wake up every morning thinking about being a lesbian.

I wake and think of being alive, and so fortunate to be loved, and I get on with my day in that attitude.

I think about being a lesbian when people work hard to undo my legal marriage in California. And I am the kind of person that doesn't like racial, sexist, homophobic slurs. I always address them to people I know in RL

I'm the same person here.

You don't like me? Fine. I'd like a measure of civility--that's all. If I don't get it, I'll just stop talking to you.

That ought to make you happy.

what part of i don't give a flying fuck what you do is causing you so much confusion?
i don't care what you think about me, i don't care what you say about me, i don't care what you fuck, i don't care what you eat, i don't care what you drink.

it seems like a simple enough concept that even a dullard like you ought to be able to get it the fifteenth or sixteenth time around.
I thought you and I got along ok. That's why I pm'ed you. I thought we'd come to some understanding privately.

Then I learned you were forwarding my pms to Dis so that the two of you could laugh at me. That really sucks on so many levels.

One--that I don't get to relate to you separate from the vicious Dis, I don't get to work it out with your privately.

Believe me a slur here and there is not a heart breaker. I don't wake up every morning thinking about being a lesbian.

I wake and think of being alive, and so fortunate to be loved, and I get on with my day in that attitude.

I think about being a lesbian when people work hard to undo my legal marriage in California. And I am the kind of person that doesn't like racial, sexist, homophobic slurs. I always address them to people I know in RL

I'm the same person here.

You don't like me? Fine. I'd like a measure of civility--that's all. If I don't get it, I'll just stop talking to you.

That ought to make you happy.

what part of i don't give a flying fuck what you do is causing you so much confusion?
i don't care what you think about me, i don't care what you say about me, i don't care what you fuck, i don't care what you eat, i don't care what you drink.

it seems like a simple enough concept that even a dullard like you ought to be able to get it the fifteenth or sixteenth time around.

I get it. You don't like me. We're not friends. Stop talking to me. It's very simple.
am i that transparent?

There must be a place in government for you.
Have you ever cheated on your taxes?

no, but i haven't filed yet this year, and my daughter went to overnight camp last year. i'm thinking cabinet level.

The average person doesn't get a car and driver, but do you get Car and Driver magazine?
That could be just the enhancement you need in your resume'.
There must be a place in government for you.
Have you ever cheated on your taxes?

no, but i haven't filed yet this year, and my daughter went to overnight camp last year. i'm thinking cabinet level.

The average person doesn't get a car and driver, but do you get Car and Driver magazine?
That could be just the enhancement you need in your resume'.

i saw it at the library once. fuck it, that's close enough
What's got you on the sauce all of a sudden?

I got dumped. Maybe it was cos I wouldn't put out. I dunno, he gave typical "it's not you, it's me" kinda stuff. That's ok tho, like the Phoenix I have risen from the ashes... I just can't walk straight. I'll clean up when this bottle is gone, but I'm committed to finishing it to end the era. And I keep my promises... as you know. :eusa_angel:
It's not really a good old fashioned self-pity drinking binge unless you stay drunk for a month. :eusa_whistle:

I had a good start on it today, I woke up still drunk from last night. God that's a weird feeling.

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