Abortion clinic employees plead guilty to murder


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
For those who don't believe that abortion clinics are charnel houses:

Two abortion clinic employees plead guilty to murder | Reuters

Seven more defendants face charges in the case, including Gosnell, who a grand jury in January said, "killed babies and endangered women. What we mean is that he regularly and illegally delivered live, viable babies in the third trimester of pregnancy -- and then murdered these newborns by severing their spinal cords with scissors."

They also killed an adult patient with painkillers.

These people are sick, sick fucks. As is anyone who supports legalized baby killing.
It's the same thing then, they're just younger, sm. And there is no clinic in the world that won't help women abort much older babies and lie about the circumstances to facilitate abortion. It's wrong and it's evil. When you have a killing industry that is PROTECTED, this is what you get.

And keep in mind..these are black neighborhoods. What do you think motivates these clinicians?
It's the same thing then, they're just younger, sm. And there is no clinic in the world that won't help women abort much older babies and lie about the circumstances to facilitate abortion. It's wrong and it's evil. When you have a killing industry that is PROTECTED, this is what you get.

And keep in mind..these are black neighborhoods. What do you think motivates these clinicians?
You are against the day after pill, then?
For those who don't believe that abortion clinics are charnel houses:

Two abortion clinic employees plead guilty to murder | Reuters

Seven more defendants face charges in the case, including Gosnell, who a grand jury in January said, "killed babies and endangered women. What we mean is that he regularly and illegally delivered live, viable babies in the third trimester of pregnancy -- and then murdered these newborns by severing their spinal cords with scissors."

They also killed an adult patient with painkillers.

These people are sick, sick fucks. As is anyone who supports legalized baby killing.

Do you think similar behavior is reflected in a politician voting against saving the life of a supposedly aborted baby, 'accidently' born alive....but not being protected at that point?

In 2002, [State Senator Barack Obama] was the only member of the Illinois state Senate to speak on the floor against a bill protecting premature infants born alive in the course of failed abortions. He had argued that to give such legal recognition to the humanity of a baby born so prematurely would threaten the right to legal abortion: "[W]hat we’re really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided a- a child a nine-month old- child that was delivered to term. That determination then, essentially if it was accepted by a court, would forbid abortion to take place.”
OBAMA Senate Bill 1093 (Illinois)
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It's the same thing then, they're just younger, sm. And there is no clinic in the world that won't help women abort much older babies and lie about the circumstances to facilitate abortion. It's wrong and it's evil. When you have a killing industry that is PROTECTED, this is what you get.

And keep in mind..these are black neighborhoods. What do you think motivates these clinicians?
You are against the day after pill, then?

I'd to love to hear a response to this.

My guess is her answer is yes, since she herself probably hasn't used the morning after pill it gives her another group of people to claim moral superiority over and beat her chest as one of the elite holier than thou types that Jesus put on this Earth to judge all the immoral scum who may have a different opinion than her on something.
It's the same thing then, they're just younger, sm.

It is not the same. In fact, if it were the same, you would not be presenting this particular extreme, non-typical example, because the use of its emotional impact to improperly bleed over onto all abortions including those that exhibit no such characteristics would not be necessary.
It's the same thing then, they're just younger, sm. And there is no clinic in the world that won't help women abort much older babies and lie about the circumstances to facilitate abortion. It's wrong and it's evil. When you have a killing industry that is PROTECTED, this is what you get.

And keep in mind..these are black neighborhoods. What do you think motivates these clinicians?
You are against the day after pill, then?

I wouldn't be against it if it wasn't mass marketed to kids.

Here's the deal...women do get abortions. I don't pass judgment on women who get them. They're legal, and each person has to make those decisions and that's between them and God.

But when it becomes an industry, and money is being poured into MARKETING, in conjunction with the message that "you can't resist your sexual urges, and that's okay because there's a pill/clinic/doctor to take care of that inconvenience" we have a problem. It's not just the act of abortion itself; abortions have taken place for aeons. It's the whole ball of wax that comes with LEGALIZING it and actively encouraging girls to not only be sexually active, but also encouraging them to get abortions, and sending the signal that they are just slaves to their base impulses.

Have you seen the day after posters? I'll find one and post it. It's obviously being marketed to very, very young kids...
And very, very young kids who get pregnant should be reported to child welfare and teh police because somebody has broken the law and is victimizing them. BUT IT DOESN'T HAPPEN.
It's the same thing then, they're just younger, sm.

It is not the same. In fact, if it were the same, you would not be presenting this particular extreme, non-typical example, because the use of its emotional impact to improperly bleed over onto all abortions including those that exhibit no such characteristics would not be necessary.

This isn't non-typical. I've worked with abortion clinics, and been in them.
It's the same thing then, they're just younger, sm. And there is no clinic in the world that won't help women abort much older babies and lie about the circumstances to facilitate abortion. It's wrong and it's evil. When you have a killing industry that is PROTECTED, this is what you get.

And keep in mind..these are black neighborhoods. What do you think motivates these clinicians?
You are against the day after pill, then?

I wouldn't be against it if it wasn't mass marketed to kids.

Here's the deal...women do get abortions. I don't pass judgment on women who get them. They're legal, and each person has to make those decisions and that's between them and God.

But when it becomes an industry, and money is being poured into MARKETING, in conjunction with the message that "you can't resist your sexual urges, and that's okay because there's a pill/clinic/doctor to take care of that inconvenience" we have a problem. It's not just the act of abortion itself; abortions have taken place for aeons. It's the whole ball of wax that comes with LEGALIZING it and actively encouraging girls to not only be sexually active, but also encouraging them to get abortions, and sending the signal that they are just slaves to their base impulses.

Have you seen the day after posters? I'll find one and post it. It's obviously being marketed to very, very young kids...
Irrespective of where it is marketed or not, you don't have a problem with it.

Yet, you do have a problem with first trimester abortions.

That's rather arbitrary.
No, it's not arbitrary at all.

As I said, I don't pass judgment on the women who take advantage of the legality of it.

But I do have a problem with legalized abortion.

I tried to make it clear, I guess I failed. If there were no specific laws addressing it, and women simply went to their doctors to get a D&C or morning after pill, and the docs gave them, that would be different..that's the way it used to be, before the travesty that is RvW.

Now abortion clinics are butcher shops, and PP works round the clock to provide young, female grist for the mill (mixed metaphors, but you get it).
No, it's not arbitrary at all.

As I said, I don't pass judgment on the women who take advantage of the legality of it.

But I do have a problem with legalized abortion.

I tried to make it clear, I guess I failed. If there were no specific laws addressing it, and women simply went to their doctors to get a D&C or morning after pill, and the docs gave them, that would be different..that's the way it used to be, before the travesty that is RvW.

Now abortion clinics are butcher shops, and PP works round the clock to provide young, female grist for the mill (mixed metaphors, but you get it).
OK. So if it isn't arbitrary saying that terminating an embryo a few days old is different than terminating it 12 weeks old, what is the cut off that would make it acceptable to you? And, your reasoning for that cut off and difference?

I'm curious.
No, it's not arbitrary at all.

As I said, I don't pass judgment on the women who take advantage of the legality of it.

But I do have a problem with legalized abortion.

I tried to make it clear, I guess I failed. If there were no specific laws addressing it, and women simply went to their doctors to get a D&C or morning after pill, and the docs gave them, that would be different..that's the way it used to be, before the travesty that is RvW.

Now abortion clinics are butcher shops, and PP works round the clock to provide young, female grist for the mill (mixed metaphors, but you get it).
OK. So if it isn't arbitrary saying that terminating an embryo a few days old is different than terminating it 12 weeks old, what is the cut off that would make it acceptable to you? And, your reasoning for that cut off and difference?

I'm curious.

Sure sounds like her mindset is a lot more like ours than she wants to admit.
It's not acceptable to me. As I said, though, I'm not going to rush in and arrest a doctor for giving his patient the option of it, or advocate that the woman be pilloried.

But when it comes to marketing this stuff to young women, that's where I feel obligated to step in. Mass marketing abortion is wrong. Butcher shops slapped in teh middle of poor, minority neighborhoods is wrong. Telling women they can't control their sexuality is wrong. Protecting the men who get young girls pregnant is wrong. And making the killing of babies palatable for the masses is wrong.

I don't know how to make it any clearer.
No, it's not arbitrary at all.

As I said, I don't pass judgment on the women who take advantage of the legality of it.

But I do have a problem with legalized abortion.

I tried to make it clear, I guess I failed. If there were no specific laws addressing it, and women simply went to their doctors to get a D&C or morning after pill, and the docs gave them, that would be different..that's the way it used to be, before the travesty that is RvW.

Now abortion clinics are butcher shops, and PP works round the clock to provide young, female grist for the mill (mixed metaphors, but you get it).
OK. So if it isn't arbitrary saying that terminating an embryo a few days old is different than terminating it 12 weeks old, what is the cut off that would make it acceptable to you? And, your reasoning for that cut off and difference?

I'm curious.

Sure sounds like her mindset is a lot more like ours than she wants to admit.
Yes, it does.

Although I agree that R v W is broad. But, that is the law.

But, thankfully, those who think they are protected by RvW and do as they did in the article in the OP, the other laws will punish them. That really is disgusting.
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OK. So if it isn't arbitrary saying that terminating an embryo a few days old is different than terminating it 12 weeks old, what is the cut off that would make it acceptable to you? And, your reasoning for that cut off and difference?

I'm curious.

Sure sounds like her mindset is a lot more like ours than she wants to admit.
Yes, it does.

Although I agree that R v W is broad. But, that is the law.

But, thankfully, those who think they are protected by RvW and do as they did in the article in the OP, the other laws will punish them. That really is disgusting.

Yeah this gave me a lot better perspective on her POV, I always thought by all her baby-killing rhetoric that she was against ending early term fetuses, this thread is proof of otherwise.

She's just against abortion marketing, now personally I've never seen or heard abortion marketing but I would be against such a thing if it existed as well.
I wish I could find an image of the poster...I'll find it later tonight. It's two kids in a tent with goofy looks on their faces and the word "OOOOPS!" or something under it in red letters, and then information about "emergency contraception".
And don't get me wrong, I do think it's wrong to abort babies, I really do. But I also think adultery is wrong, and covetnous, and all the other sins.

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