Abolish both parties and start afresh

Abolish the concept of parties.

Make contributions to collective political entities illegal. Contributions to individual candidates only.

Defund party politics.

So now you're going to tell people what they can and can't freely give their own, privately-owned money to?
Your Pet Constitution Establishes the Best Government Money Can Buy

No one has the freedom to bribe. With their unrestricted view of their own freedom, the plutocrats are telling us what we can't do, so, as usual, Right Wing bootlicking fanatics are being one-sided in their aggressive preaching in defense of their Masters.
Why Can't This be done
Holy shit, I wish it could. And the process could include debates first, with two or three more parties, so that people could have a real choice.

All the zealots could obediently clump back together into their little tribes, but the rest of us might be able to dilute the power they have now, if people could be offered real alternatives.

Pipe dream. A nice pipe dream, but a pipe dream nonetheless.

That debate process though was commandeered away from the nonpartisan League of Women Voters to a construction called the Commission on Presidential Debates, a subsidiary of The Duopoly, which colludes on those debates to negotiate on gotcha questions as well as what's in the Duopoly's mutual interest, any threat of competition from outside the Duopoly. That hostile takeover was just a couple of decades ago, within recent memory.

It's one more way The Duopoly acts as what a single political party eventually always devolves to --- a catalyst for its own self-perpetuation and nothing more.
Whatever They Omit Is Where It's At

That's why the duopoly's dopey media never mention the fact that the four candidates on the Right got more popular votes than the two candidates on the left.
Why Can't This be done
Because it would be unconstitutional.
The Founding Fodder Gave Us Oats, Not Votes

The Constitution is what created this bossy and bickering oligarchy.
The Constitution was intended to limit the power and scope of the Federal government a Liberal view of the Constitution is what gave us today's government.
Wags Wearing Wigs

Your political Bible was written by lawyers for the 18th Century 1%. When they wrote "We, the people," they were referring to themselves. And once again, Liberal snobs are agents of the 1% they were born in. They don't care about what's on their agenda as long as it suppresses the will of the majority.
You can abolish the parties but the same people will still be there.

Which is what they need to do.

For example, the term socialist fell out of favor so they changed to liberals. Then liberals fell out of favor and they became Progressive. I have no idea what the next term will be but they need to think of one fast!

Never ceases to amaze how a message board that's supposed to be about politics draws flies from the black hole of Political Science Ignorance. SMH

Nothing was "changed to Liberals". Liberals were those who wrote the Constitution and set up this whole great experiment. We were here from the beginning; nothing needed to be 'renamed'.

"Progressives" were a socio-political movement having little or nothing to do with that, and they were here and gone roughly a hundred years ago.

Socialism was another economic-political influence contemporary with Progressives which outlasted them and remains an ingredient of governmental structure to various degrees including e.g. the fire department that douses your house when it ignites, for the common good.

--- None of which have anything to do with political parties. All of the above have been associated with either Duopoly party and with no party at all.

A political party, after all, doesn't function as a repository for a philosophy. It's simply a machine to consolidate power. That's it. And it will do that using whatever ideological approach works for that time and place.

Political parties: political ideologies. Know the difference.

You are correct, consolidating power is the key.

It is all about collectivism and power. It just so happens that the elements of socialism are the most beneficial to accomplish this task.
Communism Is State Capitalism, Capitalism Is Communism for the Rich

Capitalism is collectivist. The employees create the revenue and the owners collect it.
Boy, are you confused!

Just the kind of pathetic, mindless, and defensive reaction we can expect from brownnosing bootlicking Buttboys for the Bosses.
Which is what they need to do.

For example, the term socialist fell out of favor so they changed to liberals. Then liberals fell out of favor and they became Progressive. I have no idea what the next term will be but they need to think of one fast!

Never ceases to amaze how a message board that's supposed to be about politics draws flies from the black hole of Political Science Ignorance. SMH

Nothing was "changed to Liberals". Liberals were those who wrote the Constitution and set up this whole great experiment. We were here from the beginning; nothing needed to be 'renamed'.

"Progressives" were a socio-political movement having little or nothing to do with that, and they were here and gone roughly a hundred years ago.

Socialism was another economic-political influence contemporary with Progressives which outlasted them and remains an ingredient of governmental structure to various degrees including e.g. the fire department that douses your house when it ignites, for the common good.

--- None of which have anything to do with political parties. All of the above have been associated with either Duopoly party and with no party at all.

A political party, after all, doesn't function as a repository for a philosophy. It's simply a machine to consolidate power. That's it. And it will do that using whatever ideological approach works for that time and place.

Political parties: political ideologies. Know the difference.

You are correct, consolidating power is the key.

It is all about collectivism and power. It just so happens that the elements of socialism are the most beneficial to accomplish this task.
Communism Is State Capitalism, Capitalism Is Communism for the Rich

Capitalism is collectivist. The employees create the revenue and the owners collect it.
Boy, are you confused!

He is a product of public schooling.
Lob a Blob of Gob, Slob

True, I didn't rob my job through hobnobbing with the Snob Mob.
If it were up to me a political party should be chartered, like a corporation, for a finite and nonrenewable period of twenty years. Once that term is up, you're history. Whether you've accomplished your goals or not.

After about that much time any ideology that purportedly birthed the party goes by the wayside and its entire purpose becomes self-perpetuation. Acquiring power for its own sake.

Yeah, there's just one little flaw in that plan. It's called the First Amendment to the Constitution. And I quote: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Basically, you have no legal right to "abolish" any private group which people wish to voluntarily form up into.
Duped by the Duopoly

How is a political party "private" when its goal is to take over the government?

Their goal is to influence the government, and all manner of private groups have that same goal, although perhaps not in the same way.

All "jump all the logic steps and leap to a conclusion" hyperbole aside, a political party is essentially just a group of people trying to get a politician elected who represents whatever interest and agenda they want to promote. The Republican and Democrat Parties have been around a long time, and gotten very organized and developed for that purpose, but that's still their essential purpose. And they're still private organizations.
Abolish the concept of parties.

Make contributions to collective political entities illegal. Contributions to individual candidates only.

Defund party politics.

So now you're going to tell people what they can and can't freely give their own, privately-owned money to?
Your Pet Constitution Establishes the Best Government Money Can Buy

No one has the freedom to bribe. With their unrestricted view of their own freedom, the plutocrats are telling us what we can't do, so, as usual, Right Wing bootlicking fanatics are being one-sided in their aggressive preaching in defense of their Masters.

No one has ever suggested that there IS a "freedom to bribe". Again, hyperbole and melodrama aside, a political party is a group of people voluntarily assembling to achieve their common interests. To that end, they donate and spend their own money, as is their right. You may not like their agenda, you may not like the people, you may dislike whatever the fuck you want to dislike about it, but "bribery" has a very specific definition, and the normal, everyday operations of political parties do not meet it.

Also, no one is obligated to support or oppose things based merely on your approval or disapproval, and disagreeing with you is not "bootlicking" or "defending their Masters", and you're cordially invited to go fuck yourself with your hypocritical bullshit.
Abolish the concept of parties.

Make contributions to collective political entities illegal. Contributions to individual candidates only.

Defund party politics.

So now you're going to tell people what they can and can't freely give their own, privately-owned money to?
Your Pet Constitution Establishes the Best Government Money Can Buy

No one has the freedom to bribe. With their unrestricted view of their own freedom, the plutocrats are telling us what we can't do, so, as usual, Right Wing bootlicking fanatics are being one-sided in their aggressive preaching in defense of their Masters.

"Right-Wing bootlicking fanatics" is what leftists think of people who uphold the Constitution.
Abolish the concept of parties.

Make contributions to collective political entities illegal. Contributions to individual candidates only.

Defund party politics.

So now you're going to tell people what they can and can't freely give their own, privately-owned money to?
Your Pet Constitution Establishes the Best Government Money Can Buy

No one has the freedom to bribe. With their unrestricted view of their own freedom, the plutocrats are telling us what we can't do, so, as usual, Right Wing bootlicking fanatics are being one-sided in their aggressive preaching in defense of their Masters.

No one has ever suggested that there IS a "freedom to bribe". Again, hyperbole and melodrama aside, "bribery" has a very specific definition, and the normal, everyday operations of political parties dmeet it. to go fuck yourself
Exposing Your Pathetic Grasping Attempt to Find Infallible Father Figures

Your new Netwit rhetorical trick is to call telling the truth, which is never told you by your obfuscating opinionating idols, "hyperbole." You've aced the assignment.

The regime's campaign-finance system is as bad as Mexico's outright bribery (mierda y mordida). You should get an Oscar for your makeup job of putting lipstick on a pig.
As a baby step in making the parties more representative of the people, primaries should be open to all unaffiliated voters, as well. What we call "Independents." I know that's done in some states, but it should be in all. Our candidates might have been different in 2016, who knows?
The Republican Party is just the more moderate branch of the bat shit crazy extreme Left Democrat Party.

We need to have a "Big Government Welfare Party" and a "Small Government Personal Responsibility Party".

That is the two divisions in this country.
As a baby step in making the parties more representative of the people, primaries should be open to all unaffiliated voters, as well. What we call "Independents." I know that's done in some states, but it should be in all. Our candidates might have been different in 2016, who knows?
No, bad idea. Open primaries are not good. In 2008, Democrats were crossing over to vote for McCain because he was the weakest candidate. Republicans can't do that because the primaries in the Dem party are rigged and they will nominate whoever they want, regardless of what the voters want. Super delegates gave them Hillary even though Bernie was the preferred candidate.
As a baby step in making the parties more representative of the people, primaries should be open to all unaffiliated voters, as well. What we call "Independents." I know that's done in some states, but it should be in all. Our candidates might have been different in 2016, who knows?
No, bad idea. Open primaries are not good. In 2008, Democrats were crossing over to vote for McCain because he was the weakest candidate. Republicans can't do that because the primaries in the Dem party are rigged and they will nominate whoever they want, regardless of what the voters want. Super delegates gave them Hillary even though Bernie was the preferred candidate.
I heard the Dem party was "reviewing" the super delegate thing. Wonder if they ever did anything about it? Probably not. As a life long independent, I would like the opportunity to vote toward who is going to be the candidate.
As a baby step in making the parties more representative of the people, primaries should be open to all unaffiliated voters, as well. What we call "Independents." I know that's done in some states, but it should be in all. Our candidates might have been different in 2016, who knows?
No, bad idea. Open primaries are not good. In 2008, Democrats were crossing over to vote for McCain because he was the weakest candidate. Republicans can't do that because the primaries in the Dem party are rigged and they will nominate whoever they want, regardless of what the voters want. Super delegates gave them Hillary even though Bernie was the preferred candidate.
I heard the Dem party was "reviewing" the super delegate thing. Wonder if they ever did anything about it? Probably not. As a life long independent, I would like the opportunity to vote toward who is going to be the candidate.
That's the same thing as being in a party.
The Republican Party is just the more moderate branch of the bat shit crazy extreme Left Democrat Party.

We need to have a "Big Government Welfare Party" and a "Small Government Personal Responsibility Party".

That is the two divisions in this country.
It's much more nuanced than that, but i largely agree. The real ideological battle going on right now is not right vs. left, it's authoritarian vs. libertarian. Anyone who thinks government should be "solving problems" or stepping aside and letting people actually solve problems.
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Abolish the concept of parties.

Make contributions to collective political entities illegal. Contributions to individual candidates only.

Defund party politics.

So now you're going to tell people what they can and can't freely give their own, privately-owned money to?
Your Pet Constitution Establishes the Best Government Money Can Buy

No one has the freedom to bribe. With their unrestricted view of their own freedom, the plutocrats are telling us what we can't do, so, as usual, Right Wing bootlicking fanatics are being one-sided in their aggressive preaching in defense of their Masters.
When Rex Tillerson did business with Russia against US sanctions, he just got fined.

O.k., that's not a perfect example of bribery, but I do remember there was a case in the news also about a giant corporation getting just fines for bribing.

Although I don't think that it is really related to the Constitution, but to how the courts apply the laws, and things like corruption.

It could apply to other countries as well, if the Russian courts would have done their job properly, Putin would probably not be President.

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