Abortion is used extensively to hide rape and incest.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
It doesn't "help" in cases of rape at all:

"Julia Piercey is named in a lawsuit where 16-year-old Denise Fairbanks became pregnant by her own father, told the Planned Parenthood staff, and received an abortion at their facility. Yet the crimes of incest and statutory rape were never reported to authorities. The father, who according to an Idaho Values Alliance (IVA) press release had abused his daughter since she was 13 years old, was eventually sent to prison, "no thanks to Planned Parenthood."
Abortion clinic director sued for concealing rape, incest (OneNewsNow.com)
"A suburban Cincinnati Planned Parenthood has been sued by a teenage girl who accuses it of covering up her sexual victimization by her father. Under Ohio law, doctors, nurses, teachers and other professionals are required to report alleged sexual abuse to authorities and the teen says that didn’t happen in her abortion case.
The unnamed girl filed the lawsuit in Warren County Common Pleas Court on Wednesday saying she told Planned Parenthood staff about the incest."

Ohio Planned Parenthood Abortion Center Sued Over Incest Case Coverup | LifeNews.com
"On Tuesday, December 7, 2010, the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas delivered a major victory to the plaintiffs in the case Roe v. Planned Parenthood. The parents of Roe allege that Planned Parenthood (PP) employees breached their legal duties in performing an abortion on 14-year-old Roe without her parents’ knowledge, without obtaining adequate informed consent, and that they failed to report suspected sexual abuse. "

The grandmother and both cousins are accused in the suit of verbally abusing the girl and scheduling an appointment for an abortion without the teen's permission.


The girl was grabbed by the neck, hit across the face, and thrown into a car in addition to the verbal abuse," said Stephen Casey, the teen's lawyer, who refused to release the girl's name

Nobody has a "right" murder, and nobody has a "right" to vicimize rape victims.
No one has a right what to tell someone else what can happen inside their body.

You will never win this arguemtn in this country.

Go somewhere else
This country wouldn't have abortion mills if a law hadn't been passed against the will of the people that allowed them to be established.

I'm not going anywhere. It's the duty of those of us who value human life to stand against human rights violations.
It's a start.

Remember, abortion is used to cover the crime. Therefore, it isn't being reported. And since this is a vulnerable group anyway (underage girls, women in abusive relationships) they don't have much of a voice to begin with.

This isn't rocket science.
There was a child, the product of rape, that confronted Perry, and changed his mind about abortion for rape victims. She was compelling. She was living HER life, even though her mother was uncomfortable with the way she was conceived.
In late term abortions, the difference between killing a fetus, and killing a live, birthed human is a few seconds. In a late term abortion, the child is birthed far enough to get to the back of it's head. Then they take a scalpel and slit the child's neck to sever it's spinal chord, then the delivery is finished, and the not quite dead yet child is tossed into the trash.
I read the story of a nurse that retrieved one of those infants from the trash and hid in a closet and held that little child in her arms for an hour until it's heart stopped beating. She sobbed uncontrollably. It was the last abortion in which she participated.

If someone did that to a litter of puppies, we would be screaming abuse from the top of our lungs.
If a pregnant woman can carry a fetus for nine months, she can carry that fetus for nine months and 5 seconds more, and give that innocent child their own life to live. Give two gifts, life to your child, and a child to loving parents that can't have a child of their own.
Of course, most abortions are performed in the early months of pregnancy, not in the last months, and that's even more true of abortions performed in the case of rape. A rape victim is surely going to be very aware of the risk of pregnancy from the word go, and is not going to let things proceed until she is close to giving birth, unless she chooses to actually give birth.

I'm not sure what the point is in saying that abortion is used to "hide" cases of rape and incest. (I would suspect the latter more than the former, if this is true at all.) I guess if a brother and sister are in a secret romantic relationship, they would not want a pregnancy and childbirth to spill the beans, and would use abortion as a backstop to contraception to make sure no children resulted. Same would be true, only perhaps more so, in a case of father-daughter incest. So I guess it could be true.

But if so, so what?
Of course, most abortions are performed in the early months of pregnancy, not in the last months, and that's even more true of abortions performed in the case of rape. A rape victim is surely going to be very aware of the risk of pregnancy from the word go, and is not going to let things proceed until she is close to giving birth, unless she chooses to actually give birth.

I'm not sure what the point is in saying that abortion is used to "hide" cases of rape and incest. (I would suspect the latter more than the former, if this is true at all.) I guess if a brother and sister are in a secret romantic relationship, they would not want a pregnancy and childbirth to spill the beans, and would use abortion as a backstop to contraception to make sure no children resulted. Same would be true, only perhaps more so, in a case of father-daughter incest. So I guess it could be true.

But if so, so what?

What about the oops, preggers again, no worry. Oops preggers again, back to the clinic. Oops, preggers again.... That bothers me. Especially in the case of kids, not smart enough to use contraceptives, but are allowed to decide what to do with the consequences. I feel that later in life, they may truly regret the choices they made in their youth. In fact that did happen to a participant in Roe vs. Wade.

Jan 22, 2012 · President Barack Obama, today, release a statement celebrating the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision that allowed for 54 million abortions. Jane Roe was not celebrating her decision.

A fetus has it's own DNA. It is a separate individual from both parents.

For our government to step in and decide what is best for a pregnant child is criminal.
A woman sent her middle school child to school, secure in the fact that her daughter was sitting in math class. Her daughter went to the school nurse, was given a pregnancy test, and a taxi was called. The child was taken to a clinic, and was back in school by the end of the day. The parents had no idea that their daughter underwent a medical procedure.
And the child was never given an opportunity to contemplate the circumstances.
If I was the parent of that child, there would be an aborted school nurse.
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This country wouldn't have abortion mills if a law hadn't been passed against the will of the people that allowed them to be established.

I'm not going anywhere. It's the duty of those of us who value human life to stand against human rights violations.
really? Abortion was legal in the majority of the states in the USA PRIOR to roe v wade.... are you saying there were no abortion clinics in these states that it was legal in?
Of course, most abortions are performed in the early months of pregnancy, not in the last months, and that's even more true of abortions performed in the case of rape. A rape victim is surely going to be very aware of the risk of pregnancy from the word go, and is not going to let things proceed until she is close to giving birth, unless she chooses to actually give birth.

I'm not sure what the point is in saying that abortion is used to "hide" cases of rape and incest. (I would suspect the latter more than the former, if this is true at all.) I guess if a brother and sister are in a secret romantic relationship, they would not want a pregnancy and childbirth to spill the beans, and would use abortion as a backstop to contraception to make sure no children resulted. Same would be true, only perhaps more so, in a case of father-daughter incest. So I guess it could be true.

But if so, so what?

What about the oops, preggers again, no worry. Oops preggers again, back to the clinic. Oops, preggers again.... That bothers me. Especially in the case of kids, not smart enough to use contraceptives, but are allowed to decide what to do with the consequences. I feel that later in life, they may truly regret the choices they made in their youth. In fact that did happen to a participant in Roe vs. Wade.

Jan 22, 2012 · President Barack Obama, today, release a statement celebrating the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision that allowed for 54 million abortions. Jane Roe was not celebrating her decision.

A fetus has it's own DNA. It is a separate individual from both parents.

For our government to step in and decide what is best for a pregnant child is criminal.
A woman sent her middle school child to school, secure in the fact that her daughter was sitting in math class. Her daughter went to the school nurse, was given a pregnancy test, and a taxi was called. The child was taken to a clinic, and was back in school by the end of the day. The parents had no idea that their daughter underwent a medical procedure.
And the child was never given an opportunity to contemplate the circumstances.
If I was the parent of that child, there would be an aborted school nurse.
government IS NOT MAKING THE DECISION....the women having the abortion are making this decision for themselves, with their doctor or with their rabbi or with their parents or by themselves, but the GOVERNMENT is not in any way making this decision for them or deciding for them, so why did you say that?
Of course, most abortions are performed in the early months of pregnancy, not in the last months, and that's even more true of abortions performed in the case of rape. A rape victim is surely going to be very aware of the risk of pregnancy from the word go, and is not going to let things proceed until she is close to giving birth, unless she chooses to actually give birth.

I'm not sure what the point is in saying that abortion is used to "hide" cases of rape and incest. (I would suspect the latter more than the former, if this is true at all.) I guess if a brother and sister are in a secret romantic relationship, they would not want a pregnancy and childbirth to spill the beans, and would use abortion as a backstop to contraception to make sure no children resulted. Same would be true, only perhaps more so, in a case of father-daughter incest. So I guess it could be true.

But if so, so what?

What about the oops, preggers again, no worry. Oops preggers again, back to the clinic. Oops, preggers again.... That bothers me. Especially in the case of kids, not smart enough to use contraceptives, but are allowed to decide what to do with the consequences. I feel that later in life, they may truly regret the choices they made in their youth. In fact that did happen to a participant in Roe vs. Wade.

Jan 22, 2012 · President Barack Obama, today, release a statement celebrating the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision that allowed for 54 million abortions. Jane Roe was not celebrating her decision.

A fetus has it's own DNA. It is a separate individual from both parents.

For our government to step in and decide what is best for a pregnant child is criminal.
A woman sent her middle school child to school, secure in the fact that her daughter was sitting in math class. Her daughter went to the school nurse, was given a pregnancy test, and a taxi was called. The child was taken to a clinic, and was back in school by the end of the day. The parents had no idea that their daughter underwent a medical procedure.
And the child was never given an opportunity to contemplate the circumstances.
If I was the parent of that child, there would be an aborted school nurse.
government IS NOT MAKING THE DECISION....the women having the abortion are making this decision for themselves, with their doctor or with their rabbi or with their parents or by themselves, but the GOVERNMENT is not in any way making this decision for them or deciding for them, so why did you say that?

Not only has the government paved the way for 54 million abortions, they want you and I to pay for them. And they insist that groups that are against abortions, perform them anyway, regardless of their beliefs, in a blatant disregard for the separation of church and state. There is an agenda here.

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