CDZ Abortion Perspective

The laws that allows abortion is sexist. The preborn baby is as much a part of the man as it is the woman. The woman is no more than a carrier of the preborn baby that the present law allows her to kill regardless of the man's wishes. If you place a fertilized egg in a woman and she carries it to full term and allows the baby to continue to live it will have no genetic comparison to the carrier therefore she is just a carrier.

an estimate of about 21 million children are born out of wedlock in the world

The latest US number
  • There are currently 13.6 million custodial single parents living in the U.S.
  • About half of them (50.2%) have some type of legal or informal child support agreement in place
  • 87.9% of those child support agreements are formal agreements, established in court or through a Title IV-D agency
12.1% are informal child support agreements established between the two parents

Only 12 percent of men are stepping up to the plate without being forced too

$33.7 billion dollars in child support was owed during the year 2015

Granted some men step up to the plate but a lot of then don't
So you feel all men should be punished because there are some men that do not care of their responsibilities?
Punished? If that's the way you want to look at it then sure.

Realistically, normal women will never let men assume control over our bodies. Never.

If you don't want to be responsible for an abortion, keep control of your sperm. It's that simple.

The laws that allows abortion is sexist. The preborn baby is as much a part of the man as it is the woman. The woman is no more than a carrier of the preborn baby that the present law allows her to kill regardless of the man's wishes. If you place a fertilized egg in a woman and she carries it to full term and allows the baby to continue to live it will have no genetic comparison to the carrier therefore she is just a carrier.

The man takes none of the risks of pregnancy. His life is never in danger.

But I have an idea. If it is as much a part of the man as the woman, let him take on the pregnancy and allow him to have it implanted. It might be uncomfortable and a bit risky, but what pregnancy isn't?
What danger this is not 1920? The man can not carry a baby only pay for it if the woman chooses to allow the baby to live. The woman can not get pregnant without the sperm of a man which is something missed by many when they took biology in school.
Here's an idea. If a man doesn't want his offspring aborted, he shouldn't place his sperm in the body of a woman who doesn't want a child. Condoms are cheap.

Men need to control their sperm if they are concerned about abortion. Once they've placed it inside the woman's body, they no longer have control of the situation.
So, you are saying that women should not have to face ANY responsibility for getting pregnant, but hold ALL discretion in terms of the life or death of the new life inside them. That is a very condescendingly misandrist position to take.
Yes absolutely. A woman controls her own body and what happens inside of it. Nobody else gets control of her reproductive system. Period.

If a man doesn't like abortion, he has to control his sperm. Because his control ends with his own reproductive system. It's as simple as that.
I respect a womens right to choose.

The right to make choices is not in question.

The question for you, is . . "Does ANYONE have the right to violate the rights and or lives of another*, with the choices they make?" *Namely, especially a child.

It's a simple yes or no question.

Either you feel that they do. Or you don't.
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The controversy rages. Both sides at each others throats over an issue that neither will give ground on. One side says that it's murder while the other side says that others no right to tell them what to do with their body. In perspective both are have a point for mankind has many laws both religious and secular. Which in turn can lead to many questions on the subject. One such question that I've never seen asked is the following...

If these pro-abortion people don't want others telling them 'what to do with their body' what gives them the right to demand government funding to support an institution/agency (Planned Parenthood) to tell them what to do with their bodies?



NOTE: This is the Clean Debate Zone and it would be greatly appreciated if mod involvement for flaming and other offences not be required for this thread.

I'd have more respect for the conservative perspective (al life is precious, abortion is murder) if they didn't spend all day talking about how much they like POST BIRTH ABORTION;

killing gays
killing liberals
killing atheists
killing muslims
killing moderates
killing RINOS

If a woman is contemplating an abortion....

and you convince her that ABORTION IS MURDER

so she decides to have the child

and it grows up to be a homosexual, atheist, liberal....

why do you want to kill it?


My what a broad brush you paint with.


The laws that allows abortion is sexist. The preborn baby is as much a part of the man as it is the woman. The woman is no more than a carrier of the preborn baby that the present law allows her to kill regardless of the man's wishes. If you place a fertilized egg in a woman and she carries it to full term and allows the baby to continue to live it will have no genetic comparison to the carrier therefore she is just a carrier.

an estimate of about 21 million children are born out of wedlock in the world

The latest US number
  • There are currently 13.6 million custodial single parents living in the U.S.
  • About half of them (50.2%) have some type of legal or informal child support agreement in place
  • 87.9% of those child support agreements are formal agreements, established in court or through a Title IV-D agency
12.1% are informal child support agreements established between the two parents

Only 12 percent of men are stepping up to the plate without being forced too

$33.7 billion dollars in child support was owed during the year 2015

Granted some men step up to the plate but a lot of then don't
So you feel all men should be punished because there are some men that do not care of their responsibilities?
Punished? If that's the way you want to look at it then sure.

Realistically, normal women will never let men assume control over our bodies. Never.

If you don't want to be responsible for an abortion, keep control of your sperm. It's that simple.

The laws that allows abortion is sexist. The preborn baby is as much a part of the man as it is the woman. The woman is no more than a carrier of the preborn baby that the present law allows her to kill regardless of the man's wishes. If you place a fertilized egg in a woman and she carries it to full term and allows the baby to continue to live it will have no genetic comparison to the carrier therefore she is just a carrier.

The man takes none of the risks of pregnancy. His life is never in danger.

But I have an idea. If it is as much a part of the man as the woman, let him take on the pregnancy and allow him to have it implanted. It might be uncomfortable and a bit risky, but what pregnancy isn't?
What danger this is not 1920? The man can not carry a baby only pay for it if the woman chooses to allow the baby to live. The woman can not get pregnant without the sperm of a man which is something missed by many when they took biology in school.
Here's an idea. If a man doesn't want his offspring aborted, he shouldn't place his sperm in the body of a woman who doesn't want a child. Condoms are cheap.

Men need to control their sperm if they are concerned about abortion. Once they've placed it inside the woman's body, they no longer have control of the situation.
So, you are saying that women should not have to face ANY responsibility for getting pregnant, but hold ALL discretion in terms of the life or death of the new life inside them. That is a very condescendingly misandrist position to take.
Yes absolutely. A woman controls her own body and what happens inside of it. Nobody else gets control of her reproductive system. Period.

If a man doesn't like abortion, he has to control his sperm. Because his control ends with his own reproductive system. It's as simple as that.
killing another living being is not controlling your own reproductive system.

Controlling your own reproductive system is not getting pregnant. There are many means at your disposal.

if you believe nobody has the right to "control" your reproductive system, why do you think you have the right to destroy the reproductive system of the new person you have brought to life because of your own choices along with everything else about them?
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The controversy rages. Both sides at each others throats over an issue that neither will give ground on. One side says that it's murder while the other side says that others no right to tell them what to do with their body. In perspective both are have a point for mankind has many laws both religious and secular. Which in turn can lead to many questions on the subject. One such question that I've never seen asked is the following...

If these pro-abortion people don't want others telling them 'what to do with their body' what gives them the right to demand government funding to support an institution/agency (Planned Parenthood) to tell them what to do with their bodies?



NOTE: This is the Clean Debate Zone and it would be greatly appreciated if mod involvement for flaming and other offences not be required for this thread.

I'd have more respect for the conservative perspective (al life is precious, abortion is murder) if they didn't spend all day talking about how much they like POST BIRTH ABORTION;

killing gays
killing liberals
killing atheists
killing muslims
killing moderates
killing RINOS

If a woman is contemplating an abortion....

and you convince her that ABORTION IS MURDER

so she decides to have the child

and it grows up to be a homosexual, atheist, liberal....

why do you want to kill it?

Who in this thread has advocated anything CLOSE to that?

Why do you argue the imaginary rather rhan real? It is illogical, unintelligent and disingenuous.

in this thread?

don't know

But since I read sentiments like that on a daily basis in this message board I'm standing by it.


There's plenty of sentiments around the message board however I detect a great deal of denial in this thread about conflict of interest on the sale of fetal remains through Planned Parenthood.

Could it be the 'pro-choice' are uneasy about the issue?


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conservatives demand that she have the child but then don't care if the mother and child die homeless on the street.

Who the fuck is dying in the street?

Are you stepping over bodies when you walk down the street?

Same utter horse shit democrats use when trying to take over the health care system!

Please pardon my rant in the CDZ but deception and straw men piss me off!
conservatives demand that she have the child but then don't care if the mother and child die homeless on the street.

Who the fuck is dying in the street?

Are you stepping over bodies when you walk down the street?

Same utter horse shit democrats use when trying to take over the health care system!

Please pardon my rant in the CDZ but deception and straw men piss me off!

Here, let me help, since you need help with Google:
Why does she see it as a right to deny another human the right to life?

No matter how you craft language to assuage your sense of guilt regarding the reality of the procedure, one person's life life is being terminated at the behest of another.

You are here and alive here on earth. It is probably safe to say that you prefer this over the alternative. Is there any time during your gestation where an abortion would have not prevented you from making the choice to continue to live?

Okay all you fetuses who object to being aborted stand up!

Wait. You can't stand up because you don't have legs yet.


The problem with the Anti-Abortion stance is that once you declare fetuses to be people, you've given them MORE rights than the woman they are inside.
The public was even more anti-war leading up to Pearl Harbor.

The world, including the US were pro-surrender.

Adolph Hitler flagrantly violated the Treaty of Versailles with his military build-up of an air force, the number of soldiers, a massive program of building tanks, warships, submarines and all other war materials. Europe and the US did nothing. That was pro-surrender. The Allies could have stopped Hitler at that point, no one did. France and Britain were forced to declare war on Germany when Hitler annexed part of Poland and then invaded the remainder. However, they actually did nothing. Pro-surrender".

Anywhere along the line, the allies had the justification but chose pro-surrender. IF the allies had been pro-war and crushed Adolph Hitler then, Would 30, 40, or more million lives been saved?

Actually, it was more along the lines of "We honestly hope Hitler takes out Stalin for us, because Communists are scary."

That's why they looked the other way when Germany violated the Versailles limits on their military.

When Hitler threw in with Stalin, that's when they declared war.
An abortion is a form of child molestation. No aborted child ever escapes "unmolested" from the womb.

(Note that, not all molestations are sexual)

If someone were to propose lifting laws against other forms of molestation (sexual for exampe). . . I doubt very much that you would try to draw the same distinction then that you are drawing now.

If you are pro molestation enough to want it "legalized?" You are pro molestation. Period.

Be it through an abortion or by any other means.

Fetuses aren't children, and using words like Molestation because they are charged is dishonest.

No one would propose lifting child abuse laws because they are sensible.

The problem with abortion laws is that they are not sensible. Before Roe, they were ROUTINELY ignored by women and their doctors, and no one went to jail for breaking them.

A better comparison would be the prostitution laws. Yup, Prostitution is "against the law". But we have all sorts of strip clubs, massage parlors, escort services, where eventually, money and bodily fluids are exchanged. No one is pro-prostitution, really. But most people see the laws as kind of silly.
The right to make choices is not in question.

The question for you, is . . "Does ANYONE have the right to violate the rights and or lives of another*, with the choices they make?" *Namely, especially a child.

It's a simple yes or no question.

Either you feel that they do. Or you don't.

Fetuses aren't children. Therefore women have a right to end unwanted pregnancies.
The right to make choices is not in question.

The question for you, is . . "Does ANYONE have the right to violate the rights and or lives of another*, with the choices they make?" *Namely, especially a child.

It's a simple yes or no question.

Either you feel that they do. Or you don't.

Fetuses aren't children. Therefore women have a right to end unwanted pregnancies.

Say it with me. . .



" Pathetic Application Of Terminology "

* Provisional List Of Exceptions *
The right to make choices is not in question.
The question for you, is . . "Does ANYONE have the right to violate the rights and or lives of another*, with the choices they make?" *Namely, especially a child.
It's a simple yes or no question.
Either you feel that they do. Or you don't.
By definition , a child is between the age of birth and adolescence and that is by definition an actual illegal killing that is by definition a murder that will be prosecuted .

Kill someone on the battle field , or in self defense , or by capital punishment and all the " oh humanity " of " oh the innocent " goes out the window with a provision to justify the act .

An ethical basis for intervening on behalf of another is empathy and that at least requires sentience and that onset coincidentally occurs along the same time line as viability .
" Lawyers Phrasing Ambiguities For The Clueless "

* Sophistry One Owe Won For Fools *
Say it with me. . .
The fetus is without constitutional protections and is the private property of the mother and any violence asserted against the fetus is an offense against the private property of the mother , that can include elevated penalties for special circumstances as are applied for many crimes .

There is not a capital punishment clause in the Unborn Victims of Violence Act - Wikipedia because capital punishment is based upon a double entendre where when one removes a wright to life of another protected individual their own wright to life is forfeit and , as the fetus does not have constitutional protections , any effort to enforce capital punishment would expose the conjecture of the law as a farce .

In fact , the legal wrangling of language to placate the anti-choice pundit and to relate " tongue in cheek " that any violence is actually against the mother is surmised in the following statement of the law " (2) (A) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the punishment for that separate offense is the same as the punishment provided under Federal law for that conduct had that injury or death occurred to the unborn child's mother. " .
" Valid Proof Of Non Consent Absent "

* Given Freely *
His control ends where his responsibility ends...and what happens if the man wants the abortion and the woman doesn't?
A fetus is the private property of the mother and if a male does not want the debt incurred from facilitating the child then do not provide the means to that end .
" Piled High Creating Pressure "

* Split Brains *
In los angeles??? Really? Maybe their problems will be solved if they allow another 10 million illegals in.
The left is all about climate change but cannot make its correlation with human over population , in that the planet and us are full .

The us economy does not need more brick layers to make houses for brick layers but the right wants more labor fodder and the left seeks to stack the deck on votes for an unsustainable socialist pipe dream through a continuation of 1.2 million annual permanent legal migrants arriving first come first served without merit base in addition to the annual 100s of thousand illegal numbers .

The right is equally clueless as historically between 0% and 200% of the poverty line have 75% of abortions , even as the right ignores the correlation between IQ and poverty , yet the right in its " oh we promote individual accountability and we are not going to foot that bill " cannot anticipate just who they expect to pay for the consequences .
One side says that it's murder while the other side says that others no right to tell them what to do with their body. In perspective both are have a point

And THERE is the debate we should have on a national level!

Is it a womans right to do what she wants with her own body? YES!

Is abortion the murder of a human being? YES!

Now we should put those 2 things on a balance-scale & see which one weighs heavier.
No. Nothing Trumps my ability to control my own body and my own sexual reproductive system. Nothing and nobody. Ever.

No debate will change that even one tiny tiny little bit.

But the logistics of the anti-abortion movement puzzle me. How will you force a woman to have a baby if she doesn't want to? How will you even know she is pregnant?
" Valid Proof Of Non Consent Absent "

* Given Freely *
His control ends where his responsibility ends...and what happens if the man wants the abortion and the woman doesn't?
A fetus is the private property of the mother and if a male does not want the debt incurred from facilitating the child then do not provide the means to that end .
Most of those types do not pay child support anyway.
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