Austrian Judge: Europe Will Be the Battlefield for New Religious Wars


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Islam is hundred times much more dangerously for the Western Civilization as Communism, Nazism, Liberalism and Socialism together. And our corrupted brainless policymakers undertake nothing against.

here is an astonishing article about Islam in "Kriminalpolizei", an Austrian magazine for professionals from various branches involved in dealing with criminality: police, judges, academics, etc. It is written by Alfred Ellinger, founder of the "Vereinigung österreichischer Kriminalisten" [Association of Austrian Criminologists], which publishes the magazine. Ellinger is also a criminal judge and vice-president of the Eisenstadt Regional Court. Titled "Between Dialogue and Jihad", the article goes over the doctrines and history of Islam with unusual candour. It concludes with a resounding wake-up call for Europe.

Let us indulge in no illusions. Europe will be the battlefield for a major struggle between the order of Islam and its enemies. 40% of the population in Arab countries is under 14 years of age. 15 million Muslims are already living in Europe today and the ageing of Europe is unmissable. The Muslim threat was beaten back in Castile, Southern France and, finally, in front of Vienna. But today the border between Europe and the Islamic world is porous, and the threat to Europe is clear.

...If Europe does not very quickly abandon its utterly failed immigration policy, the vision of a "multicultural society" and a misguided tolerance in dealing with hate-filled Islamists, the constantly repeated calls for "dialogue" and "tolerance" will lead to undreamt-of problems and new politically-motivated wars of religion in our cities.

Source: Islam versus Europe: Austrian Judge: Europe Will Be the Battlefield for New Religious Wars

Original in German Language:

Österreichischer Polizeipräsident: “Europa wird Schlachtfeld für einen großen Kampf werden” | Michael Mannheimer Blog
Ahh and how we forget history. In early Twentieth century Europe it was the Jews who were the problem. What happened then?

Are we now entering another phase but Islam is the target? Will another Hitler arise from the continent and the hate that is being kindled? We already see some of it.

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