Abortion Morally Wrong vs Changing the Law

Liberals have simply lost their way on this issue. Many have actually become cheerleaders for Abortion and that's just not right in my opinion. People should be more informed on this issue. Abortion procedures should be shown to these cheerleaders. Killing a baby is a pretty gruesome act. The disposal is even worse. I truly believe if more people saw these "procedures" more often,they really would find a new perspective on Abortion.

Damn! The last thing I wanted this thread to turn into was another LibocalypseNow trollfest where you just regurgitate the same talking points over and over and over. At the risk of having you just paste your same response again, I'd ask you to put up or shut up on my earlier request of providing evidence of said cheerleading and celebrating. If you can't or won't......please just go away.
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Liberals have simply lost their way on this issue. Many have actually become cheerleaders for Abortion and that's just not right in my opinion. People should be more informed on this issue. Abortion procedures should be shown to these cheerleaders. Killing a baby is a pretty gruesome act. The disposal is even worse. I truly believe if more people saw these "procedures" more often,they really would find a new perspective on Abortion.

I know many anti-choice cheerleaders who also happen to be pro-death penalty cheerleaders. The process to have the goverment kill a convicted murderer is a pretty gruesome act. I wonder how many of the pro-death penalty cheerleaders have seen the actual execution of a person?

As much as lots of us want it illegal and speak of the morality/immorality of it, there are times, such as rape, when it isn't so easy to judge on your soapbox.
Liberals have simply lost their way on this issue. Many have actually become cheerleaders for Abortion and that's just not right in my opinion. People should be more informed on this issue. Abortion procedures should be shown to these cheerleaders. Killing a baby is a pretty gruesome act. The disposal is even worse. I truly believe if more people saw these "procedures" more often,they really would find a new perspective on Abortion.

Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Typically, when a woman contemplates abortion it's a decision that creates a great deal of anguish, requires a lot of soul searching, moral questioning and can cause a great amount pain, depression and can even lead to suicide...

You are cheeleading for graphic gore and blood to add to her anguish...
The thread is about Morality/Immorality and Laws regarding Abortion. I'm not very PC and if you don't like that then oh well. I'm just sick of the Liberal Susan Sarandon-types turning their Pro-Abortion rallies into joyous dance-fest parties celebrating the killing of babies. There's just something so sad & grotesque about that. Abortion is Legal and should stay that way and the Government should never fund killing babies. Abortion is certainly immoral no matter how much Liberal kooks try and spin it. So stop all the damn cheerleading.
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Liberals have simply lost their way on this issue. Many have actually become cheerleaders for Abortion and that's just not right in my opinion. People should be more informed on this issue. Abortion procedures should be shown to these cheerleaders. Killing a baby is a pretty gruesome act. The disposal is even worse. I truly believe if more people saw these "procedures" more often,they really would find a new perspective on Abortion.

Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Typically, when a woman contemplates abortion it's a decision that creates a great deal of anguish, requires a lot of soul searching, moral questioning and can cause a great amount pain, depression and can even lead to suicide...

You are cheeleading for graphic gore and blood to add to her anguish...

I might be what one would consider "anti-choice"; however, there are always two sides to the story.
You know, think about this.........

Sperm cannot feel pain. Neither can an egg. Matter of fact, it really isn't anything other than a steadily dividing mass of cells for the first 40 days.

After that, it forms a nervous system, and, at that point, it becomes a human.

Wanna solve a LOT of problems? Make RU486 (the morning after pill), available to EVERYONE who is a legal adult. Oh yeah......include them in rape kits so that the woman won't have to submit to yet another personal procedure.

Put that out, your abortion problem will shrink significantly.

As far as "funding the killing of babies"? What if the mother is going to die, the child is handicapped to the point of being almost a vegetable, and the father has to make a choice? Should he let his wife die, or, should he sacrifice the child (who is not going to be very well equipped for this world), via a partial abortion?

And.........if the choice is made to save the mother (thereby increasing the chance of them possibly having another child), does this mean that they have to take out several mortgages on their house just to save the child?

A Pack of Lips Howling, you sure got some fucked up views.
The thread is about Morality/Immorality and Laws regarding Abortion. I'm not very PC and if you don't like that then oh well. I'm just sick of the Liberal Susan Sarandon-types turning their Pro-Abortion rallies into joyous dance-fest parties celebrating the killing of babies. There's just something so sad & grotesque about that. Abortion is Legal and should stay that way and the Government should never fund killing babies. Abortion is certainly immoral no matter how much Liberal kooks try and spin it. So stop all the damn cheerleading.

Actually.....since I started the thread.......the thread is about whether or not people's view of abortion being immoral translates into their desire to make it illegal. Surely if the majority of Americans feel that it is immoral, they could have advanced the illegality ball at least a yard down the field over the years. The majority of the years since Roe vs Wade have been under conservative administrations. So my question remains, even though the majority (according to the cited poll) find it personally immoral, do they at the same time want to overturn the law or not?

That is the question if you would like to address it.
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Yea caring about babies sure is a "f*cked up view." I'd like to bring some of these loons to an abortion clinic and let them see just how babies are killed and then disposed of. A lot of tough talk coming from them sitting comfy behind their keyboards but i assure you they wouldn't be so tough standing there watching that horror. They just don't have any idea and they like it that way. Like that great movie says..."You can't handle the Truth." These people definitely can't handle the truth.
Yea caring about babies sure is a "f*cked up view." I'd like to bring some of these loons to an abortion clinic and let them see just how babies are killed and then disposed of. A lot of tough talk coming from them sitting comfy behind their keyboards but i assure you they wouldn't be so tough standing there watching that horror. They just don't have any idea and they like it that way. Like that great movie says..."You can't handle the Truth." These people definitely can't handle the truth.

Just out of curiousity, how many have you offered to adopt and raise?
You know, I'd like to see exactly who sponsored that poll.

But, should we overturn the law because many feel it's immoral? No.

From the link in the OP:

The most recent Knights of Columbus – Marist survey – conducted in late December and early January – is the latest in a series of such surveys commissioned by the Knights of Columbus and conducted by Marist Institute for Public Opinion. In October of 2008 and July of 2009, the survey has been tracking an increasing trend toward the pro-life position – a trend confirmed by Gallup and Pew surveys in mid-2009. K of C – Marist surveys are available online at www.kofc.org/moralcompass.
You know, think about this.........

Sperm cannot feel pain. Neither can an egg. Matter of fact, it really isn't anything other than a steadily dividing mass of cells for the first 40 days.

After that, it forms a nervous system, and, at that point, it becomes a human.

Wanna solve a LOT of problems? Make RU486 (the morning after pill), available to EVERYONE who is a legal adult. Oh yeah......include them in rape kits so that the woman won't have to submit to yet another personal procedure.

Put that out, your abortion problem will shrink significantly.

As far as "funding the killing of babies"? What if the mother is going to die, the child is handicapped to the point of being almost a vegetable, and the father has to make a choice? Should he let his wife die, or, should he sacrifice the child (who is not going to be very well equipped for this world), via a partial abortion?

And.........if the choice is made to save the mother (thereby increasing the chance of them possibly having another child), does this mean that they have to take out several mortgages on their house just to save the child?

A Pack of Lips Howling, you sure got some fucked up views.
Rob...the life of the mother has always been the situational ethics exception. Remember, we're pro-LIFE, meaning...ALL life. I don't see how anyone could not support saving the mom.
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Abortion is morally wrong in most cases. People who routinely cheerlead for Abortion probably haven't ever actually seen how Abortion Clinics really operate. These are people that get disgusted at the sight of a doggy being abused but have never actually seen how babies are killed and disposed of in these Abortion Clinics. They just don't know reality. All Americans should be forced to go into these Abortion Clinics and see just how these babies are killed and disposed of. I think then they could have a more realistic view of abortion.

If slaughtering a hog or abusing a doggy disgusts you,i assure you that you would be quite shocked & appalled at just how babies are killed and disposed of. It's all about reality and perspective. Most abortion cheerleaders have neither. Personally i abhor abortion but i don't think the Government should be involved with the issue at all. They shouldn't make it illegal or fund it. I see no reason why our Goverment should fund the killing of babies. If you want to kill your baby then so be it. Just don't demand that all Tax Payers pay for it. Hey that's just how i feel anyway.

Do you have any pictures of these cheerleaders for abortion?
Each State should decide whether they want Abortion to be Legal or Illegal. Let each individual State decide their on fate. If California wants to kill babies then so be it. If Missouri doesn't then so be it. The States really should be deciding this for themselves. Each State views killing babies differently. The People in each State can decide for themselves. Just another angle i guess.

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