Abby Martin on Breaking The Set and Her Work at RT

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
[ame=]Abby Martin on Breaking The Set and Her Work at RT - YouTube[/ame]
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:thup: Good video.

[ame=]Syria War Propagandists Debunked | Weapons of Mass Distraction - YouTube[/ame]
Stark honesty...


Oh, I didn't know she was a 9-11 truther. Makes it much harder to take her seriously.

And on further investigation, I find she believes water flouridation is an evil plot, and that Freemasons currently control the government.
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I haven't heard that; she's just saying the Warren Com... I mean the 9/11 Commission report isn't to be taken without a jaundiced eye.
Oh, I didn't know she was a 9-11 truther. Makes it much harder to take her seriously.

And on further investigation, I find she believes water flouridation is an evil plot, and that Freemasons currently control the government.

"How did a trillion dollar military and intelligence infrastructure fail four times in one day? Just tell us how that happened." ~ Cynthia McKinney
LOL. Kinda funny watching Libs applauding someone criticizing Obama & Company.

Interesting lady.

I applaud anybody who speaks truth to power on the sham that is corporate media. Been saying that since day one.
Yeah, she is interesting. She's got, as Lou Grant would put it, "spunk". But unlike Lou, I like spunk.
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Then there is Beth Ann. She has a different take on America.

[ame=]Guns Across America 2nd Amendment Rally, Jefferson City, Missouri Jan 19,2013 - YouTube[/ame]

A sample of her show.
[ame=]Government Allowed 9/11 | Interview with Sibel Edmonds - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Punishing Reporters for Truth in a Censored Media | Abby Martin & Amber Lyon - YouTube[/ame]
LOL. Kinda funny watching Libs applauding someone criticizing Obama & Company.

Interesting lady.

I applaud anybody who speaks truth to power on the sham that is corporate media. Been saying that since day one.
Yeah, she is interesting. She's got, as Lou Grant would put it, "spunk". But unlike Lou, I like spunk.

Agreed. I prefer the ladies.
Abby Martin is a refreshing change from the usual commercial news media hawkers. And there are a few more interesting personalities on RT, which is a lively and very substantive alternative to the constrained media -- and there are no commercials!

Also, RT Streaming is available here:

Try it. If you don't care for what's on at your first try, try again later.

If you're looking for truth you will find it on RT.
Abby Martin is a refreshing change from the usual commercial news media hawkers. And there are a few more interesting personalities on RT, which is a lively and very substantive alternative to the constrained media -- and there are no commercials!

Also, RT Streaming is available here: On air ? RT

Try it. If you don't care for what's on at your first try, try again later.

If you're looking for news and informative programming unencumbered by commercial constraints you will like RT.

Excellent, thanks for that link. I would see RT and NHK in my travels in hotels but never got offered them at home, at least not without putting up lots of extra bucks for what should be basic. Had I been offered stuff like this outside the constrained corporate bubble I might have kept TV around. Nothing like access to a source that isn't just a parrot for the Same Old Thing.

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